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Urgent Help Needed to Avoid a Disaster
Hi, all kind People?

I am a friendly middle-aged guy from Northern Europe. I translate for people who can't manage the language, especially with health care and other institutions. I have lived in Spain for more than 24 years. People would describe me as a good person, thoughtful and very helpful when people need it. I seldom say no when asking for help.
I need to ask for money to sort out my life and start all over again without the weight on my shoulders. I am in intense problems economically, which have led to psychological problems.
I'm ashamed that I, with my age, have come that low. I have most of my time (day and night) serious thoughts about suicide because I don't see a way out and can't take more. It gets worse every week; it's scary.

What holds me back is that my mom is still alive, 83 years old, and she has already lost one son. There is another reason which is holding me back, and that is my partner ?, who lives in Villavicencio, Colombia. We have been together for over three years and want to get married and live here in Spain.

So what quantity of money is Im talking about?
I had a lawyer calculate the sum without counting the lawyer's fees for getting my Colombian partner home to me in Spain. I was surprised about the amount. It was much more than I expected and landed on €75.000 ($84,276) (but I have no idea if it is enough). She's the expert.

I show you in approximate steps why it comes to this amount.
There is a long way, lots of steps and all that cost money.
I know briefly the steps and how it works. I need to make at least 4-5 back-and-forth tickets, lock up money in a bank in Colombia to cover his travel and stays, and medical insurance for both, and fill out different applications. It needs to pass a notary and get all papers apostilled when approved. In between all that, we must pass a separate hearing, and I must get an invitation letter approved by Spain's National Police. All this is to get his visa to enter Spain, which expires after 60-90 days. During this time, we will get married in Colombia and get it apostilled. He must give me a power of attorney to sign some pre-register in Spain. After we come that far (she said that I probably have to repeat the visa application, as usually the Immigration Police, sometimes even the second time could be refused by the Police), I must start a process called "Regroup your partner or husband and present the marriage certificate" and once we get that he will apply for residency in Spain.

On top of that, I already have outstanding private debts of €300.000 from my mom and friends, who helped me when I lost my home and didn't have a dime for food. I also had a forced divorce, so I had to receive food bags from the Red Cross over those 24 years in Spain.
I have passed through so much bad luck with frauds (scammers) and break-ins; too easy to trust people for which I've done lots of work, such as pool cleaning and maintenance of gardens, and not getting paid. It has been built up to that high amount over many years.

All that above is why I need help with a total of €375.000 ($421,382) to be free and get a new chance at a decent life in peace again. (these amounts include tax fees) I didn't know that I had to pay a 20% tax on money for economic help. I have tried lots of other ways and people. A loan would (which I wouldn't get because of my low "income") make it even more expensive and still not free, and I can't afford it. Unfortunately, I no longer have anyone who can or wants to help me out because of the enormous amount, which I can understand. I have tried [/url]FUNDRAZR this place as well, but nothing so far ?.
The easiest way is to use my [url=]PayPal Account for up to $60.000. Over that amount, it has to be by transfer; that is another procedure.
At the same time, I tell you now to avoid questions.  I won't be any fees or commissions paid in advance to get money. The reason is that the cost is always taken off the recipient with PayPal. I have investigated that to ensure I don't and can't pay anything extra, not even for a bank transfer.

I do my best to live; the computer can't bind me as I've some missions.
I serve 13 (primarily foreign) people between 70 and 94 years old. Some of them receive care and live in their home (Home Hospitalization Unit) as they have chosen to die at home, all need help with medication, and some need help feeding. For them, I am available 24/7 because most of them have no families and only have me seeing them and probably and very sadly, the last face they will know before they are gone. And I think that is the only thing I'm proud of.  That makes me valuable and vital to them. I do different types of transport for other people to medical appointments or other administrative tasks. I do Airport & Train transport as we have almost noun public transportation here in the countryside. They all have minimal pensions, but they are grateful and pay my petrol with some tip when they have.
No matter what happens, I thank you so much if you read everything.
You can check or ask everything you want and write questions or whatever you need. I'll do my best to show my transparency.
Kindly regard / Bo ???

I understand that we all have to be careful as there is so much online fraud; I have been a victim twice, and it cost me a lot of money. For that reason, I'm sending the following message because I have been a victim twice, so it is nothing personal and all interested get the same warning.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Without being rude or impolite, I'll advise you that I recognize this form of email where I will later get an order to put in money in advance. And that will never happen, and on top wouldn't be possible. If this is one of those types, I tell you now that the conversation has ended.

(I hope I'm wrong as I have gone through and suffered from that bad experience before). /Ds

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