08-18-2017, 09:25 PM
I left my abusive parents with no real plans or safety, because I couldn't take it anymore. No, I'm not a minor, but abuse doesn't stop when the child reaches 18. I'm living in a cheap hostel now, and soon will run out of money to pay for it, despite mostly eating apples to save money - there are public appletrees around, so I can get apples for free. I'm sick of them by now. I can't work right now, because my health is bad and I'm half starved, I only left home a week ago or maybe two, but they didn't sufficiently feed me, and I lived in constant extreme stress, so I wasn't strong enough to get a job and prepare for leaving. I definitely will try to find a job, but for that I need to be a bit stronger than now, now I need to recover and get back on my feet, but that costs money - which I can't earn right now, because I can barely get up from the bed most days. I hate that I have to beg, but I don't really know what else to do.
I'd appreciate any amount of money to help me get at least some starting point to getting better and starting an independent life. I thank you in advance.
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I'd appreciate any amount of money to help me get at least some starting point to getting better and starting an independent life. I thank you in advance.