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Scammed, broke and stuck overseas
I'm broke and stuck in a country that is not my own. I came to this country for a teaching job.  I was robbed of my personal cash, cards,  laptop etc. and had my money stolen by a company that was supposed to employ me. I was supposed to be given housing but that has also been a scam and have been handed a bill for rent that is obscene. I have had my passport held hostage by an agent who is charging me 3 times the average cost of visa fees. 

This has been going on for months and has left me thousands of dollars in debt. Currently, every day that goes by my debt goes up and if I do not pay it I will be jailed. The police do not believe or care about what happens to foreigners and always side with the locals. I have been trying to sort this out but I am at the end of my rope and days away from being outed to the street and eventually jailed for lack of visa and rent payments. 

This is very hard for me but please any assistance would mean the world to me at this moment. 


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