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  go back to school
Posted by: fadzi - 04-26-2016, 08:04 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Im a Zimbabwean lady aged 30years old. Currently I live at home with my family. I do have a course in Banking and finance and a job but the money I earn is not enough for me to move out yet alone save to go to school. My family cannot help me in raising the funds to go back to school as they feel that they have already done their part in funding my first program. Also because that studying a programme in mechanical engineering is a man's field. 

I followed the wrong dream in life and would like financial assistance in correcting the mistake i made. I would love to pursue a career in  mechanical engineering at a local college in Zimbabwe. the programme is 3 years and inclusive of accommodation, school fees examination fees and all the required materials i would need approximately $5000 for the whole duration.

thank you for taking your time to read my post.

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  Homeless family of 4
Posted by: Smiley - 04-22-2016, 11:55 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Anyone please help waiting on our taxes now finally but already to late have to daughters 5 and under really need some assistance just lost our only car and only have 60 bucks which im hoping will pay for tonite in a motel because its raining someone please help I will pay it forward in return ASAP thank you and god bless anything helps you can contact me at 4234145447 thanks again

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  Family in need
Posted by: Gratefulforhelp - 04-21-2016, 11:34 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My family and I were hoping for some help. My wife has an illness which makes it difficult for her to work. My luck in a job search isn't going so good. The area we live in is very scarce on jobs and we have no money to move out of the area. 

Unemployment benefits got cut off as they felt I didn't qualify and have said the last month of benefits I received shouldn't have been given to me and are demanding I pay back a month of unemployment benefits plus penalties.

We are several months behind on bills. Our debt is piling up and are at risk of being evicted from our place. We've been doing what we can to find money, but it just hasn't been enough to keep up.

Anything would be more than welcome and appreciated. Thank you for hearing our plea and for any help you give. I'll link my paypal account for anyone who wishes to donate.


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  I bent the boom gate for my daughter.
Posted by: zanderwill - 04-21-2016, 10:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


My 18 month old daughter went into hospital for emergency heart surgery to patch an ASD (small hole). The surgery was a success. As she came out of ICU, she wanted her favorite cuddly toy duck but it was at home. My car was in the parking garage. The parking garage debit/credit card machine appeared broken & I didn't have cash at the time. I rang the guard on their support phone, but the fat lazy guy said 'nothing I can do - it must be the network system'. He wouldn't even come down to investigate. I was quite upset having just been been through the days events and wasn't thinking straight, so I picked up the boom gate and physically bent it sideways so my car could get out.  Now the garage wants $810 in damages to repair the gate. I just can't afford this right now. Looking for a loan or hand out or anything. 

Appreciate any help.

Best Regards
Caring Zander (Dad)

Paypal: zanderwill85@gmail.com

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Big Grin Really need help
Posted by: Annmissy66 - 04-19-2016, 09:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I suffer 28th rhuemotod arthritis and osteoporosis and I have carpal tunnel .I have no way to get to the doctor .its really hard to walk and get around a I really need a car .I've been told I have a pretty smile I've lost that when eating popcorn and broe out my front tooth and I want it root pulled and get a replacement .please can anyone help me out .I live with friends since I can't work and I'm fighting for my disability and hope I can get it cause all I want is a great smile a good home and car of my own.I learned from my grandparents god blesses those who help others and I believe it

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Exclamation Tried to better my life and it backfired, a little help?
Posted by: nuxi - 04-19-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've spent several years working and recently came to a stage where I decided to re-evaluate my life and where I was heading. I was stuck in a position that had very little wriggle room for progression or potential to improve my lifestyle. So I decided to enroll in University. I found another job, only part time, to move into which would be enough to cover bills and live modestly while I studied. However, in the time frame between leaving my previous job, organizing my enrollment and preparing myself for this next step in my life, that job fell through. So in the midst of the chaos I've been left unemployed. Since then I've been searching for employment, so far I've not been successful. I am doing everything I can to work with what is available me. Between trying to study, find work and not become homeless it feels like i'm trying to dig myself out of a hole by digging deeper. I need some help getting back on my feet desperately. Anything at this stage would make the world of difference to me! I will pay it forward when i'm able to - paypal.me/nuxi

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Posted by: baybayjordan - 04-17-2016, 08:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help catch up on water bill. Have a disconnection notice. Really need some help. Thank You. Make donation to my paypal account at baybayjordan@yahoo.com

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  my son
Posted by: micja - 04-16-2016, 08:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

my son has a dream to start a welding and hot rod shop. I have tried everything I can to help him with this. we are unable to get  any help from the banks or loan places. he is depressed and wondering why we are here on earth and for what reason. he went to school for welding and now has 10,000 dollars in loans to pay for and was laid off his job. he cant understand why he cant get help. he is starting to lose faith in everything. this worries me to no end. I'm not one to beg for help and if he knew I was he would disown me. if someone could find in there hearts to help with this would a blessing please donate what ever you can                     sincerely Mike

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  Single mom needs help!!
Posted by: Marie2560 - 04-14-2016, 08:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I am 24 years of age single mom his father passed away a month ago. I need help paying my rent I just started back working 2 days ago I have tried getting the money together with no luck I only was able to get 100 dollars I need 400 more to get my rent paid. My family will not help they will rather help a stranger than blood. I don't want to be on the streets with my child or in a shelter so I'm reaching out to help hopefully this reaches someone with a heart. If you can donate please donate to my PayPal account ladyj7791@gmail.com everything penny is appreciated. This was my last resort as the agencies have no funds and the ones who do not service my zip code....I'm just a struggling mom trying to get on the right track I just need help to get on my way without having to stress about being put on the streets. Thanks for reading. I appreciate all!!

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  Family In Need Of Help
Posted by: JohanMuller - 04-13-2016, 10:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good Day to all.
Due to numerous unforeseen circumstances we have been  put us into major financial strain. We are about to lose our Home and Car if I don't do something soon. I am behind with 3 months on most of my Bills.

On top of all this we have recently found out my Daughter of 1y need a Hernia Opperation which as you know any operation in my country is expensive.

If anyone can please help I know you will be blessed by helping a family in dire need.

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