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Please Help, I am facing eviction!
Hello all, I am at the end of my rope.

I live in the Southern United States,
the state of georgia to be exact. 

In the name of self respect I walked away from the highest paying job I had, leaving a very toxic work place.

Unfortunately I've only been able to get low paying jobs ever since.  To make up for that insufficient income I had to rely on credit, which is now exhausted. 

I am working now, but it doesn't pay enough to cover my expenses.  I can either pay for food and shelter or pay my debts. 

I've gotten much better at finding work and there are various training programs in my area; even Union Apprenticeships. I would need the time and money to pursue them,which I do not.

I have six weeks before I am homeless and hungry. 

I do not have close friends or family that can by relied upon to help  me through this.

So I am throwing myself on the mercy of strangers. 

Given how hard it is to get off the streets, if this doesn't work out for I'm likely done.

I am just trying to survive the month.

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