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Sad In bad shape with money
Posted by: Ksvensson - 08-22-2018, 12:30 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

I can’t believe I’ve allowed myself to get to this point to be honest. But here I am hoping someone somewhere out there can do something anything at all. Here’s a bit of my story
In need of some help getting over a rough patch right now.. I am currently unemployed, married to a spouse with congestive heart failure and have a car that costs an arm and leg to keep on the road...things have hit a very rough patch right now seeing as I myself had my first heart attack at age 34 back on July 1. I am struggling to find work currently but hope that changes soon. Our car is a piece of poo and our house (a single wide trailer that we reside in with her partially disabled mother) is falling apart around us at an alarming rate. I absolutely hate that I’ve gotten to this point but I am desperately looking for some assistance to get over this hurdle for a few weeks maybe. Please message me soon if able to assist. To be totally honest, I just need help starting over. A new car. A new trailer. Something. I know the money involved in something like that but every dime would help, at least to get to s by temporarily. I use Venmo for the most part and my Venmo name is @kyle-svensson

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  Sharing experience (no proofs)
Posted by: dnb3 - 08-21-2018, 05:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I have health problems since 2011. People decided to walk away without help. It has been many years since problems begin to pop-up. No proofs for formal documents, sorry. I just need money for food and place to live. Rent is expensive without options. Costs around 1000 $ for month (only apartment) and apartment is not rich. Just by apartment alone - not included other problems. My goals to fix myself and other problems brought me to this place, because there is no way to "fight back" and return to your normal life - i need unlimited amount of money, only one million will help to fix all of the problems. But i understand that if you are reading this message - probably you don't have even 5 $ to contribute.... yes, i understand, so i will be glad to receive even 1 dollar (not 300 $ or million). If you have money, please donate as much as you can.

If you donate one dollar even if you don't have money - it will help me and you will not give large amount from your pocket, but if people will always ignore those messages - everyone will fail and everyone won't earn at all.

I came to one interesting topic where people were asking for money. I didn't have at all, because i'm struggling with myself, but i came to one interesting conclusion. I said to myself "i will not donate even 1 $". Then i realized: if everyone will think this way, everyone will fail.
So, i will donate to people if i will have large amount of cash and i will donate one dollar too if i will be poor.

No success from selling products or from other ways to earn money. Believe me. This is a dead way. The main point is not about selling. The main problem takes place in other direction - people can't understand that you can't just ignore people's problems. If you ignore - it means that this problem will come to you some day. I'm not saying, that you HAVE to do something and have to donate. No. But if you have opportunity to throw one dollar to one person, it means that even if you poor, you can help people and you can win situation by leaving big chances for someone to succeed. I mean, if you are poor and if you throw one dollar - i have big chances to survive since many people will do same thing too. But... it's only a hope. Many people ignore people's problems and they don't give even one dollar and it means that person remains with nothing. He can't wait and he can't earn. He can't ask for help. He can't find ways to earn cash, because they were already taken. He can't do nothing. If someone will say opposite thing - it means they lie to you.

I don't know if i will be able to resolve my problems, because it depends on people. There is no way to resolve something on your own. Life doesn't work this way, because there are scammers with jobs, scammers with products. Scammers everywhere and basically it's impossible to do something on your own. It all depends on them. If you won't meet scammers - you win. If you meet - you lose and you lose millions of dollars and you won't protect yourself. If you help other people - they help you and together you will find way.
But i'm experiencing completely other opportunity. Everyone have illusions - they will become "rich", they will succeed in other ways and they think that they are helping people by telling them that they are wrong. It happened to me and i hate this situation, but i try only to find my way by constructing not working ways. But what can i do if you can't BUY food without money and you can't rent apartment. If you don't understand - don't tell me that i'm wrong. Otherwise, we loose together - i won't be able to help you without your contribution. It all depends on you. Don't think that i'm saying LITERALLY "i will donate you 100 dollars if you donate me 1 dollar". TRY to understand what i'm saying in this message. What i'm trying to say is that if you ignore problems, they will pop-up in your other part of life without consistency of poor people. Even if you are poor - you can throw just one dollar and it may SAVE life. If you understand - thank you for reading and i hope to receive donation from you.


