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Single dad with an outdated furnace
I was fortunate enough to have my father pretty much give me my grandmothers home for myself and my two children. Unfortunately, the house is very old and outdated all around. I have done what little I can such as insulating the attics, caulking around the windows, painting. But the worst of it is the major stuff. The biggest stressor for me is the electrical wiring. I'm sure its way out dated and honestly, probably not anywhere near up to code. To tell you I'm terrified of waking up or coming home one day to see my house engulfed in flames, would be an understatement. To coincide with the previous, is the old furnace which is ran off of fuel oil. When I try to get fuel oil delivered, I'm always shut down because the companies have minimum delivery amounts which is way out of my price range. I take two 5 gallon diesel cans to the gas station and get 10 gallons of off road diesel #2 which is the same as the fuel oil. I can only manage to get enough to run the furnace at around 50-55 degrees to make sure the water pipes in the basement do not freeze, which causes me to have to run several electric heaters to try to warm up the rooms, with the electric issues I explained previously really makes it scary for me. Those are the two worst, others are things such as super old, drafty and cracking windows. Old drafty exterior doors, unsure if there is any insulation in the walls but they usually feel cold to the touch. Very old natural gas stove/oven which recently the oven stopped working, so now I can only use the stove and microwave to cook for my girls and I. The bathroom in a whole is bad, the tub has so much rust looking build up in it that does not come off, so does the sink. The toilet is okay but I'm pretty sure there is quite a bit of mold in there under the carpet. I keep trying to get ahead and save to start chipping things off the list but everytime I finally get into a spot where I can start planning out a new budget with the savings for the projects, something always seems to happen. for example just recently my truck broke down and would not start and I ended up missing work because of it. I did what I could to get it back up and running for the time being but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it breaks down completely. 
I am a divorced father of two beautiful little girls ages 10 and 6. After roughly 8 years with their mother 5 of those years married, I had enough and separated from her. She was controlling, manipulative, unfaithful, verbally, mentally, emotionally and physically abusive, and I was raised to never put your hands on a woman to cause harm or fear, so I sat back and took it for years, trying to hold on for the sake of the girls. Until I realized the toxicity, arguing and fighting was negatively affecting my girls way too much. After we separated, she constantly would use the girls as leverage with me to get her way because she enrolled them in a school closest to her home so she was given primary custody and I got slapped with child support and was only able to see my girls when she would decide to go out to the bars. So after 2ish years of that I finally got the divorce finalized and was awarded 50/50 custody, but not without my ex slipping one last sneaky blow. It was supposed to be 50/50 no child support from either parent and split school and clothing costs. But some how this woman managed to whack child support on me yet again at a higher rate than before. Was I mad? absolutely. Did I know I was going to struggle? Of course. But I decided to just accept it instead of fighting it because I had finally got 50% custody of my girls and she had no say over my weeks with them any more. I do my best to co parent with her and choose my battles wisely even though I absolutely hate the way she parents and scolds the girls damn near constantly. I just do my best to make sure they feel the love, care and inclusion when they are with me. When the oven broke my 6 year old cried her eyes out, because her favorite thing to do is to help me cook. And our monthly tradition was the 3 of us would make home made chocolate chip cookies together. To sum it up, I'm a good guy, with a huge heart, and I work as hard as I possibly can to try to give my girls the best childhood I can, and I feel emotionally I am succeeding in that. Financially I just feel like I cant catch a break, and I try to hide my stress and worries so they don't start to worry or get sad but my 10 year old, she's too smart for her own good, she knows even when I try to stone face it all. The hardest part is not breaking down in tears when she looks at me and just gives me a hug. I also wanted to thank you for even making this oppurtunity possible and for taking the time to read through my story and if you decide to donate, I cannot even being to explain how eternally grateful I would be! 

I am looking to raise probably around $10k, as a new furnace with installation will be roughly $5k and the electrical I have no idea a rough number for. Outside of replacing the furnace, its roughly $1000 to fill the fuel oil furnace which would be so helpful right now as it's getting super low and getting colder and colder out.

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