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  Vespa Scooter Needed For Dialysis PLEASE!
Posted by: SPIMBISH - 07-20-2019, 08:18 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have End Stage Renal Disease (kidney failure).  I must go to dialysis 3 times each week for 4 hours or I will die.  In January 2019, I received a $12 COST OF LIVING INCREASE.  This $12 cost me 100% of my medicaid benefits including my transportation to dialysis.  I hope to purchase a used Vespa Scooter, Honda Ruckus or Automatic Motorcycle to use as my primary mode of transportation to dialysis.  I cannot work currently due to illness, but I have been applying for jobs that do not require much physical labor (sales, data entry, reception, administrative) but  no one wants to hire an old man.  I am only 53 but i often look much older on bad days.  I would be happy to accept the donation of such a vehicle if anyone has one that is no longer needed.  Please help me find transportation to dialysis that I can manage myself so I need not rely so heavily on others for my dialysis and transportation needs.  Thank you all in advance.  If you cannot donate, please share this GoFundMe campaign as many times as you can in as many places as you can.  I AM DESPERATE FOR HELP WITH TRANSPORTATION TO DIALYSIS.  Thank you all very much.

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Lightbulb THE CINDERELLA FAMILY - broken by the work of an unheard inventor
Posted by: cinderellafamily - 07-19-2019, 08:18 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Who I am and what I'm looking for
I am a 20 year old girl, taking my family's situation in my own hands and begging for your financial support in order to help me, my younger sister and my parents, because our close family members are not able to, our friends and relatives don't want to (because they are no longer patient), and for banks and public institutions, we don't have enough guarantees.
Our story in one sentence
My father, a creative tinkerer and private technological inventor, didn't manage to realize his remarkable projects, which brought our family on the edge of survival.
Our story in short
In order to realize his biggest dream of succeeding as a technological inventor and providing for his family, my father fell into danger and debt - and had to sustain the illusion of hope through secrecy and a web of lies, under which our family was brought to ruin, while he eventually collapsed when he recognized he was not going to make it.
This is when he left us as a homeless man, informing us, in a long email, of his impending death. Me, my mother and my sister saved him, but are left scarred with a tough past as well as being practically moneyless and desperate to get our life back together.
What we need: enough money
·        To barely survive as a family in our current location: food, water, electricity, hygiene, transport, school etc.
Plus eventually
·         To survive very modestly: repair (floor, doors and windows that do not fully close, oven, showerhead, tap, TV antenna…) and repurchase (basic car, laptop, washing machine, fridge, some clothing items…) broken items etc.
Approximately 50.000€ or 56.000$ would be of great help
Plus eventually
·         To repay most urgent debt (which is approximately 100.000€ or 112.000$)
Plus eventually
·         To repay less urgent debt (which is approximately 100.000€ or 112.000$)
Plus eventually
·         To relaunch the activity of started innovative projects by:
o   Perfecting some prototypes of the major and minor inventions, and eventually patenting them
o   Publishing another great discovery – a solution of the prime number enigma (not as a mathematical demonstration, but as a natural occurrence) which in itself has the potential to bring great success
A startup of approximately 200.000€ or 224.500$ would be of great help
If we happened to receive more (through donations and our own hard work), this is what we would be doing with it, beyond the expansion of my father's works:
·         Moving to a place with more possibilities, where we can start from scratch
·         Improving our health and well-being
·         For my sister: financing university of Marketing (including university fees and expenses, as well as associated costs of living such as transport, apartment, food…)
·         For me: attending courses and starting a business of my own in order to become a natural therapist (including the means for promotion)
·         For our parents: future eldercare (as their pension is delayed)
·         Eventually, making personal dreams come true: personal development, small gifts to my mother for our recognition, sharing our story with and helping other people who are going through similar situations like ours
We are not up for further debt, as our experiences dictate that the risks outweigh the benefits in our situation.
Prior to telling you our sad story in all detail, this is a short description of who we are, so you get to know us better

