Hello. Thank you for caring since 1985, I have supported myself and many pets who lived to ripe old ages. My family of origin was small and dysfunctional with incest and alcoholism, so I don't really have anyone. After a long career, I was laid off in 2007 and am getting laid off again from a hospital now. The landlady rightfully has breathed down my neck, but this layoff is bad just like the one in 2007. I only have $200, and I don't qualify for benefits as far as I have been able to verify. I love to work, even though I can't work 40 hours. I have supported my 17-year old cat for 15 years. I need rent money to keep this elderly cat and me together until I get hired. I am afraid of homelessness because our area has no shelter. I would likely die of the elements, because of poor circulation due to several medical conditions, some of which are injury-related at a time when Obamacare did not exist and I wasn't able to do Cobra health insurance. This isn't to complain, it's just that I am more fragile than when I was young. I used to take care of an acre and have been through 13 floods.... so I'm used to toughing it, but am not as healthy as I used to be. I am a graduate of the University of Washington and The Evergreen State College, having studied humanities, legal research methods, business administration, and library science. I graduated from Mountain View High School in Vancouver, WA. I have volunteered for 2 homeless shelters in my life, as well as the county watershed committee. I also volunteered for dog rescue, including being a foster home for Bullseye Dog Rescue. I also volunteered for community radio, community theater, and for a community college computer recycling program. When I was young, I volunteered a year for the State Patrol. Any help would be appreciated. I started working as a child, from berry picking to weekly paper routes, to daily paper routes, to child care, to working in cinemas after school. I love to work, but many jobs have been off-shored. I owe the landlady (an older woman supporting her mother to some extent) $200 from last week, and $200 more to finish my deposit. April 1, I need $600 for rent. And here public transportation is just as expensive as driving, at a time when my 1993 Nissan Altima engine sounds very rough. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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