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Nees help to leave an abusive household and start a business(startup)
Hello world, I'm Yor❤️

I'm from Venezuela and i find myself in trouble and need help. Since I was 15 years old I have suffered from anxiety, depression and from 17 to 21 (currently I am 25) I have also suffered from agorophobia, it was very difficult for me to graduate from high school, unfortunately it is the maximum education I could achieve, it is what my mind allowed, after graduating everything was a disaster, anxiety and depression took a large part of my life and the confinement became my only company. But that confinement was not peaceful, I constantly had to put up with humiliation from my family, they did not understand my problem and I never explained it to them, even in the present, because to explain it I would have to remember things that I prefer to forget and for my own good I will not mention in this letter, but it was an abuse that changed my life.

Ironically, since the pandemic I have started to think a little more about myself and how I still have time to get ahead and have a better life, I have tried to look for jobs, online and in person, but my anxiety just won't let me. But I don't want it to win and to move forward and get the life I want I need money and for that I have to work, and I want to work. But a job where i had to constantly interact with people is not something i'm comfortable with yet. Without going too long, I don't have the means to start the bakery business that I've always wanted, that's why I come here to ask for your support, not only would you be helping me but saving my life, I'm tired of feeling that I'm useless and tired of living with a family that doesn't understand my pain and abuses and humiliates me daily. The money will be used to invest in making sweets/desserts/cakes to sell vía delivery. Please I ask for your help, thank you very much for reading this letter, God bless you.

I add some Pics of the things i bake at My aunt's house. Anything can help. 

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