I hate begging people for something! I especially hate begging strangers but you have to do what you have to in order to survive and right now, begging on the internet is one of those things that must be done!
I am 58 years old and disabled. My disability was denied, so I have to fill out all that paperwork and send it in again and hopefully, they won't deny it this time! I had to quit my job at the end of January due to having rheumatoid arthrisit, spinal stenosis, Sjorgen's Disease, ruptured discs and I need both knees and right hip replaced! My husband is 63 and is in the hospital with CHF. He has been off work for the past month and there is no income coming into this house and the wolves are howling at my door! My rent is due! My utility and car payment is past due! My dogs have no food to eat, other than the scraps that i give them! We are down to our last roll of toilet paper and when that goes, with no money to purchase more, it should be very interesting!
I realize that everyone is struggling, some more than others, and I realize that I am blessed compared to a lot of other people in the world today! However, if we don't pay rent by the 15th of this month, we are going to be evicted and forced to live in my car until they repo it because it hasn't been paid on this month! We are DESPERATE for help and I am literally BEGGING for that help! My husband is stating that when he gets released from the hospital, he is going to start panhandling and I just won't have that! He has no business standing out on the corner and begging for money! It's too dangerous!! Please! Anything that you can give would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you in advance!
I am 58 years old and disabled. My disability was denied, so I have to fill out all that paperwork and send it in again and hopefully, they won't deny it this time! I had to quit my job at the end of January due to having rheumatoid arthrisit, spinal stenosis, Sjorgen's Disease, ruptured discs and I need both knees and right hip replaced! My husband is 63 and is in the hospital with CHF. He has been off work for the past month and there is no income coming into this house and the wolves are howling at my door! My rent is due! My utility and car payment is past due! My dogs have no food to eat, other than the scraps that i give them! We are down to our last roll of toilet paper and when that goes, with no money to purchase more, it should be very interesting!
I realize that everyone is struggling, some more than others, and I realize that I am blessed compared to a lot of other people in the world today! However, if we don't pay rent by the 15th of this month, we are going to be evicted and forced to live in my car until they repo it because it hasn't been paid on this month! We are DESPERATE for help and I am literally BEGGING for that help! My husband is stating that when he gets released from the hospital, he is going to start panhandling and I just won't have that! He has no business standing out on the corner and begging for money! It's too dangerous!! Please! Anything that you can give would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you in advance!