My name is Noah, I'm a full time astrophysics student doing transient enrollement. Essentially I'm enrolled at one school, but taking classes at an out of state college and transferring the credits back. I wanted to get away from home to live with my fiancee and avoid COVID in a crowded town, but I essentially couldn't transfer from my home university due to having too many credits, so this was the next best option. Due to what is basically a really complicated paperwork error, I am being denied my financial aid from my home university. That paperwork error cannot be resolved for another 2 weeks at least. Febuary 17th 2023 is the deadline for payment for my classes at my transient university, and unless I can come up with the $484 USD to pay for the classes, or at least half of that amount to maintain enrollment until the next deadline on March 18th, I will be dropped from my classes tomorrow. I was never officially informed about the financial aid issues, and only accidentally found out about them relatively recently. I would be grateful to anyone who could give me even some small amount of money to get closer to what I need. Anything more than what I need I will donate to someone else on here to pay forward the good will.