My father:
He is positive and brave, as well as cheerful, loquacious and likeable.
While this story speaks for itself and reveals most of his interests, he is also fascinated by classical music, history and culture, as well as chess, billiard and darts.
Whenever he is at home, he lends a hand to my mom to run the household in every imaginable way, especially through hard physical work, with the exception of taking care of clothing, which he knows close to nothing about. He is our home cook.
My mother:
She is down-to-earth, content, confident, eager to help and hopeful, as well as funny, serene and a cool mom, who has too big of a heart.
Reasonable and a focused and very precise worker, she likes painting, decorating and furnishing, and is often busy selling items online, as well as doing household tasks.
Travelling counts among the things she enjoys most, and her goal is to find peace, tranquility and security, together with her husband.
I am curious, ambitious, motivated, hard-working, determined, as well as polite, friendly, sunny, and a great listener.
I’m interested in human biology and psychology as well as healing, and enjoy reading and writing about the topic. I also love playing the piano, singing and chatting, drawing, dressing up and learning in general.
I am all for long walks in nature.
Patient, good at solving problems and coming up with creative solutions, my goal is to find happiness in aiding other people in a natural way, by teaching them how to heal themselves, and to build a calm and stable life.
My sister:
She is dynamic - relaxed, easy-going and fun, but also stubborn and reserved.
This girl is very smart and easily learns anything she sets her mind to.
She is interested in computer science and languages, of which she speaks 6.
As an animal lover and fan of movies and theatre, having a good time with and talking to friends is what makes her feel good.
Marketing and economics are in her blood, which is why her goal is to grow up to be an independent and influential woman, to work in the marketing sector and build a business of her own.
We live in the north-Italian mountains – cut off from the city, and speak German and Italian fluently, as well as English.
Take notice that this is a very wealthy quarter, which encompasses high living standards, but on the other hand also high costs of living.
The struggle of my family
Despite having always worked diligently hard and non-stop to exhaustion, yet in an allegedly smart, efficient and useful way, life has hit us very hard, as we are victims of never-ending complexly tough situations, which we had no other choice but to suffer through.
Casual bad luck, conducted mostly by senseless wickedness and villainy of mean and evil people, but also our own tenderness and well-meant altruism, have been the culprit.
Inadvertently lost, there have been a few factors we have just been intrinsically incapable and impotent to shelter from.
They endangered us in a way that, albeit reprieving us from permanent damage so far, has opened up the doors for that…
unless a drastic scene change takes place very soon.
In this case we are very motivated to harness our ace in the hole for our regeneration: to make a difference in the world through remarkable contributions and to guide people in situations similar to ours.

You will find us and our business on most social media platforms and on our website, all under construction. We go by the name "The Cinderella Family" and also have our own hashtag #thecinderellafamily.
Here we will keep you updated through pictures, texts, videos and audios of us, our situation and its development, as well as the inventions, among other things. You can also contact us and we can keep in touch in various ways.
I posted our full Cinderella Family story and an album of some of the debts and recent bills that we were able to document (in German and Italian language) on our Facebook site, if you want to have a look at them.
Our current link: https://www.facebook.com/The-Cinderella-Family-351285852209561/
Feel free to open the attached document "Our Cinderella Family story".
Our motto: rags to riches
You can find me and my own business under the brand “Maelumi” and the name “Miu”.
PayPal link: PayPal.Me/cinderellafamily

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  In Despair and Suicidal
Posted by: Lindysue - 07-19-2019, 01:18 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was a Homemaker, A great wife and a great Mother. I did all the old fashioned tasks like Baking, Sewing, Knitting, Cooking, Cleaning, School Runs etc. 9 years ago I left my husband, after almost 30 years of marriage, but only when I was certain my only daughter was safely away in college and not in need of me anymore. At that time I was heavily depressed which skewed my view on my marriage and caused me to make the wrong decision of leaving him and the family home. As a result my husband divorced me and both he and my daughter ostracised me and still to this day won’t communicate with me or help me in any way.

Shortly after my divorce, our family home was sold and I received half of the sale price, which was not very much as the country try was in deep recession and the housing market had dropped considerably. I still had enough to buy a very small apartment but unfortunately while I was looking for the right place, I met, what I thought at the time, a charming business man who offered me the opportunity of investing in various projects which would bring in more than I needed to buy a decent apartment, renew my medical insurance (which I had to forfeit with my divorce) and of course, run a car. For this I left my Country, temporarily but I never got to return. Needless to say, no business deals ever happened and this man cheated me out of every cent I had and when all my capitol was used up, abandoned me. Over the years I discovered that this man is a psychopath, others noticed it but unfortunately I didn’t, until it was too late.

So, here I am, left on my own in a foreign, hostile country with nothing. I don’t qualify for any kind of welfare and cannot visit the local hospital without paying a nominal fee up front. I  have just turned 60 this year and with that am accumulating various ailments, thankfully most of them small but I still have to deal with anything on my own as I don’t have funds for doctors fees or any medication. Also 3 years ago I lost most of the sight in one of my eyes but luckily enough the eye, from an aesthetic point of view, still looks perfect. When given the opportunity I can still sew and do crafts using a desktop magnifying glass, so it hasn’t hindered my creativity. I used to be able to look after myself very well, always dressed well, had great teeth and hair but now everything has changed to the point that even some of my back teeth are breaking and causing a lot of pain but visiting a dentist isn’t possible and I don’t have money to buy pain killers.
I have a very small token income from my Ex which is not enough to pay rent and buy food. I no longer have a car or medical insurance. I have nothing, I own nothing. I have no assets. I don’t have any friends here as I don’t have the money to socialise anymore. Sometimes I don't have money for food or it’s a choice between food or non-food items like toothpaste etc.  Under my circumstances I cannot afford to leave the room I 'exist' in.

