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  Please help family of six
Posted by: Tracyoofam - 11-28-2018, 09:20 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Tracy. I am married with 4 children. My family and I are hard working family, and my husband got hurt at work and have falling behind I'm all our bill. December is a extremely hard month for us. We lost our 2year old daughter 5 years ago on Christmas Eve. It's hard for us plus not being able to pay our bill. I thank you for you time and love.

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Heart Help Fund me and my kids cause!
Posted by: wareddick - 11-28-2018, 04:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone, firstly I would like to say thank you For taking the time out to read my post I really appreciate it. I am a single parent asking for help to purchase a used car and help pay off my tuition for college. My engine went out on my car 3+ months ago and I could not afford to fix it, so I had to send it back to dealership. I have been doing what I have to do to get back and forward to work. I have been taking a Lyft back and forward to work for over 3 months now and it's costing me $600 a month. I had it under control for a while but then hours started getting cut and bills are still rolling in. I have asked my job for and transfer to a closer store , but they want me to wait till after the new year. I put in a hardship transfer and I have talked to all my managers about this situation but nothing. I keep thinking that if I just keep pushing I will make it through, but it's getting harder and harder. I also was in school but I have to pay my tuition and fees to go back so I had to take a break. I have about a year left. I really want to do better for my kids, and having a car and going back to school will help, because I can start saving money again for their future, so please help me and my children by funding our cause. Anything is possible with Faith Smile

P.S. my cash app name is $Wyethareddick or paypal account @paypal.me/fundourcause

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  flooded with medical bills and studying loans
Posted by: ibrahimth - 11-28-2018, 08:48 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello good people.. I was born and raised and lived most of my life in one of the Arab gulf countries, which has no respect at all for foreigners specially Asians and other Arab countries, after 35 years of serving there, they simply expelled you back to your country without any rights at all. Then you start to suffer in a country you know nothing about, My father passed away 8 years ago, and I've been taking care of my family since that. with a sick mother of "Anemia", two sisters at university and home rent and bills and debts, life became hard and harder, All what i want is to help my sisters to finish their study so they can work and have their independent life career. I almost work for 13-15 hours everyday just to have the money to get my mother medical treatments and my sister expenses for their study. I appreciate any thing that helps me and my sisters to finish their study.. 

Thank you

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  A little help can make a huge difference
Posted by: UnnatiRaghav - 11-28-2018, 05:24 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I'm Unnati, from a lower middle class family where we can barely afford our living. Since childhood I have seen my family struggling and compromising with everything we had or wanted to have. My younger brother was about to turn two when he met with accident and it's been 16 years now but still he's paralysed and also have lost most of vision of his right eye. Recently my younger sister is diagnosed with tuberculosis because of which she's being admitted to hospital every now and then since her RBCs and WBCs aren't producing at the normal required rate. We have multiple loans on us and my father works in a private company. We have nothing left and have lost a lot by now.
I know donating to someone unknown is a great deal but trust me we are in need and whatever help you can make would be more than what we would expect and could earn and manage of our own.

Thank you so much.

Here's a link you can donate through paypal.me/UnnatiRaghav

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  how can it get any worse
Posted by: Ghamilton - 11-27-2018, 08:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

i'm not going to go into personnal details here but i'm broke, this year my partner has left me , i've been left with bills i can barely afford to pay and worse still my brother has been diagnosed with cancer in the last few days. i'm wanting to make this the best christmas for my daughter who i only get to see now and again but am unable to without help, believe me people i would never wish this situation on anyone.

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  Desperate Need of Utility
Posted by: MummyOf4 - 11-27-2018, 07:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I'm a single parent of four. I'm really in need of donations to pay my light bill for me and my children. We have nowhere to go and its freezing. If you could find it in your heart to donate to me and my family would be a blessing. Please

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  one month's rent desperatelly needed
Posted by: lori johnson - 11-27-2018, 06:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was terminated from my job after 8 years of stellar employment. My boss began to....let's just say that she wasn't "all there" anymore. It's a very long story, but she became delusional, paranoid and just down right mean. She denied me unemployment (the appeals failed), destroyed my portfolio, as well as all of the memos I had sent to human resources and to her boss, blocked my emails and phone calls to every person in the office, and has seen to it that I am essentially unemployable in this town. 

