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  Need some help
Posted by: Teaspoon1 - 01-07-2017, 10:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My son has been at uni since September and is struggling with his finances, I am doing as much as I can to help and it's leaving me short of money tto the extent where I can't afford to eat some days.
I'm on miminimum wage and rent on my flat leaves me with around £200 for the month, shopping, bills, travel ect and not a lot left.
I just need a little break, I have no family to ask and my sons father has been absent from his life for around 13 years and has avoided paying anything towards his up bringing.
I'd appreciate any help and thank anyone in advance.

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  Coming out of homelessness with my kids
Posted by: harnold510 - 01-06-2017, 05:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My kids and I have been homeless for the last few months.  We were forced to leave our home due to unsafe circumstances and have been bouncing from one place to another.  We are about $1000 away from being in a good place or being completely bankrupt.  I cannot take any more loans out from people since I have exhausted all of those resources, so I turning here.  This is my last option.  I am terrified and not sure what else to do.  The legal fees from my divorce have crippled me financially, just so I can fight back from a rapist and stalker.  Please, any help would be appreciated.


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  Save our Prius
Posted by: Grimmage - 01-06-2017, 02:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]Recently in horrible car accident and can not pay deductible for repairs or car note.  I have been out of work since the accident and my wife is a home-schooler and stay at home mom.....so we dont have any money coming in right now. We've always helped our fellow person and participated in numerous community service events.....and just hoping that someone out there has the heart and resources to help get my families car back. [/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]Need 500 for deductible and 500 for car note.[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]cash.me/$BryanGrimmage[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]paypal.me/Bryangrimmage[/color]

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  obviously looking for help
Posted by: dmac84kev - 01-04-2017, 04:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I never thought that I would ever be put in this situation, but here I am.  I am in a bit of trouble and need some cash fast.  I am one of the many middle class, hard working, drowning from one paycheck to the next.  I make too much to get any kind of assistance but not enough to keep up with expenses and with each month I fall farther behind.   Everything just costs so much more than what I get paid.  Groceries are the hardest.  I have my son and daughter and my two grandchildren living with me. I don't need much unless someone wants to go all out and pay my student loans which are over two hundred thousand,  and I'm not even a doctor!!  low interest rate they say,  they forget to mention that it is compounded daily!    What I need asap is my electric bill which is $466  and my water bill which I haven't been able to pay for over two years so it's close to $3000, can't believe it is still on, and I owe the IRS $7500 which I am being garnished for but the balance never seems to go down. I just need a little help and would really appreciate anything anyone would be willing to give.  Thank you so much for reading.  Happy New Year

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  Need help to go home
Posted by: Granny63 - 01-04-2017, 12:54 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 63 yr old widow and I am from Indiana but now live in  Kentucky with some people. I've lived in Kentucky for about 17 years. I'm in a bad situation here and I'm very homesick for indiana  bit I don't get enough om my widows benefits. Just enough to pay what I need to and some personal stuff and that's it. I need enough to move on and to get a temporary place to stay when I get there and enough to live on until I can see what help I can get when I get back home  and ill need to get a small storage unit until I get apermanent  place to live. Any help will be greatly appreciated. God Bless You.

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  Absolutely on my face
Posted by: HumanitarianMartyr - 01-02-2017, 12:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

2016 was the single most horrible Year I have ever experienced.

The girl I thought I was going to marry cheated on me with her work colleague and everyone in our circle knew before me, and the one person I really don't like told me. Broke my heart. Subsequently, I lost everything. My house, my car, my cat and dog, my job, my self esteem, she absolutely crushed me. Happened 3 days before Christmas Day, I spent it alone in the house I was about to lose - absolutely heartbroken. I gave up everything for this girl, friends + family, should NEVER have done that.

I've never ever been this bad, but right now it feels like life is not even worth living anymore. I thought I had it all set and in one fell swoop, it was all taken from me.

I've decided that I want to start again from the very bottom rather than give up on life. Long story short, I need some help to get back on my feet, is there anyone out there willing to help. Literally, any assistance will be so highly appreciated, even if it's only 10p, just knowing people are out there willing to help absolute strangers is giving me a different type of will.

