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just need a little extra
First thread didn't post so i'm trying again. Hey anyone out there who's willing to help please assist me with $140 towards my rent. In my first post I asked for 250 but I tossed this place around and found a few loose notes and made $10. 

I made the mistake of giving my narc mom $200 for her medication that she swore her boyfriend would pay mr back but of course he knew nothing about it and won't help on top of the fact that she won't even answer my calls. I don't make much I budget everything to the T so I expected to be paid back but I wont see that money. 

Of you can please assist with the little you can I will gladly appreciate it. I managed to get $50 from a coworker who found me crying over the whole thing and I have $10 today from tossing my place around. 

My landlord has been nice enough to waive the late fee but he wants me to pay the rent by christmas. 

Any little will do please help I promise to return the favor to someone on here one day
I've never had paypal I created it solely for this purpose and i still dont know if i did it right please if you can help and thanks so much

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