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  in desperate need of your help
Posted by: bexleyb - 08-21-2018, 03:01 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a twenty year old student with no job and no income. I have had to skip days at my university as I had no money to transport to and from. I cannot pay off bills and other important payments like accomodation and my car, as I have no money as I am not working. I'm struggling with depression and this is not helping at all. I'm pretty desperate at this point so anything would help me.

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Posted by: evol.hate89 - 08-20-2018, 09:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Undecided  I am struggling to take care of all of my responsibilities. I have two cats one names MooCow and Mamma's. They have hook worm and had them when they were given to me apparently. I was not told anything. They both are about 6 months old and are very skinny and look sickly. They eat and eat and eat but they never get any fatter. I have no way to take them to the vet and I have vouchers but only to get the fixed. I'm scared they will take my animlas because of a law that claimas they can keep your animal if you cannot pay. I'm so scared I have read all the things that could happen to my babies and everyday they are more and more at risk of even death. PLEASE HELP. ANYTHING WILL HELP. https://paypal.me/LHaley592

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  Six years old son ,please help me take him to school.
Posted by: Shantiebae - 08-20-2018, 02:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hie good people.
If anyone can see this please help me out.I am a single mom aged 26 and struggling to raise my son who is six years old and going seven.He doesn't go to school please if people need to hear it all and help out,reach out to me on private message .I am new here and don't know how it works.

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  i need to help my mother
Posted by: littledemo - 08-20-2018, 02:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Daniel and now i live in uk . i come here 1 month ago to rise some money for my mother, she has grade 3 breats cancer .

Thnak you for your help ! Angel  

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top">

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Heart Donation for gym membership.
Posted by: alex981 - 08-20-2018, 01:30 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey. Because of injury, cant work and need to rehabilitate. Please donate.


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Heart Donation for gym membership.
Posted by: alex981 - 08-20-2018, 01:30 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey. Because of injury, cant work and need to rehabilitate. Please donate.


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  Please help
Posted by: I-am-so-tired - 08-20-2018, 01:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

If you're reading this message I'd like to thank you for your time.

I'm a college student. I'm 24 years old.
All my life I had health issues. When I was 4 I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder - neurofibromatosis, a disease that grows tumors on nerve endings. Because of that I was always at hospitals getting surgery and other treatment. Modern medicine can only treat the symptoms of this disease, not cure it. 

With regular check-ups I was doing fine.
The second issue that caused me beeing here is the death of my mother. I was 14.

Afterwards, my father found a new wife and practically forgot he has children. My sister and I had to go trough that difficult period alone.

In the same period, I was struggling with beeing gay. My country is not open minded so I had a hard time accepting my sexuality.

Now, I'm studying sociology at university.
However, I have to work full time to earn enough money to survive. Because of that it did't go well with my studies... Now I work all the time to survive, but I'm in a big debt. 

Since my mother died I've been suffering from depression and anxiety. I've tried a lot of antidepressants but nothing works. To be honest, I don't know how much longer I can live this way.

I'd like to pay all my debts and then try to get another chance. After my finantial struggles would be solved, I'd find a better job (now I can't change jobs because I can't have a period without working) .

I would like to have some time to try to solve some issues, work on beeing a better version of myself.

I allways try to help those in need, but I can't help myself. I feel like a waste of space.

I worked for everything. I get up every morning and struggle. I dream about death with a smile.

My desire to die is huge, but I fight it every day.
My problem is that with all my efforts I can't earn enough. I just can't.

So, that brings me here. I would like to have a second chance. I would like to be able to pay off all my debts and start all over. Any help will be extremely appreciated. I don't know what else to do.

Thank you

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Posted by: Babykatt77 - 08-20-2018, 03:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I don't like asking for help, but just not sure what to do at this point. My fiance was in a motorcycle accident on August 1st.  He hit a guard rail. When his bike hit the guard rail, he flipped over it and it broke his right knee and gashed his left inner thigh. He is going to be out of work for about 4-6 months.  In the mean time, we have rent, water, electric, loans, and other things that all need to be addressed. I am doing the best I can, working and coming home to take care of him and our daughter, but I can't make these bills alone. I figure we have about $1000 a month in bills.  Not to mention he has 2 doctor appointments a week right now and no health insurance. School just started back and we were going to take our daughter school shopping, but had to deplete our funds to pay bills.  Please, if anyone can help with anything at all, it is well appreciated.  And I always pay it forward.  Donations can be made to paypal.me/jnorris1977.
Thank you all and God Bless.

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