10-10-2023, 03:15 AM
I usually don't ask for much but recently it has been rough with money and just life in general. So why not spend some time with someone who makes everything better. I barely get by with how expensive groceries have become but if I get myself a car I can not only be able to see my gf but also be able to drive to available job openings. I dont like to just sit around but living in area where transportation sucks it can be difficult. I know its not a post about someone being sickly or worse but I do appreciate anyone that can pitch in to save up for a car. My goal is to have ay least $4000 for a down-payment or just buy a cheap car at that price.
My PayPal is paypal.me/Grecloud
My cashapp is $Grecloud
My PayPal is paypal.me/Grecloud
My cashapp is $Grecloud