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Sad In Desperate Need of $35
Posted by: forevermaryella - 02-12-2017, 12:03 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm struggling financially and could really use $35 for some necessities such as food, toiletries, etc. I would so so appreciate anyone who donates. Thank you so much in advance. This is the link to donate to my paypal: PayPal.me/loveyouall4

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  Help with medical bills
Posted by: Kimberly Marcelle - 02-11-2017, 06:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My story starts in 2004 when my husband had a stroke. He has not been able to work, he does get social security one time a month.  He was only 44 years of age.  We have made it because I have been able to work. Now that has changed. July 1, 2016 my husband was driving us home and that is all that I remember. I was told that I was in ICU for 9 or 10 days I just don't know what happened. I was told that we was in a wreck and I had to be cut out of the car and life flight to the hospital. My whole right side is damaged and this is one long hard road to be on . I had a brain bleed, a cut on the right side of my face from my hair line on my forehead to my right eye. My right arm was broke and they put a rod in my arm. My right top part of my leg was broke and was sticking out of my skin. The Doctor told my mom that it will take me at least 1 year or more to get better. It has been 7 months and I am still not healed. My Dr told me that with all the damage and my age it was just too much for my body to heal fast. I was 54 years old when this happened. The hospital has put a lean on any money that I can get from the insurance . I lost my car and almost lost my life. I am not able to get disability because they said that my husband gets too much already.  I would like to see one of those people to try to live off of 1 social security check  a month.  I had no health insurance at the time  because what they call affordable was not so affordable to me.  If you could please help me and my husband just to keep our bills paid that would mean the world to us.  GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU THAT IS READING MY STORY

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  Taken custody of my sister schildren after death of her husband, but her debts are k.
Posted by: seangully - 02-09-2017, 03:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all,
I really hope someone can help me!!
I’m currently serving in the Royal Navy and have had a rough time of things over the last 6 month.
Firstly my sisters husband died around 6 months ago through abusing his body for many many years and this led to my sister turning back to her old friends and there very bad habits with certain drugs.
She borrowed a lot of money off me due to the fact she owed some very nasty people the sort of money you shouldn’t owe anyone, i had to take out loans and got to the point where I was using payday loans to get these people off her back only for her to go back to them and run up even more debt.
Eventually and maybe thankfully she was reported to children services and had her children taken away from her, i was asked if i would take custody of them and obviously I didn’t hesitate to say of course.
The problem I have now is i owe so much money that I’m actually left with -£27 every month so each month i am getting further and further into debt.
I have cancelled everything that is considered a luxury and spend every spare penny on my two fabulous girls but i cant keep my head above water like this.
I currently owe roughly £20000 and know if i could work my way out of this i earn a good enough wage to give these girls the life they deserve and hopefully in the future there mum can get herself back on track and my family can go back to normal.
I had taken on a second job but with now having the girls ive had to leave that position.
I just don’t know what to do with my phone ringing every ten minutes about payments,
I would be eternally grateful for any help

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  Need help paying bills and grocerys
Posted by: Gail - 02-09-2017, 04:55 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a 65 year old widow i am in a hard spot this month's please i need help with bills and grocery store I am disabled to work you can send to paypal acct mgycrw@hotmail.com

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Heart Please help rebuild the life of a helpless immigrant
Posted by: lightcatcher - 02-06-2017, 10:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Friend,
                  My name is Sid.

I am an Indian citizen living in India. I had lived and worked in the US for long time.

I have a masters degree from an American University as well.

I will depict the horrible experience I had got while working in the US on H1B (Guest Worker) visa.

Like many other young people coming to the US I too had great expectations and dreams.  I wanted to contribute to the US economy. I wanted to achieve my American Dream.

However very soon my dreams had been shattered.

The company I had joined had been an unscrupulous one.
They hire immigrant workers but used to break all possible labor laws.
Working there was like modern day slavery.

Suddenly the company stopped paying me salaries. I asked for my salary many times but did not get any valid response from the company.

They even threatened me of deportation if I had reported the matter to the authority.

I had to undergo severe mental torture.

However I defied their threat and reported to the US Department of Labor (DOL). DOL started an investigation which helped me get back some of the unpaid wage.

As a result I was terminated in retaliation from my job.

Eventually I had to come back to my home country India on my own.

I did not get any support from the US Government.

My American Dream had thus turned to American nightmare.

I became depressed. My life became totally devastated. Till now I have not been able to fully recover from that nightmarish experience.

America is the citadel of liberty and justice. No individual should be treated this way like I was.
Despite all these I still love America and its people.

I am an optimist. I want to rebuild my life.
I am completely devastated now but will bounce back for sure.

I want to go to the US again. I want to contribute to the American society and economy. I want to fulfill my American dream.

I am still fighting for my rights. However it requires lot of money.

Will you please help me in my pursuit for seeking justice? Then kindly contribute a generous amount so that I can achieve justice and fulfill my American dream.
Your contribution, however small, would be immense blessings for me.

Here is the link:

Donate via CrowdRise.com

God bless you and your near ones.

Warm Regards.

