Hi I'm Klay i am 21 years old and live in Hawaii, currently i am struggling and in need of anyone out there who can help. I'm unemployed right now and I've been struggling to pay bills, get the necessities i need for myself even sometimes food to eat and I'm just asking anyone out there capable enough to help if they can donate to my cause. I have been working for the past two years or so doing labor work in the construction business but things have gone slow and I have been out of a job now, I also found out that i have tinnitus from this job caused by all the loud banging and hammering going on so i now have a hard time coping with this and being myself in general is hard now. I cant put myself out there like i used to and its hard to get a job the way i am now but i'm and i could really use some help from anyone. I also recently found out that my 3 little sisters have lost their home due to complications with my mother and i feel really bad i just want to help them as much as i can. So I'm asking anyone out there if you can help i am trying to raise $1500 to help me and my sisters get back on our feet and get us back to a normal life, i appreciate anyone out there for their donation big or small i am thankful for anything. Thank you for giving me time to share my story i know its a sob story and i am not trying to guilt anyone into giving up your hard earn money but if you do have the capabilities to help id appreciate that but if you don't that's alright too. Have a great day
