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Urgent bill payment
Hello there my name is Madison Gonzalez I don’t usually do this, but I am in desperate need of help to pay my light bill and try and get some money for my sons birthday party I am a single mother my son is a year old almost going to be two in November 21 he was a Nicu baby he came out Premature he was 11.6 ounces. He has a ventilator, a trach, and he is on oxygen I have no help right now and I can barely make income. So I am reaching out because I need help. for May babies birthday I will except anything even a dollar I don’t care as long as I’m able to make something happen for him he’s my first baby and this is his second birthday . My light bill is $400 Dollars I cannot have my light turn off because my baby is on oxygen. If it does shut off then I wouldn’t be able to be home. if anybody can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much to whoever could help   

My PayPal address Heart Heart

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