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  Single mom needs help!!
Posted by: Marie2560 - 04-14-2016, 08:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I am 24 years of age single mom his father passed away a month ago. I need help paying my rent I just started back working 2 days ago I have tried getting the money together with no luck I only was able to get 100 dollars I need 400 more to get my rent paid. My family will not help they will rather help a stranger than blood. I don't want to be on the streets with my child or in a shelter so I'm reaching out to help hopefully this reaches someone with a heart. If you can donate please donate to my PayPal account ladyj7791@gmail.com everything penny is appreciated. This was my last resort as the agencies have no funds and the ones who do not service my zip code....I'm just a struggling mom trying to get on the right track I just need help to get on my way without having to stress about being put on the streets. Thanks for reading. I appreciate all!!

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  Family In Need Of Help
Posted by: JohanMuller - 04-13-2016, 10:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good Day to all.
Due to numerous unforeseen circumstances we have been  put us into major financial strain. We are about to lose our Home and Car if I don't do something soon. I am behind with 3 months on most of my Bills.

On top of all this we have recently found out my Daughter of 1y need a Hernia Opperation which as you know any operation in my country is expensive.

If anyone can please help I know you will be blessed by helping a family in dire need.

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Information Debt to friend.
Posted by: BrokeBloat - 04-13-2016, 01:37 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello FreeBeg

I never thought i would have to come on the internet and beg for cash, but today, i figured i'd give it a shot.

Ok, so here is the story, my friend Roy loaned 50 bucks to me on the 1st of April for some personal expenses, i told Roy that i was looking for a job this month and that i would have one by at least the 20th, but so far, i've not been successful in this endeavor, i've borrowed from people before and been late to pay them back, but i dont want to make a bad impression on my new friend this early, its hard enough to make good friends because of my SA, let alone having people think i am not loyal to my debts.

If you could donate $50 USD to my PayPal i would very much appreciate the help and i can even return the money in due time, when i start my new job.

PM me if you wish to help me pay this debt.

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Photo Help for my children!
Posted by: Zsebike33 - 04-13-2016, 12:39 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello I hope somebody can help me. Iam a single mom, i have three children 4,6 and 8 years old, we live in Hungary. I work in police, the wage is very low. But unfortunately increasingly difficult to pay to my home loan. I thank so much, who can help!!!!


Hi Maria!

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Posted by: jlasagna60 - 04-12-2016, 12:29 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am on disability I tried to get a loan for dentures around Xmas. and I got taken for $500.00 i only get $733.00 a month. I    might become homeless soon. My mother is in a home I have no one else. I got a title loan  for $500.00 just so I can live, each month theres less to live just, Confused  want to recoup what I lost.

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  Struggling Single Mom
Posted by: agarrett415 - 04-11-2016, 03:18 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a single mother and though I have a great job and even have a part time position with another employer I still find myself struggling to make payments from utilities to the credit card debts I've acquired.  I've acquired most of my financial debt from poor decisions and out of desperation from child support payments either being smaller than they should be or non-existent sometimes months at a time.  I've been on this downward spiral for quite some time and wonder if it'll ever get better.

I'm asking for the help of someone, anyone that is willing to help.  I currently have multiple utility payments due this month that are already past due including my electricity, water and natural gas these bills are in total over $700.00.  My main reason for these being late is trying to keep a roof over mine and my daughter's head after my former roommate up and left without paying the remaining amounts on our former lease and trying to keep my daughter in her current after school program so I can continue to work.

I've looked into debt counseling and am trying to increase the number of days I'm working my part time position as well as work as much overtime my boss will allow me at my full time position just still feel the weight of everything on my shoulders and it's keeping me away from enjoying life with my daughter.

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  Unexpected double aneurysm. Need help
Posted by: Jj22967 - 04-08-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was recently diagnosed with 2 brain aneurysm’s, I also have m.s. I will be having brain surgery and I am out of work because of this. I need help to takeep care of my kids and pay the bills that are stacking up. I can only imagine my medical bills. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much!    Cash.me/$jj22967

