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Sad Juliet lost w/o Romeo
Juliet Lost without Romeo

So I am asking if there is anybody that can help me out. My bf of 3 hrs in in jail for a bogus charge, someone said we sold their car but they gave us the keys, we just didn't come back right when we said but we're coming back. This was 3 hrs ago now we go to court last week and got locked up bc he failed a drug test. He failed for methadone bc he takes it for pain bc he is a leg amputee and has no insurance. So after court his dad took away the phone and truck and told me not to come back. Mind you I am with my bf day in and day out. We are each other's shadow. Always together and super close and we don't have many friends. I managed to stay at a close friends house but I don't have my food stamps or I would try and help with food bc they don't have much money and have to pay out of pocket. Also u need to get my driver's license bc I need to get a job bc that's why his dad kicked me out. I had 2 job offerings at Dollar General and Sallys Beauty. Me not having a dl prevented me from obtaining the job. My friend can take me but I need to come up with gas. I don't have family where I live bc I'm not really from here so I don't have many options for help. I am asking for help to keep me afloat until he comes home which is still 13 days away. And also to help with getting my dl and birth certificate which both cost money I don't have. If I get all this done and his dad sees that he wouldn't mind as much bc if not my bf said we gonna live in our car bc we both love each other that much that we won't part for nothing. We are together 247 he is literally is my other half, I am not whole without him. So if you could see it in your heart to help this couple get thru this and start the foundation to me getting a job we will forever be grateful and I will send pics of his return home. Again, thank you and God bless. This is my PayPal link.
@romeoandjuliet320.                                   Thank you,
                                                            Kimberly Ann Lozano


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