09-27-2019, 06:43 PM

Im in deseparate need of financial help today please. I am homeless and really need money to eat, place to sleep, clothes, etc. Im really tired of living on the streets. Im in constant pain and really need help. I left an abusive relationship in Nov 2017 and lost everything I owned in the process, and had everything I brought with me stolen on the streets. So I feel everytime I take a step forward I end up taking 2 steps back, I know eventually I will keep moving forward and hope it is very soon. I cant take much more of living like this. Im not getting the sleep I need nor the food/nutrition I need to live. Im trying the best that I can but dont know what else to do besides beg for money at this point. I need to get off the streets. I really would appreciate any help that I can get. I am willing to do odd jobs in exchange for cash. I just cant work a full time job due to the constant pain that I am in from the osteoarthritis that I have. Thank you. Rhonda. You can email me at rhondastoehr6@gmail.com if need to.