Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to this site. I just happened to stumble across it while looking for help. I live in a crappy town that's probably going to end up being the new Detroit. I'm scared for my girlfriend & I's lives. You just don't understand. Gangs, murders, drugs, drive by's. It bears down on your soul. I desperately need to move to a safer place with decent housing & jobs. We're falling behind due to lay offs and businesses up and selling. Our car needs a tune up and our bills are falling behind. We're picking electric over food. I've been to every church and organization and they only want to help you if you're an addict or an alcoholic! It's frustrating. Please I'm begging you all from the bottom of my heart, help us. Even if it's a little bit it can go a long way or even information is greatly appreciated also!!! Thank you so much ❤ This is my friends PayPal that has agreed to accept in our honor.... PayPal.me/JonnaShelton
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