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Big Grin Your change can help change in my life
Posted by: Treyturnerjob - 03-24-2016, 01:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Crowd funding for Coding and programming

Scan any bottle of Spirits or cordials with your phone or tablet and get instant recipie's, quick mixers, party ideas, instant rebates and much more.
Drink recipes in the palm of your hand. 
No more recipe books or web searching for drink recipes.
Spirits of Mixology is not just a recipe guide, but SO much more!
Going into a package store with all the different types of products and flavors available can be extremely overwhelming. There are literally thousands of options, and without some kind of help or reference, most people tend to "go with what we know" and get the same old things and make the same old drinks. Don't get me wrong, there's something to be said for the standards, but it's time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.  Of course, it'll tell you how to make a Screwdriver, but the real benefit of this app is in learning and trying something new. 
This app will give the consumers tons of information on any spirits bottle or cordials that they want to scan. The customer can pick up anything in the liquor store and scan it with their phone and a picture of the bottle will pop up. Tasting notes about the product will pop up, along with recipes and suggfor that product. The app will suggest popular drinks based on the customer's selections, while also introducing many options that the customer has probably never heard of. The user can also rate drinks and save their favorites. 
Manufacturers and suppliers are able to utilize this app by getting rebates to consumers and show new products coming soon, while also telling manufactures or suppliers how many times their products are scanned. This app is able to be shared on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or by email so people can send their friends drinks to try or great party drink ideas. More great features and benefits will come from user feedback and suggestions through updates. Our goal is to have a completely functional, easy to use, and very user friendly tool.
We have been creating and documenting this concept for quite some time. The app has unique features not presently available in the marketplace. 
The only real challenges we currently face involve the programming and coding that's required to build such a complex database with so many unique features. Once that's successfully completed, the initial product launch will take place and consumer feedback will determine what added features will come via product updates.
Setbacks are virtually inevitable, and the only real way to handle them is to be immediately reactive and to make it a priority to make things roll as smoothly as possible. This is our primary starting venture of this kind, so it has our complete and individual attention.

1). Try new recipes with old and new products
2). Get more familiar with many types of products
3). Save money at liquor stores from instant rebates on products
4). Never pay full retail for select products at liquor stores 
5). Build a profile and share any party pics or events
6). Let suppliers send you cool merchandise for buying or scanning their products
7). Be able to scan and build drinks at resturaunts and bars 
8). More features and benefits to come on updates!
9). Get updates and early promotions on new products coming soon
Please look at the gallery of pics to see the App and some different brands and flavors that are out there.

I have hit a dead end with my finances and I'm almost at the end I just need a little more funding to finish the coding! I'm asking for HELP so I can create my vision and live my dream! Thank you for your time.

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Sad poverty stricken.
Posted by: krazykat1 - 03-20-2016, 11:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello,, i am a grandmother trying to look after my grandson,,having been unemployed since i required him,,4 yrs ago,, i have lost everything,,my job,,my car, had to sell my jewellery and furniture ect,, we have nothing left..but i wont let my grandson down,,i have gone without food and heating ,, we love each other,,but need a little help,,the house is run down and the bills are piling up,,pls could someone help???

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  Someone with a big heart
Posted by: lwfln - 03-20-2016, 07:12 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I hope there is someone out there with a big heart and someone who is understanding.  I am in terrible financial trouble.  I don't know where to turn or what to do.  I had some unexpected medical expenses and got behind in my other bills. My credit is so terrible that I cannot even get a payday loan.  My husband has no idea of our problems.  All I'm asking is for someone to believe in me and help me.  I am 69 years old and cannot believe this is happening to me.  I could understand if I spent money wildly or gambled or was on drugs but that's not the case.  I just hope that no one has to go through what is happening to me.   It is making me sick with fear thinking that I may lose everything.  I would be so ever grateful if anyone would be kind enough to help me.  Thank you for reading this.

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  Need help for medical treatment, bills and rent.
Posted by: KRoss - 03-19-2016, 06:41 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am in need of help to pay for my medical treatment and bills. I'm disabled and have no income. I can't afford my medication or see my doctors because of that and I have no insurance. I'm also homeless, I stay with family and friends sometimes, but mostly in shelters and on the street. Because of my dire situation, I have no other option but to ask for help online. I will accept any help I can get and would be forever in the debt of anyone who helps me. Thank you and God bless..

