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Bad luck feeling hopeless in Florida..
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And this is kind of like a last resort. Because I don't know what else to do. But the past 4 years have been well interesting to say the least and I'm gonna make this as brief as I can possibly make it.

So I just recently turned 45 a week ago. Happy Birthday to me.   I was with somebody for almost 20 years.  It wasn't the best relationship and I wasn't happy at all. He refused to work. I busted my ass working 2 jobs to pay the bills and then some.

2020 he was diagnosed all of a sudden with terminal cancer passed away 3 weeks later at the age of 44. For the first time in my life. I found myself living alone, which was way new to me.  I adopted a dog who i loved so very much and helped me with grieiving.

A year later i moved in with my mom, help her a bit and try to put money away for once and not live paycheck to paycheck since I didn't have to take care of someone else as well.  She loved my boy but apparently he jumped up at her face whej she was fedsing him .. i told everyone he was food aggressive. It was 4th July weekend and he did not like thunder or fireworks. Both of which had been going on for days.

 She said he had to go. I refuse to get rid of him so I moved out. I had a temporary place to stay. All Of A Sudden again. On a birthday in July 27th 2021 I was told that I had to find some other place to go as the person split with his girlfriend and he was moving back onto the home.  I found a house through another co worker to rent.  It was literally my only option. Especially with a pitt. At $2000 a month, which was way out of my budget but I said you know, if you work with me. And get roommates, I can help cover the cost.

I got 2 roommates in both were rehab and one of them was. I worked with you know, because we would hire people through the program it's a second you know, chance of life, everything was going real good till the one roommate got brain cancer for the second time and he was only 30 years old.  And then the other roommate started drinking again so it ended up being a very unfriendly place to live in my own home.

I did meet somebody though I actually went to high school with... fir the first time innmy life I was happy. I finally knew what love really was. He has 5 kids. 3 of which ended up moving in as well. It was. So nice to have my own family and I was in heaven..  

 Then things started to downward spiral in April of 2023 was let go for my job because somebody set me up, try to make it look like I was stealing and I wasn't I've never stolen from anybody I've done accounting bookkeeping for many years, and it came to pass that I did not do that, In fact, but you know, I moved on and i wasnt going back after false accusations. Never had any charges never had anything because it was all bullshit...somoene was jealous of my posiiton and my pay...

July 27th... again my bday, Of 2023 i got a job. Close to what i was making and not too much further. And tons of OT.  I was about 2 weeks from having everything paid up in full and back on track when.... i got laid off.... Found myself out of work for another month till I got another job way further away. Way less money.  Struggling now cause making less costing more and behind again. Them late fees add up..  Got an eviction notice on the door started a huge fight with the boys and their dad granted you know they ended up having girlfriends move in and didn't pay any extra money but I was supposed to pay all out of you know, my measly $550 unemployment, check every 2 weeks that didn't cover shit in this day and age.

So that kind of went the crap we moved out was supposed to get into an apartment. I had paid last month's rent in advance so I should have got $2000 back because we weren't staying last month. Boys were taking it over.  And instead, after a while who's a good friend in a very smart businessman so I don't understand what happened with that I never got my $2000 back. We couldn't get into the apartment so we're pretty much homeless in the car. One of the customers that my fiancé worked for he's got an empty house that he was selling. He hasn't quite put it on the market yet, so he's letting us stay there for a couple of months during the peak heat of summer. Thank God because you know, it's 95° in humid in Florida.  

We had to get storage units to put all their stuff in because we had to have the house completely empty before the landlord would come do a walk there, so I had to get storage units uhaul trucks all this stuff. Eaxh unit is 200 per month!!

I spent a month's worth of pay just to move.
So it's just been a big ordeal and my fiancé and I are constantly arguing. I hate it. I don't like drama. He's working but not making what he could with us only having one vehicle at the moment.

Fast forward. I got laid off from the last job in 1st of July. This is the second time now in a year that I was, actually third time, in a year and a 1/2 that I was out of work. My license was suspended twice because my insurance lapse. Never had that happen before. Haven't been pulled over in over 20 years!! My car was repoed because I was late. I got it back. License good. All is getting there but not fast enough.

