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Need help with wedding dress
I'm looking for some financial help, I'm so stuck I don't know what to do, I'm currently at university and I've not be able to work due to the amount of studying I have to do. I didn't expect the student loan would be so low otherwise I probably would of stayed working full time, I've gone to university at 29yrs and studying herbal medicine, last year my bf and i book our wedding along with our hoilday as it worked out if we stayed for two weeks we get a free wedding. We went ahead with this and our to due to marry on the 12/01/2018.. since booking our wedding we have been through a finance struggles. I'm now so close to my wedding with no dress, and no funds to get one either, I don't have family as I grew up in care and is the main reason we are going away as I don't have anyone on my side so we aren't inviting any guests. I've tried applying for another loan but I've missed a payment on another one so was declined. I've used my student loan for accomerdation and still struggling with that.
Damn, I'm sorry. Hope you did it.

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