08-07-2018, 03:05 PM
I'm a 20 year old female looking for some help I'm trying to change my situation so bad I really need help I went to the blood center so that I could get a room for atleast a few days last week but now all my times have ran up and I had to sleep in my car for the last 2 months almost and i can't take it anymore plus I'm in Phoenix right now and it's so hot out here nobody understands . I honestly don't have anybody to ask for any help the little bit of family that I do have always says they don't have any money plus they are all the way in New Jersey I literally beg them to hrlp me out and they say they have bills . I really need help . I made a PayPal just for this so that hopefully I get help soon . http/ayPal.me/MariahL20