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Sad Online College Student Unemployed in Need of help for rent.
Posted by: Kyragibbs777 - 10-24-2018, 07:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I really feel hopeless. I started college a year ago and I recently lost my job. I have no means to make money and I have been going on interviews. I know i will get a job  soon but the rent is due. My boyfriend doesn't make nearly enough so i still need to come up with my half which is 500 dollars.
If you can find is in the kindness of your heart.  
you can cash app me anything at 


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  Desperate need for help
Posted by: desperate_89 - 10-24-2018, 09:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (3)

I am in desperate need for financial help. I am in big debt and I am late with the payments. I will face legal actions in just a few days. I need 5000$ which I dont have. I started to literally think about killing myself because there is no way I can come up with this money. If anyone can help me please, this would mean life to me. If I manage to live through this, I swear I will give back money when I can and help others that are in need of help.
I beg you, save my life please.
Thank you all.

paypal link is: https://www.paypal.me/helpmetodayplease

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  Single mom about to lose everything
Posted by: Brittbrat8192 - 10-24-2018, 09:03 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I lost my job with my babysitter quit on me and I have not been able to keep it a job since then due to unstable babysitting. I do not receive any help from family in the child’s father is not in his life. He has seen him twice and ever even touch him if my son will be three in December.  My rent is $550 a month and I have not paid it since May my electric bill is pushing 500 and I’m just waiting for them to send me a disconnection notice. I have a title loan out on my car that they are threatening to repossess because I am three months behind the payments are 120 a-month or 900 to pay completely off.  I receive food stamps the no But no other government assistance. My son has two pairs of pants that will fit in this winter and only the diaper he is wearing. I do not expect anyone to be able to help me completely but anything would help I hate asking others for help I like to be on the other end where I am the one getting help.. To be able to get my son diapers and clothes for the winter would be the biggest blessing of all. Thank you for your time in reading this And God bless you. PayPal.me/bratty8192

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  Need help getting out of my situation
Posted by: KartaKnows - 10-24-2018, 08:59 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a 19 year old college student in India.
My family is half way across the country at the moment and I live alone in a hostel.

I'll be frank about what happened. I was given money to pay up my hostel rent and I fucked up.

In my act of stupidity I thought that I could take some out of it and give the money to the land lord slowly out of the monthly allowance I get.

I realized my mistake but have not been able to fix it as because of my stupidity I forgot to take into account the money I have to give for my Food Mess, Electricity and Transport to college.

I don't know waht to do, I tried looking for work but part time jobs are impossible to find and usually end up leading to nothing. I'm very desperate as I've already sold my guitar and another instrument but they weren't worth much to begin with. I paid the Food Mess for dinner only and live off of one meal a day only to eat a banana or any other filling fruit for the other meal.

My account balance at the moment is zero. I get around 4000INR every month and can save hardly a few hundred rupees even after cutting off everything. 

Please help me.


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  Gas and food
Posted by: Monkeysmasher1 - 10-24-2018, 02:17 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, My name is Monkeysmasher1 (its just my youtube name and username for almost everything) 

Me and my family are really tight on gas money and its getting to the point where we cant even eat 1 thing a day. my dad works full time and I work for a Temp agency while doctors have told my mom that she physically cannot work. I had to give up about a weeks worth of a temp job so my dad can get to and from work. Ive slowly forced myself to not eat so they can (which is really bad considering I'm 18.)

We would go to the food bank but they only allow people once a month and we have already went to it within the last 30 days, and we cant exactly go without gas anyway. I, and my family would be really appreciative if people could help us out, even if its just $20 for gas or food. 

My paypal.me link (its a weird link name due to it being a combination of my YT name and my roleplaying twitter account name)  https://www.paypal.me/MS1LewdDokiYuri

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Posted by: k4log - 10-24-2018, 01:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am in need of some help funding my relocation to be closer to my children and 4 grand babies, my grandson I haven't even held yet. With Vehicle repairs and The journey I am looking for a hand up to help me so that I can help them. I need to get out of here with the cats before winter takes its hold. I can't wait to be part of my family again, the holidays that I have already missed with them is so hard. If you can help you can donate to https://www.paypal.me/hardwood  Thank you Heart


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  Help with rent/groceries
Posted by: cjay - 10-23-2018, 06:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I feel horrible for even asking anyone for help, but I seem to have hit a hard time - I am unable to pay my rent and there is no food in the house for my son. Generally I've done pretty well for myself without ever asking for help, but I am at a point that I don't know what else to do.

I work full time, but it just hasn't been enough this past month to make ends meet. My bank account was hacked and all the money was taken. Since the bank has to do an investigation, it has left with me nothing until payday in 2 weeks.

Anything would be helpful and VERY much appreciated, but $2,500 would help get my rent paid and food for the next few weeks until the bank issue has been resolved.

I would be more than happy to come back here and help others as well once I get back on my feet. 


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Posted by: l.hulance - 10-23-2018, 12:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I've not done this before so please bare with me. I am a single divorced mum to the most amazing 3 children in the world and recently I feel I am failing them due to financial issues.

So around 3 years ago I made the drastic decision to end my unhappy marriage of 10 years. Neither of us were happy and it needed to stop. For a while I managed OK. Got myself a part time job, enrolled in college and started pursuing my dream career. I got the children counselling and gave them my all. Apart from their dad not really seeing them and giving me no financial support we were doing alright....but what I saw as alright was me using credit cards to plug the gaps, grocery shops etc. couple that with the fact that my ex husband left me with all the marriage debts to pay (he got a new bank account and I was primary name). I started to realise things needed to change. 