I'm a workaholic. I've been to working since I was 16. I got a job as 16 because I wanted to I didn't have to at that time. And my parents were able to support me then tol my dad got hurt at work and disabled. I have worked ever since I've only been out of work one other time, back in 2006 when I was laid off and I was out of work for 2 months until I could find a job.

All this while I was married to somebody who refused to do anything??? Became drug addict drunk mentally verbally and physically abused me and I let it happen, a little scared nieve girl, let my mother do it to me too My whole life and I really didn't even realize I had until I started opening up a little bit more to my fiancé. Who's my best friend.

So the temporary place we are staying at is $1400 a month.  I still owe for July because obviously I got laid off of work. I haven't got my first unemployment check yet. But I'm now back to working. So I'm only gonna get one but it's fine where I'm at now and where he's at now We can do everything but the problem is I don't foresee how I'm gonna be able to get caught up.... and if I don't pay the 2800 will be on the street for sure.

I am about to lose everything i own between the 2 storage bays because I'm 2 months behind. They're threatening to sell it off to auction. I've already lost everything in my life twice I don't want to do it a third time. I don't have any credit. Nobody will give me a loan with no credit and now my short job hsitory. Any other job prior i was at 4 or 5 years min. One I was at for 10.5 years and woukd still be there if wasnt for owner getting parkinsons and selling business.

When we moved i got a po box. The post office was shut down 3 days later. I have mail been missing since May and including depsoit checks back on power and water.

So here's where I'm at.. July and August rent at 1400 each. $2800 total . I owe 2 months storage at 2 places. It's 200 a month for each, so that's $800 there that I owe. My cell phone bill, because I have to have a phone because I'm driving 45 minutes to work so I have to have something for emergencies.  And I owe that which is only $250 and some dollars. My auto Insurance is about to expire again. And I need tires bad!!!

I started this job July 15th and my first check was paper. The bank put a hold on it for 6 days. Then my second week I missed 2 days due to dmv tag error... again... Happy Birthday!! . This check will be about 700. Not enough to pay much plus food and gas to get to work.

I'm a good person with good heart. I give to everybody that I can, even if it's my last dollar I'll give it. I don't care you know, I want to help people. I understand what it's like to struggle, I understand that.

Now I'm just, I don't know what to do I mean, I'm to the point that I can't shed any more tears....I cry every single day..and night..i cant sleep.. I think im starting menapaouse. I've tried to do anything I could online and try to make extra money. And I just keep falling into scams or everything else. The stress is not helping at all. Oh and in the hospital twice in the last 2 years with MRSA infection. Mosquito bite. Yes florida summers..  

I've got my own craft business, I've been trying to start up and I got great ideas. But I need materials. It takes money to make money and I can't foresee spending money on that right now when I got bills that are behind that needs to come first plus the gas back-and-forth to work and food which is gone up also. Some days I don't know if it's worth going on. I just want to be happy and go forth no drama. 45 years old. Been through enough shit in my life (trust me this is only a fraction). I just want to not stress anymore. Not struggle. I want to be able to have some saved snd build up my credit.

I am a type person that will help other people and I will turn around and I will pay that money back forward to somebody else. I promise I'll even send updates. I don't care.  I just I don't know what else to do...

And it doesnt have to be free. I'll pay it back. I just need help. So I figured it out that between the rent and all the bills and have a little bit of a cushion.

Matter of fact we were trying to initially save for down payment to buy a piece of property because my fiancé wants to do this farm thing to help other people. We're both like that and we're both very God loving people and and I know God has helped me a few times. And we wnat to help others in this position. Buy this couple years of bad jojo is not helping.  I lost my home, 2 dogs, and then some..

I don't want to be out on the streets and I don't want to lose everything again and I just need some help.

So I'm looking to get as close to $4000 as I can, and as fast as possible. If anything at least $2800 to pay the rent and then I can work on the storage. I get paid again this week, but when i pay something. My entire check is gone again and I'm not getting ahead. It doesn't mean money for food. It doesn't mean money for gas to get to work. It doesn't leave money for anything else.  If you can see it in your heart to help I would be eternally grateful. I can pay it back in interest I can pay it forward. You can come see the farm when it gets going and I will happily update as things go. But I need help and i have no where to turn.

Thank you for your time.  And God Bless anyone who can help and bless everyone in the same boat. I put a pic of my boy and I. I miss him.  


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