Here's a copy of just one of my reviews. They were all stellar...every one. The only crime I committed was to forget to fill out my time sheet properly a couple of times. The information she provided to the "higher ups" in the company was absolutely and unequivocally false. I'm also owed money for unpaid overtime. I've been trying to obtain an attorney, but haven't found an appropriate representative as of yet.

Four other employees in my department made many, many complaints about my boss's increasingly insane behavior, but nothing was ever done about it.

I have lived in my apartment for 9 years and have excellent personal and professional references. I don't think that there is anyone who would have anything bad to say about me.

ANNUAL REVIEW FOR LORI JOHNSON (I have removed any identifying names)

Note: Unfortunately, this is the only review I have access to at the present. 

Over the last twelve months Lori has become a highly valued member of our team. She has also made time in her regular weekly schedule to provide other departments with support (copy editing, headline writing, layout, editing and designing supplemental publications and magazines.

Lori is reliable, sensible and unrelentingly upbeat. She has a terrific sense of humor and despite a substantial weekly workload, she never treats her work like a chore. She brings a broad creative palette with her each day and can always be counted on to fashion something unique to underscore the sensibilities of a story.

Lori brings an impressive background in page design combined with skills in illustration. She’s a strong self-starter and more than ably manages projects from conception to print. Her technical proficiency is very high, and she’s a natural multi-tasker. In designing a magazine, there’s the ideal: an amalgam of words and visuals that is stronger than the individual parts. Then there’s the reality: page creation on deadline. Lori’s collaborative approach to making stories work for the reader is remarkable, as is her unrelenting focus on getting the job done … both, crucial elements in her mix of talents.

Magazines commonly suffer from a clash of design, and journalistic/literary culture, as if the disciplines themselves demand conflict. Lori, however, does not view writers and editors as the enemy. She realizes that magazine design is not a fine-art form, but neither is it an exercise in slavish subordination to the written word. The ideal, of course, is an amalgam of the two, stronger than each individual element.

Our writers are responsible for obtaining images from each story’s subjects, but because not all writers are visually oriented, and not all photographers are mind readers, it follows that we do not always capture visually the essence of a story. Lori has offered to take a more active role in acquiring the visual counterpart to each story and to act as liaison between the writers and the subjects (with the objective of making the magazine more interesting and visually dynamic for our readers.

It’s important that we get to know the people in the arts community we cover. Because Lori works with the visual material that reflects the happenings in our town, she should find opportunities to attend public events and meet with artists, gallery owners and museum professionals with whom we work. End.

Seriously, I will be homeless in a little over a month. I have enough money for December's rent, but that's it. I'm on Medicaid and Food Stamps and that helps, but I can not find a job of any kind. I'm grossly overqualified for minimum wage positions and the people I have applied with assume that I will only be around long enough to find another position in my professional field. 

My boss has seen to it that I will not work in my field in this town (where I planned to spend the rest of my life after living all over the U.S.).

Any monetary help would be greatly appreciated. I intend to pay it back. Every cent.

Advice wouldn't hurt either.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it.


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  Pls help, hungry and 0 cents left
Posted by: AaronB - 11-27-2018, 10:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

The short of it:
Have no money for food or rent. I just got a new job, but they won't give advances, and payday loans don't exist here.
So I am likely to lose the job as well since, I will have to walk there and work without food or meds. 

If I can raise 400 dollars- a lot I know- that should get me through, but even 10 dollars would at least buy some food.
Please msg me with any questions or requests. There's always hope. 

I always try to help people, so I hope this somehow works. Thank you so much for reading this! And good luck to anybody in the same shoes as me.


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  Help kiara get a brace
Posted by: Melissa1913 - 11-27-2018, 09:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies



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Star Truthfulness and Birthdays
Posted by: Konpeito - 11-27-2018, 04:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm not gonna lie, guys. I'm gonna be 100% honest and straight forward. 
I have some issues money would help, but that's not what i'm here for today.

Today, i'm here to just i guess try to have a decent birthday.
I want money for my birthday, plain and simple.

The sad truth is, not a lot of people care about me these days. My birthday is irrelevant to them, which is fine.
This is what happens when you grow. The issues i have make getting money the traditional way pretty difficult, and though i'm working on fixing things for myself, the big day won't wait. 

I know, it's pathetic begging for money like this, and for something like a birthday of all things, but that is why i went to a website purely for begging for money.
There are a lot of people out there who need it way more than i do, i can imagine. If you feel you should spend on them, then please do. I understand.
I'm just trying to be real here. 

Thanks for reading, happy holidays.


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