I am more than willing to work, so if you have any odd jobs or running around doing, please let me know!

I have a target of £1000 so I can rent a room and use the address to get a job quickly. Any help from anyone is so highly appreciated. Thank you for reading up to here.

If you would like to help out via PayPal my donation link is:


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  Homeless, need help with 1st month's rent, security deposit and utility deposits
Posted by: neodydan - 12-29-2016, 07:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Dan Brown. No, not the author (I wish, lol).

I currently find myself homeless and seperated from my wife and 10-year old daughter. Our being seperate is a temporary situation directly connected to being homeless. We just need to find a house to rent asap.

My problem is saving the necessary money for the first month's rent (preferably 2 months, really) and the security deposit and utility deposit. I do have a couple of hundred dollars I saved from my last job. Ah, how did I lose that, you ask? Well, they changed my schedule, failed to notify me, and then listed me as a no-call, no-show. They did this same thing twice, which caused my termination. It is a well-known convenience store which is famous for pizza. I'm not going to mention the name outright, but if you have one where you live, you probably have guessed it already.

I start a new job doing inventory after the 1st of the year. The big problem is the men's shelter I stay in has a 90 day limit. I am 25 odd days away from reaching this...So we need a place asap. I don't know where I would go if I was put out of there...My wife and daughter stay with a friend and it is already overcrowded there, there is not really even a patch of floor for me there...

I am out here everyday looking for work. All day, everyday. I want to work. I am not afraid of work. As I say, I start a new job after New Year's. I am embarassed asking for help somewhat, but I am desperate and want my family all back together.

As for my wife she is very, very sick. She has been battling breast cancer for 3 years now. Radiation, chemo, the whole gambit. Then she hydroplaned in our car...she wasn't hurt badly (thank God), but it did trigger them to look at her thyroid. She has thyroid cancer as well, they discovered. She has had more treatments for this in preparation of having surgery to remove her thyroid. We have medicaid, which is a blessing. So my wife can't work. She would love to. She is just too sick. She has applied for disablity but keeps getting denied, unexplicably. if anyone deserves it, she does.

So we are also without a vehicle, but a friend may have one for us soon. It needs some work, I don't know how much it need yet, but we are grateful to have anything that runs at this point.

I hope some people may be able to help us. Just need a hand getting our family back on it's feet. Thank you in advance.

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  lost everything
Posted by: Unsureofmyself - 12-28-2016, 02:20 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have a very heavy burden weighing on my chest. I don't like asking for help but I am at a rock bottom level now. I got divorced in 2013 and lost my home, work, car. I have been out of work fo3 years. I have just recently lost my eligibility for any state help. Meaning, not only did I loose my life but also my healthcare, prescription coverage because I have literally $0 for income. I am alone now... children have grown. I just need money to get me back into my own space, and get some type of training for something. I am diagnosed with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. I feel I haven't anywhere else to turn. I cant get Social Security Disability because I didn't work enough credits to apply. No credits because I had to raise 2 boys totally alone. I need to come up with a few thousand to get established in a small apartment and money for training of employment. I NEED HELP !!!

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  Help with medical bills
Posted by: GrandmaHart - 12-27-2016, 08:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a grandma of 10. I have recently had a gall bladder removal, and I did not have insurance. (I've always had it, but financial/work resources have not allowed me to continue.)

I am swimming in medical bills, and trying to make payments, but on a fixed income, it's hard. I owe $15,318.85 to the hospital and doctors. I would be eternally grateful for any help at all. I am still working, but only 1 day a week due to  arthritis in my hands. I've been a house keeper for private families for a long time.  I volunteer whenever I can, and can give my time to those in need. May God's blessing be with you. Thank you.   paypal.me/hartman57.

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Big Grin Need help
Posted by: Justhoping - 12-27-2016, 03:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I just wondered if any one can help I need £90 to pay for debts I gave and just can't pay. I have an oustanding bill of £90 that needs paying ASAP and no way of doing this.

Thank you


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