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  Help me and my sweet daughter
Posted by: decomarius - 04-07-2016, 02:12 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Marius. I will present my sorrow to anyone who is willing to read it and why i had to resort to asking other people for help. In 2006 my wife and I started a small familly business. We opened a kurtocs kalacs mobile store. 
We made a bank credit so we could buy the tools and equipment needed to make the kurtocs and the car and caravan needed to carry them and move between towns participating at different carnivals and concerts organized by city halls. The business was working pretty good and in and in 2010 we gave birth to a trully beautiful daughter.
 After 2 years and a half my wife started to feel sick. I immediately took her to a hospital and from here on my world started to crumble :'(  .The pain, sorrow and tears can't be explained well enough just in words. The doctors said she had breast cancer stage 4 (terminal). They told me she had few more months to live maybe even half an year depending on her will and body. I prayed to god for a miracle (even though i don't believe in miracles) and i put all my efforts hoping to save my sweet, dear wife. I sold all the things i had bought to start the business (tools, cars, anything of value i had), and i even refinanced the loan with more money with the hope to cure my wife. 
After 3 months of treatment i got hold of the funds needed to operate her at the most renamed hospital in my country. The doctors there told me the truth, that there was a very small chance for her to survive but miracles happened in the past. Before entering the operation room, while she was lying in bed weakened by the illness, she told me with tears in her eyes while throwing a last smile for me ,, I love you, take good care of our sunshine and live on for her". I couldn't hold myself any longer after this words, my hearth started to sting and i bursted in tears cause I knew this were her last words and so did she. With my last voice and tears in eyes I managed to tell her ,, I hope one day you will be reunited with the ones you cherish".
 After a few hours a doctor came from the operation room a told me that they made everything they could but she passed away. I was devastated. How could i tell to my baby girl that her mother is no longer with us. At the funeral i told her that god sometimes needs help from people and that she went to help him. I left her in my mother care and for 3 months I suffered and I thought what would I do without her. 
She was a good, kindheart and smart person. I got myself together with the help of my friends and family and thanks to my little sweet pea I had to go on for her. With that said I have many debts in bank because of the refinance and the big sum of loan and I can't  manage to pay it anymore even with the help of my mother that is a pensioner. I am hired but my remuneration is not enough because in the country i live the salaries are low. I am afraid that they i will even lose my house because of the loan.
 We barely scrape by with the food and my hearth is crying when my sweet daughter asks me for some sweets or sees other children eating things outside and I tell her we can't afford it and lie to her that I will bring her the next day.
 I can't take it any longer and manage to pay the debts (19.000$ the interest rate is very big)  so I will resort to the kindness of you people and ask for any donation possible no matter how small. Any sum will help me get out from this hole.
I hope no one gets through what I went, not even my worst enemies.
 It is a harsh world and I hope that one day any disease will be curable so that no one gets their family and dreams destroyed by a disease.
Thank you very much!

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  Big heart needed for little one!
Posted by: Acerda11 - 04-02-2016, 11:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey every body so to start off my wife and I are having a baby! That's the good news bad news is the house we were living in landlord sold it out from under us and we had to move spur of the moment.. We are in a little bitty 700sqft guest house at her grandparents house we wasn't expecting to not have a home so we haven't saved up much money we are trying to purchase a home but not luck we don't even have a fraction of the amount for a down payment and we need a little help from others baby is born in 4 months and we have no home for her if you would like to help you would be our hero PayPal account is acerda@dspaininc.com that is also my email God bless

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  Please helpplease
Posted by: Sarahp42243 - 04-02-2016, 12:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Let me say that im NoT ASKING FOR A HAND OUT OR CASH PLEASE READ hello im sarah pavlovsky 21 years old single mom of two. We are homeless no vehical when my son was born he was diagnosed with Congenital Central Hypoventalation Syndrom wich cause the part of his brain that comtrols his lungs and breathing to shut down everytime he falls asleep.

So he has a treak and requires ventalation as he sleeps Well we have a home in bowdon ga wich I was living with my mother and my paralized granny and paralized aunt. When my mother became disabled from a motor cycle wreck. She moved into her friend house leaving me with the kids and the elderly. So my uncle came to live and help take care of the elderly. Well when i was little my uncle molested me . So being around him Was a struggle exspecially with my kids. He was awful about trying to bond woth them. I had no secirity. Or stability. So I started calling homeless shelters and the housing authority's.  The shelters said with my son's disability and him requiring a nurse to come out to the house daily that with the privacy act they could not accept us because they couldn't place us in a private room. So now we are at a hotel that my son's disability check paid for a week So I am looking for a loan companie or someone who will give me a 1500 dollar loan so that I can get a trailer and get on my feet. Someone who will accept my son's disability as an income. So I can get my life back togethr and get on my feet 6788186392

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