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I was evicted after being hospitalized for seizures due toxic black mold exposure. I need to relocate for better employment opportunities and a much needed fresh start.  
  I was recently hospitalized after a Grand Mal seizure and I was in the ICU for nine days, the seizure was triggered by black mold toxicity from mold in my rental. I alerted my landlords to the issue but they purposefully postponed remediating the mold for over six weeks. It was on the ceiling in the shower and I was exposed to it for over a year and a half. They even went as far as to paint over the mold to try and conceal it before I moved in. Less than a week after I was released from the hospital my landlords evicted me even though I paid my rent on time and in full every month, I was not behind on rent. A moving and storage company packed all of my belongings and put them into storage. I had to stay at a motel for over two months and I had to purchase necessities like clothes, tolieties and other essentials. My pup and I called the motel home for about two months and the situation cost me almost my entire savings. To get my belongings back I had to pay thousands of dollars and when I finally got them back almost half of my stuff was missing. Valueables and sentimental items ransacked, it was heartbreaking. While staying at the motel my identity was stolen and my once good credit is terrible currently. I'm currently taking the proper steps to regain my identity and I'm still recovering from the neurological damage from the mold. I try to stay positive but I feel broken. I'm asking for $3000 so I can relocate so I will have a lower cost of living, better employment opportunities and a fresh start. Any financial help would be eternally appreciated and it would also help restore my faith in humanity after this nightmare. I welcome any advice and/ or any encouraging or kind words as well. Thank you so much for reading this and stay blessed!                      
                                                                                       Xoxo, Beth L. 
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