I consolidated all my credit cards (2 from the marriage and 1 after) into a loan so I only have one payment for those and the other marriage debt was a loan I took out because my husband wanted to by a new car 2 years before the split. In total the 2 loan repayments equal more than my part time earnings but the way I saw it was at least I'm earning and trying my best, showing my children the right way.

Nearly a year ago things started to get worse as I just couldn't make ends meet. Living cost rise and nothing else was rising with them, I considered many different options and found a few solutions to ease the burden, after begging my boss, my working hours increased, but now I had childcare costs, meaning after those costs I was only earning £50 more a week, but still it was more. I also had a frank dicussion with my ex husband and his new fiance. They now see the children once a fortnight and pay a small amount of child maintenance (less that the CSA recommended amount and wont go higher) and also he now pays half of the marriage loan repayment each month. I also got rid of all unnecessary bills (TV, phone line etc)

Through all of this I have been suffering with severe depression, which I hate. I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy. I see my doctor regularly and have therapy once a week. I want to get better, I want to be a stronger and better mum for my children, they deserve it.

Then suddenly a month ago my world came crashing down. I started having panic attacks at work (stressful job mixed with depression), to the point I had to take time off to recover. The day I was signed off sick my boss took me to one side and told me they were stopping my additional hours, my contract with the additional hours included had never appeared and I didn't think to chase it. I begged HR to help me, my doctor wrote them a note to get occupational health involved, they ignored it all. I tried to return to work after a brief email exchange between my boss, HR and I and the first Monday of October walked in to no colleagues talking to me, my boss AWOL and HR's door firmly closed. I broke. I literally broke that day. I tried to get on with work and after 2 hours my boss suddenly showed up, ordered me to a meeting with HR and they quickly escorted me off the premises saying I wasn't fit to work anymore, had to go home and needed a doctor to sign me "fit for work"!

 After talking to my doctor 2 days later when I felt brave enough to leave the house and had carefully considered all my options (what benefits I could get while getting better and searching for a new job, if I could afford to live etc), I decided that I could no longer work in that environment and needed to quit my job for the sake of my mental health. I had to give 4 weeks notice and my doctor agreed to sign me sick for those 4 weeks. I emailed HR my notice....work sent me an email response saying that actually they could terminate my contract with immediate effect....

My carefully thought through plane started to crumble.

  • No 4 weeks of Statutory Sick Pay to see me through.
  • That afternoon I got a letter through the post from the council, due to a couple of mix ups on both sides I'd been over paid by nearly £1000!!! They want it back by 30th October.
  • Income support is still being processed
  • No housing or council tax benefit due to the outstanding amount I owe them
  • Tax credits didn't do my 4 week run on as I'd notified them of the reduction to my hours the week before I lost my job
I have nothing left. I'm struggling to find another job quickly as I have time restrictions due to child care. I have no support. I have 33p in my account and bills unpaid this month plus next months coming up. Please can you help me? I don't want to be in this situation and I want to be able to provide for my children, please can you help us get through this rough patch? 


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  Struggling with BPD
Posted by: dlamrock - 10-23-2018, 09:18 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Devon, and I am 21 years old. I am a student learning to be a composer. I play drums as in a rock band. I am a philosopher. Also, I haven't ever held a job due to my Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Borderline Personality Disorder causes one to be very impulsive, to have swift mood swings, and to engage in risky behaviors. The last real job that I had I walked out of on break about a month in. Why did I do this? Because I was the most anxious I had ever been in my life, no joke. It sounds absolutely hilarious that the thing that made me the most anxious was working a line at a meijer, because I've played (once) in front of a crowd of a thousand people like it was nothing. 

I have failed classes in college due to deciding on the way to the school that I wasn't going to show up (again, impulsiveness). I frequently do not show up to things that I am required to. My therapist threatened that if I was to miss one more time, I was to be discharged. Everything points to me being unable to do entry level work. 

I am bisexual. I came out to my mom three years ago and her reaction was that she "ought to have taken me to church more often". This was definitely the most heartbreaking moment of my life. I was fairly determined to kill myself that day, such that a police officer ended up showing up. After that day, I was much more depressed and suicidal. This was three years ago, and things have gotten much better with my mom and I. 

Now, I am not hopeless. I struggle every day to do the simplest things, but I still know I can do good things. I will be a great composer. I will be a good activist, and philosopher. However, I'm not sure I will be able to support myself until I am good enough at those things to support myself. What I ask is for help until I get there. In return, I will keep you updated. If you donate a substantial amount, I will dedicate a piece to you. I want you to know that helping me will not be in vain. 

I will succeed, but until I can, I ask for your help. 
It would mean the world to me. 

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Heart Nurse out of work
Posted by: Swojo - 10-23-2018, 05:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Getting laid off is hard. Looking for new jobs is hard. I found myself with a degree dancing for dollars. (No offense ladies I’m so shy it hurt me so badly. I give you props) I can’t  not make rent. I just got a bill for 950 because a truck hit me into a guard rail. Right now im barely hanging on because it’s one set back after another. Anything will help please Heart

My contact is sw783738@gmail.com for more info
Donate at

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