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  please help me raise £22,000 to get dental implants
Posted by: rickster78 - 02-06-2017, 03:31 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hello and thank you for taking the time to read my fund raiser,

so whats it all about you ask, well my names Richard im 44 and live in the UK and would hopefully like to try and raise the funds to have dental implants done something which would be a dream come true for me.

so why am i asking for your help well basically im asking for your help as i have no were else to turn ive emailed over a hundred dentists here in the uk  and had around five reply's out of the 100 i emailed each with the same "sorry we cant offer that" which is totally soul destroying i am genuine i even emailed pictures to show why i needed the help but still nothing, just the same old answer. so about me well as mentioned above im 44IMG_0444.JPG live in the UK and suffer with severe agoraphobia and depression, the agoraphobia was brought on by being vicisoulsy assaulted and having my door kicked in and was beaten bloody by a so called friend who also smashed a bottle over my head which left me with 7 stitches in the top of my head, plus with a broken nose and black and blue eyes which left me with a stutter for six months and blind in my right eye, i have always suffered with depression even from a younger age due to being abused mentally and physically by a sick and twisted mother who liked to accuse me of a drug habit i never had, to the point i took a overdose of 50 paracetamol when i was 13 and tried to kill myself, and honestly i think god must of had his hand on me cause i should of died but spent a day riding around on buses being sick green and white frothy sick, i was also abused as a child by a Sunday school teacher who i thought i could trust, ive sufferd now with agoraphobia since 1999 which just grew worse and worse to the point im at now were i am unable to leave my flat at all aswel as depression all of my life, which is being made even worse by the fact of my dental health over the years ive tried as hard as i can to look after my teeth brushed and flossed them everyday but to no avail my dental health has just grown worse and worse to the point i just feel like taking a overdose and have got to the point i have taken all of the mirrors down in my flat, i have cut all social ties with friends i no longer open my door to anyone i just cant face anybody as my teeth have become so disgusting i cant bear the thought of any one seeing me  this in turn is making my agoraphobia even worse making me feel even more secluded and making me feel even more like not leaving my flat plus is making my depression even worse making me constantly break down and cry feel even worse about myself than i already do to the point i am at now the only person i see is my uncle who cares for me and comes in on a daily basis apart from that i have blocked all social contact i no longer own a mobile phone i dont have a Facebook account, i know your probably thinking ohh just go and get dentures and be done with it, but you see its not that easy i wouldn't be able to cope with wearing dentures im self conscious about myself enough as it is already plus the fact it would just make my depression even worse and make me not want to leave my flat even more as i would just be to self conscious plus would make me feel even more depressed and down and feeling like what is the point anymore i know its easy for some people to go this route but i just wouldn't be able to cope or face being stuck with dentures and it would just make my depression and agoraphobia even worse and just make me feel even worse about myself than i already do plus make me even more self conscious about myself than i already am so im basically asking out of the kindness of your heart if you could please help me raise the money to get dental implants done i know it is a lot to ask as they can be very expensive and we are all struggling and going through hard times, but all im asking is for you to help so i can have my happiness back to help me with my depression to help me through my agoraphobia and get me socializing with friends again help me to try and get over my agoraphobia and going out my flat again and mixing with friends and relatives who i haven't seen since, the last time i left my flat which was in 2008 so if you can help you would be saving me as i have no life the same four walls day in day out so please if you can no matter how small all donations will help bring me back some happiness. 

thank you and god bless.


ps im not just asking for the money if any dentists out there see this and would be willing to donate the work please get in contact, i know its a awful lot to ask for but it will help bring back my life and happiness.

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  Please help we are desesperated
Posted by: andre1986 - 02-04-2017, 11:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone,

My name is André i am from Portugal and i'm 30 years old.

I live in a small apartment with my wife and my 4 years old son and 17 days old daughter and my wife doesn't work and i work in construction but my payement is per hour i win money per hour and my contract is kind of a bit "ilegal" because security social discounts are really low and the insurance is a joke.

I recently developed a disease in my leg due to clogged veins named "tromblafite" and i cannot work because i have hearth attack risk and trombose status after it so the problem is my insurance gives me 7 euros per day to stay home and i already tried everything they say i can't get more. 
Only  when i get cirurgy and then recover i can get back to work, but the situation here is im winning 7 euros per day x 21 days its 147 euros.
i have 300 euros rent to pay , water gas and electricity plus food and baby stuff.
My kid already stop going to children school because we have no money to pay it and we have nothing t oeat in home im afraid we will get dumped from our home because i need to buy food with this 147 euros i get per month.

I hope you understand my situation and all help is appreciated and we will be all thankfull with you forever.

I am sorry for my english hope you can help us.

Regards, Marques Family


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Heart Single dad need help
Posted by: Northern guy - 01-31-2017, 11:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone.

I am 27 year old single dad and i am hoping to find someone who can help me out with a couple hundred quid.
I'm more than happy to pay this back on pay day.
Basically i have had to take some time off work because my girlfriend has fallen ill and is in hospital. Which practically leaves me as a single father at the moment. And usually i am the bread winner and make enough to see us through.
However having 2 months off work has left me with no money until the 28th Feb
I'm really hoping someone can help me out just until then.
I have no siblings to help and my parents are in no position to help me.
My baby has her milk and nappies i made sure i had enough of those but i dont have very much in the way of food for myself or fuel in my car.
I'm able to work part time this month as my mother is coming through the day now to help out with the cleaning and tending to my daughter.
This was a very unexpected event and never before have i ran out of money and not had enough food. 
Anyone who can help i would be very VERY greatfull.

I'm really not expecting much response to be honest.
No idea if these sites help but im at the point where il try it anyway even if i look like a fool.

thanks for reading

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  I'm about to be homeless
Posted by: inoahphu - 01-24-2017, 06:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm an entrepreneur from Korea, came to the US to fulfill my dream, help others. Despite all my effort and endeavor, my business is not making money and I'm about to be evicted out of my studio apartment/my office. 

Please help me. Your help will be appreciated. 
Best love,


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  Help me start afresh
Posted by: rhjones19 - 01-24-2017, 05:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


My name is Roz, I am 36 years old and disabled.  Please help me raise £5000 so i clear my debts, finish uni without any debt.

I have also felt a calling to become a nun.  Please help fulfil this.

Thank you



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