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I can't do this alone anymore
Hi.  I need help making it through this life.  I feel so stressed, so anxious, sick to my stomach, so bogged down with just the everyday requirements of being a human on this planet.  I'm not looking to be rich.  I've no desire for fame.  I don't want the big house on the hill, the fancy all-inclusive vacations, fast cars, name brand clothes etc.  No.  I honestly just want to feel like I can breathe.  That even with a job, I can't make it from week to week.  I can't keep using a credit card to pay for car insurance and most recently car registration.  Because every aspect of being alive anymore costs money.  In order to be a positive force in our society you have to pay into it be allowed to stay.  And I am to the point where I don't know how much longer I can afford to stay.  And I want to.  I want to not wake up in the night in a shaking sweat thinking about how I am going to cover a bill next week only to realize a school fee for my kids is due later today and I forgot and now I have another 'how to I get Peter to pay Paul this time?'.  Especially when I'm pretty sure Peter has blocked my number at this point.  

I am asking for help.  I am begging for financial help.  Help to get out of this cycle of never quite having enough money to cover the small things so those small things get put on a credit card and then it ends up costing more just to get through the day.  I can't get through the day anymore.  I'm not sure I have the energy to get though the day.  I can't decide if I want to even try anymore.  

I am asking for help.  Any financial donation.  Please.  I am asking for help to pay rent this month so that maybe I can just have an extra $50 cushion to get me through the rest of the week until payday.  I am asking to help pay a $147 medical bill for a stupid screening that I only got because I'm of the age to start that screen and my family has a history of this condition.  I'd rather have the condition, die from it, then be stressed over living my next two weeks trying to decide if any payment can be made from my next paycheck or wait to see how long until the late notice shows up.  

Why is it so expensive to live?  Just to live.  Just to be a contributing member of society?  Why?  I work hard.  I pay my bills.  Yes, I figure out a way to pay my bills but my way of doing it is just putting me further behind.  I can't run anymore.  I can't let things fail and fall apart anymore.  Please help. Pretty please from the bottom of my heart I am BEGGING for someone to please help me.  Anything.  Any amount. Any single cent to keep from thinking that there is nothing good left in this life because this life is too expensive.  It's just too expensive......

Asking for help for the basics of life: (any donation will go towards the following):   
Rent: $2020.00/month
Energy bill: $200ish depending on the time of year.
Medical bill: $147
Monthly anxiety prescription: $55.32
Credit Card debt: $7893.11 from using it to pay Paul because Peter blocked my number from using him to pay the above bills already.

I know my thread was lengthy.  I would be more than happy to share anymore information in relation to my post if you would like to know more about my situation.  Please reach out to:
Please Help
I’m sorry to hear about your ordeals and we’re going to help you so I’d like to know your location text me on +12344326310

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