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[attachment=873]If you took the time to read this I thank you in advance advance. Covid has been the single most devastating thing that has happened to my life and the illness itself hasn't even directly affected me. I just put up with good morals respect even better work ethic I have been employed since I was 14 years old and I'm 38 now this is the first time in my life I've never had a job and the first time in my entire life I've ever had to file for unemployment. When you coming to first hit my hours just got cut because I was a dispatcher for a tow truck company that towed for a city municipality in the state of New Jersey and police we're told not to pull anybody over because motor vehicle being closed and everything being shut down if cars were impounded people had no way of getting their cars back improving ownership is how proper documentation so therefore move my company wasn't making any money and I got laid off. I filed for unemployment and I got one check for $1,000 and then I got nothing for almost a year and I called every day and then I got another check for $3,000 and then I got a letter in the mail stating that i owed all that back. Employment garnished my income tax return this year for the overpayment that they said they paid me I just got legal aid to get on them because legally I'm entitled to unemployment I met all the requirements I was at my company for 5 years full-time paid into it I was on the books so in the meantime I was laid off for all of covid into this coming year my boss was going to bring me back to work this November my boss ended up passing away in October needless to say I didn't go back to work the business is sold off and shut down. I have me do it side jobs and side gigs here and there to maintain my rent but it got harder and harder still have not received unemployment my legal aid attorney just got off paperwork he needs from unemployment to go over with me I have an appointment for that in 2 weeks but I just got an eviction notice on my door yesterday and my court date is August 2nd and I need to come up with two months back rent at $1,200. My father passed away 12 years ago I don't have any family to turn to my mother took off when I was 16 for a midlife crisis thing I really haven't spoken to her much since even if I did she doesn't have it to help me she's on permanent disability I'm not married I don't have kids my kids are my animals having 11 year old dog that has been everything to me she's pretty much been the longest relationship I've had in my life if I become homeless I don't know what's going to happen to her I have my two cats that were rescues like being possession of them when I was volunteering moving elderly people that were not able and had no family to help them move so we helped with moving and clean out and at one lady was a hoarder didn't even know she had a feral cat living in her house that had kittens the two kittens that survived I ended up rescuing my animals are all I have I've already lost everything I own when I moved into this place and had to start over when my unemployment check came in I thought my unemployment was going to come every week therefore I thought it was safe to move and put a security deposit down on this place for the process of moving they came in confiscated my U-Haul truck because I have to put in the security deposit down I didn't have the funds to pay for the U-Haul truck and they confiscated it with all of my belongings in it and unemployment has not come back and since I got that $3,000 so therefore everything I owned was auctioned off to pay for the truck I mean everything I own photos yearbooks clothing. I put myself into the hospital because my mental state was not well and I didn't know what to do and I'm getting back to that point I've gone to state services like social services because I'm a single adult female and have no kids or no health issues I'm pretty much bottom of the totem poles helping me. I just been looking for help to keep my place so I don't have to get rid of my animals and so I don't have to give up my home and everything I just bought to put back into my home can't do this all over again my hot water got turned off a month ago and I've been making do without that but all I'm looking for to help me keep this place and I need to come up the background and try to figure out what I'm going to do from here on out. My car got impounded when I wasn't working because I left the registration lab so they towed it and I couldn't afford to get that out of impound everything that has happened to me since covid I just can't even believe that this is my life I've never not worked I've never had a problem getting a job I've been filling out applications daily I don't even know if anybody's reading them what happened to the days when you used to go get a paper application fill it out when I get it interview on the spot or an appointment for one on the spot now you send it online and I don't even know who reads it even if it makes it to the top of the pile but if there's anything anybody can help with I just want to keep a roof over my head I literally have nowhere nobody to turn to it is just me myself and I am surprised they stayed a float and was able to manage staying afloat this long. I know 5 days is not allowed to notice even if I have a month maybe my landlord is a reasonable person we don't have any issues we get along well but I get where she's coming from she knows my situation she doesn't want to take it out of control and either do I but I literally have nowhere to go shelters do not let you take your animals with you if I end up homeless my 11-year-old dog will probably end up in a shelter and be put to sleep. Please any little bit helps I appreciate your reading this and your consideration thank you God bless.

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