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  Need Help with Move in Costs
Posted by: Sadonia - 03-18-2016, 03:47 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mother of two boys, ages 10 and 16. I have a full time job and work so much that I honestly miss my children dearly. I pray that one day they will understand, but until then I spend every free moment I have with them, which unfortunately isn't enough for me.
For 5 years, I was unable to work as I was the unpaid, full time caregiver for my grandmother with late stage dementia. We lived with her during that time. The moment I was no longer caring for her, I immediately started my job. Now, we need to find a home to call our own.
I make enough money to pay all the bills. I'm not worried about that. However, our relocation situation is urgent and we must find a place and move ASAP. I don't have the money for the move in costs to get us into a home.
For first month's rent, security deposit, deposits for utilities and food, I need at least $2,000, and that's just enough without anything left over. I plan to furnish our place with the furniture that people give away for free on craigslist, knowing it will be in bad shape but I will do my best to fix up whatever I can find. Even though it breaks my heart because right now my car is paid off and is 100% mine, I am getting a car title loan (the only loan I am approved for, thanks to past medical bills), which will only give me a $500 jump start. I am still $1,500 short.
I will never turn down a donation and be eternally grateful, but I will also agree to a personal loan. If someone has the means to help me but would rather not give the money, I will sign a legal loan document and make monthly payments to my lender. I don't even mind if someone willing to give me a loan includes interest in the final amount owed. I understand that it is only fair and in exchange for helping my family, I don't care if you make a profit off of me.
If anyone wishes to simply donate (God bless you if you do!), my link will be included in this post. If anyone wishes to be my lender, please reply to this post and I'll give you my email for a private discussion. Either way, I really really need the help right now. Posting here is my last resort. My family desperately needs a home. 
If you can help, please please do. I can't believe I am begging, but here it is. The last of my pride is tied into this post.
Thank you for reading and for any consideration towards my situation. 

Prayers would be greatly appreciated, even if you can't help financially! I would love for my family to be included in anyone's prayer list! Thank you and God Bless!  Heart


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Heart Family Destitute Please Help
Posted by: RevJATB - 03-14-2016, 03:24 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have not had a paycheck since the end of January. I was selling insurance and they moved me from salary plus commission to commission-only without any warning, so no paycheck because I did not have any new clients. I only started in November and they told me not to expect to make any money the first 6 months,  then less than 2 months in, they did this to me!

I have been trying everything I can think of to earn money while I look for other jobs: I have been trying to do odd jobs for people and also selling eBooks online, and selling off as many possessions as I can.

It is Sunday night as I write this and my family needs at least $500 by tomorrow! I am in another state looking for work, and their phone has been cut off, so I have no way to contact them! And all the other bills are past due too, and they are almost out of food.

I have contacted local churches and charities for help, but since I am in one state (came here to try to find work!) and they are in another, they say they cannot help.  My heart aches for my children. I am powerless right now to help them.

I have a job interview on Wednesday so I hope this is a temporary situation, but right now they are DEEPLY IN NEED. Please, please help. Thank you.

Here is the donate link. I am praying some people will see this and will help my family. Thank you in advance.


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  urgent help needed
Posted by: jordan2025 - 03-13-2016, 04:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi there. my name is Jordan. i have an eye condition that makes finding a job about as difficult as moving the moon out of orbit with the motor from a food blender. its been 6 months since i lost my last proper job. jump to now and my bank account is about as barren as Siberia so that's why im here i need your help badly and i cannot tell you how much i appreciate any help. here is a link if you feel like helping me out paypal.me/helpmefixmylife you guys will literally be keeping me alive so i cannot begin to express how much that means.

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Heart Little sister's wish
Posted by: mcj1000 - 03-12-2016, 07:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I wanted to ask if you can get to my page and donate

All the info is there.Thank you so much!!

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Sad Need Urgent Help
Posted by: Mouiz - 03-11-2016, 05:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi,my name is Mouiz and i am a poor civilian,i don't have much money to pay the rent of my house of 4 months (near 500$)
Please i hope you guys can help please i need that or ill be kicked from the house  and left homeless.

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  Help me please
Posted by: Help Hungry Artist - 03-11-2016, 02:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

To whomever it may concern,

   A hungry artist is an artist who sacrifices material well-being in order to focus on their artwork. They typically live on minimum expenses, either for a lack of business or because all their disposable income goes toward art projects.

   This letter is being written to confirm that I am a hungry artist, and that I am in desperate need of finical help, I need money to buy materials and to go to some business classes, I am a very good artist, but I need to become an entrepreneur and make a business around my art.  

    Support I received will be used for but it is not limited to daily upkeep, materials, business classes, medical expenses, debt repayments, child support and rent.

      I confirm that the financial support provided to me will ensure that I never becomes reliant on public funds and can be a productive citizen of the world and help me to make the world a more beautiful place one painting at a time.

Please to share with who ever you come in contact with.

   Please send any donations to paypal account

    Thanks and may the universe continue to bless you for you generosity.  


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