My Mother died 3 years ago with Alzheimer’s so fortunately she never knew what was happening all the time I was going through my divorce etc. I didn’t tell her as it wouldn’t have made any difference, possibly it would have upset her momentarily so there was no point. I think if she could see me now, she would turn in her grave and would not believe the conditions I’m living under, it would be too hard for her to conceive.

I am a real person, I’m not a bad person and I will still go out of my way to help anyone I see in trouble. I believe I can still be of use in this world. In the words of the Dalai Lama ‘if you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito’.  but still my sense of despair overwhelms me each and every day. I sleep very badly but when I wake the gloom & doom of my existence weighs too much and my thoughts always turn to suicide. How will I do it? I don’t have the money for pills or alcohol, I throw up at the sight of blood and I know I would botch a hanging. Also, although I have an estranged daughter, she is my next of kin and would have to deal with my mess. I can’t do that to her. I love her so much and think about her all the time. As it is, I’m worried that when I die, she is going to have to take care of the funeral and she has enough financial worries of her own to think about.

Like I said, I am a real person, I’m sure there are lots of people out there looking for assistance all the time, some real and some not but if anyone wants to check me out, I will go to any lengths, of their choice, to prove that I am here and I am in this desperate situation. I hope somebody, somewhere reads this narrative and on a humanitarian basis helps me out. Any suggestions would be appreciated but obviously any funds would be greatly appreciated. I don’t mean to sound childish but ‘I just want to go home’ and start living again instead of barely existing like a caged animal in this lonely, hostile country. I have lost everything but I still have my dignity. Even if you are just reading this, I thank you.


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  Arizona Student Crippled by Misfortune
Posted by: LonelyAndTrying23 - 07-17-2019, 10:57 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


Seeking an angel out there that can help me get back on my feet. I’ve recently lost my job from inability to have transportation as my car broke down and I didn’t have money to pay for repairs on top of the monthly payments. I’ve been looking for work but I have to walk to each location as well as take the bus which also costs me precious money. I’m very desperate at this point and sell blood plasma to cover what bills I can but it doesn’t pay too much. Is there any generous being out there that could help? It’s 100+ degrees outside here in Arizona so job hunting times are difficult but I’m still trying. I don’t even want to mention the student debt which I’ve had to request a delay on repayment due to financial hardship. Anything helps even $1

I made a PayPal link at https://www.paypal.me/helpingRM

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  Thank you!
Posted by: Jenn - 07-17-2019, 06:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please consider donating out of the kindness of your heart. I am only 6 credits away to completing my Bachelor's degree, but I have used all available student loans and grants to me.
Here is my Bitcoin wallet link to donate:
Here is my Paypal.me link to donate:
Anything will help go to the cost to complete my Bachelor's degree. Thank you so much! Have a lovely day. Heart

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Music Music Studio Completion
Posted by: markrevelations@gmail.com - 07-17-2019, 07:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm trying to round off my music studio for an upcoming album that I'm getting ready to produce and I'm also getting ready to go into business with a partner starting our own music publishing company. The only thing left that we need to do in order to be successful is to get our computer out of the shop which is in the process of being upgraded in order to suit our audio and video production needs. If anybody could please help my partner and I would greatly appreciate it, here is our Go Fund Me link where you can kindly donate, thank you.  Smile   


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  Homeless student trying to save money to purchase a home or move into a apartment
Posted by: Div@33 - 07-17-2019, 01:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Tara, I work and go to school, I've been homeless for 4 years now and trying to find a place on my income is a hassle. I work and attend school and that can be overwhelming majority of the time, but I have to still work hard no matter how hard the road may seem. I am asking for any type of donations or help it doesnt matter if it's big or small if it comes from the heart then it is always big. Thank you for listening to my story and thank you for your help and donations in advance.???

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  Get $25 for signing up, you can also make more
Posted by: zora - 07-16-2019, 10:13 PM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - No Replies

Helping out a friend. She has a link below that if you sign up you get $25 dollars and she gets $10. I signed up and got $25 and she confirmed that she got $10. You can do things on the website to earn more money. So that would help her out a lot. Thank you!


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Heart Get $25 for signing up, you can also make more
Posted by: zora - 07-16-2019, 10:11 PM - Forum: Other money-making ideas - No Replies

Helping out a friend. She has a link below that if you sign up you get $25 dollars and she gets $10. I signed up and got $25 and she confirmed that she got $10. You can do things on the website to earn more money. So that would help her out a lot. Thank you!


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  Debt Help
Posted by: louisewilding - 07-16-2019, 03:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am struggling this month. I have large debts, but am working hard to pay these off, i have arrangements in place and help to be debt free in about 4 years time, its a long slog, but i'm working hard. However, due to unforeseen expenses this month i have found myself out of money with a week to go until pay day. I need about £200 to cover this, any help you can give will be appreciated and once i am able, carried forwards. 

Thank you all x

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