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  Need any help you can give
Posted by: Twisty55 - 05-18-2020, 03:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Been out of work since early march.

Not sure when I will return to work.

Looking at some time next month.

Have no income coming in right now.Just food stamps.

If you can help,I would really appreciate it.

Any help will do.

Another way to help is to check out t shirts I created for extra cash.

Link is bonfire.com

In search box type in jbs tees.

Thank you very much.

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Information Trying to get my life back
Posted by: Jenni.M - 05-18-2020, 12:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

  • My name is Jenni and I'm 48 years old, I need help in purchasing a car and money to get the things I need. One of hardest things I have ever done besides finding my husband died from suicide and my losing everything. I have two children daughter that is 27 and and a son that is 25. My family has nothing to do with me now that I can't help them out like I use to before a lost everything. I have Sevre Social Anxiety  and Sevre Manic Depression I don't leave my house in less it to the Food Pantry.I don't have any friends or anyone that can take me anywhere. I can't even go to the doctors because I can't get no insurance and I can't even afford my medication. I have been married for 27 years and in that 27 years I have been physically and mentally abused from my husband. I have been mentally abuse from my in laws that thru me out of the house that we lived in with my 93 year old mother in law that is also deceased now. I have been mentally  abuse all my life from my father, I also was rape by my mom's brother at the age of 15 still till this day nobody knows about because I had nobody to turn to.  I pray and pray that God would just let me go Its ao hard being alone and not having anybody to talk or to turn to. Please if anybody could help me purchase a vehicle and a little money so I can get the help I need before I end my life. Again I'm begging for help in purchasing a vehicle and money. Sincerely,jenni.m. 

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  Help With Mortgage
Posted by: helpneeded84 - 05-18-2020, 02:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hello, I'm 35 year old female. In the last 6 months I have lost my mother to a drug overdose and lost my job of almost fifteen years. I wasn't close with my mother due to her lifestyle choices. My father raised me.
When I heard of my mother's passing my brother and sister looked to me for help. 
They struggle to pay their own bills. In order to pay for the funeral I had to use what I had in my savings, which wasn't much, and take out a loan for the difference. Then my company was bought out and some of the positions were eliminated. I applied to many jobs, had a couple of interviews with no success. I was living off of credit cards. Then all this started with COVID 19. I am two months behind on my mortgage. With all this going on my partner and I ended our relationship and he moved out which caused even more financial burden because he always helped pay half of the bills. I am ignoring other bills just to try and pay my mortgage. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before I lose everything. I have a few solid friends in my life, not much family, but nobody that can help me financially. I have never been in this position. I've always been able to help others a little when in need. Typing this up is hard,but I am desperate. Thank you for reading and please anything will be greatly appreciated.
Paypal: paypal.me/anwmrt

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  Any help will do.
Posted by: Twisty55 - 05-18-2020, 02:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Have not worked since beginning of march.And not expected to return til next month or so.

Do not like asking for help without giving something back.

Have set up an online store at bonfire.com.

In search box type in in jbs tees.

Have been designing shirts,mugs,and onsies for extra income.

If not interested any other help will do.

Thank you

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Heart *Good luck to everyone during this crazy pandemic*
Posted by: HopelessOne - 05-18-2020, 01:36 AM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies


I just want to say hello and good luck to everyone during this global pandemic. I know it's hard for a lot of people. Stay safe and take care!

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  I need help
Posted by: Jenni.M - 05-16-2020, 02:05 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need 300.00 so I can get my self a vehicle. I have never had to ask for help till a lost everything and I'm trying to get on my feet. I also need a vehicle so I can get back and forth to the doctors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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  Finished all money for living we are striving for food, Covid-19 made us begging.
Posted by: Helpplease - 05-15-2020, 08:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

In extreme financial problems due to Covid 19.
All means are getting finished money is left for just 2 more days. No money to buy milk powder for 2years child.
No ? money for food and milk powder.
money travel to home town. No job, unfortunately
I need to Begg here, givers are the other god on Earth.
Please help my family with 1niece  2 young brothers 1 inlaws.
It's unprecedented and unforseen pitty.
But I have still hope.


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  Unemployment situation due to lockdown
Posted by: rony.mazumder - 05-14-2020, 06:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Very hard to explain. Due to lock down, workplace has been shut down so workers are told not to come to work . Facing very difficult situation after March. Had to beg to continue life. Im sorry but very little also will help. 

I used to run a very small business and could not continue. Later started to work on a construction site. Now everything has been shut down. I had to make such a decision to beg. Anything will help till the lockdown situation is over and i can get another job. Very small will help. Thank you and really hoping. 

Donate here or

paypal: paypal.me/ronymazumder 

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  Desperate, scared and broken
Posted by: Frenchie2009 - 05-13-2020, 08:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So I don't normally ask for money but I'm desperate and I'm scared and I don't know what else to do I got in a car wreck and I have to pay for damages plus I have a ticket I don't know how I'm going to afford to pay the damages the cars I got in a car wreck with it'sgoimg to cost but the estimate say close to 2000 for the car I hit and I was driving my boss's car at the time so I have to pay her back for the damages to both cars and I don't know how much that's going cost I only make $200 a week with my boss and I don't know how I'm going to pay her back she doesn't want to go through Insurance because she doesn't want her insurance raise and to top it off I've got a $300 ticket because I didn't realize my license is expired if you can please help anyting will help I'm the sole income for my family I take care of my parents who are both disabled my mom due to kidney failure and my dad due to his service in the military were trying to get their disability but there's no telling if or when that will happen. I dont know how I'm going to pay for this debt and pay for Bill's and food and my moms medicine. I'm scared we will become homeless and it's all my fault. Please I'm desperate I can provide pictures of the damages and proof from the dealership repair shop if needed I haven't slept or eaten bc I dont know if I'm going to be able to pay for food (I want to make sure my parents have food)and I'm trying everything I have nothing to sell and I dont have the best credit for a loan if you can help please donate to my paypal I will be forever grateful paypal.me/frenchie2009

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  unfortunate times
Posted by: ga10047 - 05-13-2020, 01:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I would like to say thank you for taking your time and trying to help someone and hope my story will be moving and we will get some help from some of you who have been smarter and maybe more fortunate in life.

I must admit that I am myself who have created this situation, being a bit unlucky at some times too.

It has been few years that we have been struggling for, and all started at approx. time when my little girl was born and priorities have changed, but I was never thinking that a birth of an angel will have negative and stressful impact to it too.

We used to live fast phase life and spending all we earned for many years and taking brand new phones on a loan, having a car that we really couldn't afford and going overdrawn in bank etc. Never thought about tomorrow and lived like today is the last day, I guess we all do when we are young, and now I do realise everything that my parents tried to teach me, but I was too arrogant to listen...

so with this type of lifestyle me and my girlfriend have generated a big debt that would take us at least few years to pay back if both of us would work, however she has been struggling to find a job, and living only on my salary keeps putting us in even bigger dept.

I know that it is something I deserve since I wasn't smart enough few years ago.

I do have a decent job and we can barely get by month to month, and I just wish that there would be more time spent with my princess than stressing out about money.

I am not asking to repay the debts we have created by ourselves, I am asking if that little support or any support is something we can get so we can give a better future for our daughter.

I hope that someone will read this and will be able to relate and if you have came out from other side with this I would also love to hear the supportive messages and encouragement that it will get better, as at this moment I feel like this is how it will be for rest of the life just because we were not smart enough to think about future when we were younger.

I'd love to hear from you and if anyone feel like donating that would be highly appreciated 

PayPal Donations

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