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Sad Need help so I don’t get kicked out of my home
Posted by: Sis412 - 02-17-2018, 07:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My family is having a hard time staying a float with bills and food. Plus there is another baby on the way. I just need a little help til we are able to move out of this city to the place where jobs are easier to find. Please please help. I’m desperate. This was the last thing I wanted to do wasn’t beg.

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Bug Need help with kids
Posted by: Groceballs - 02-17-2018, 05:23 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! My name is Lauren. I proudly served the United States Navy. While one the Navy, I was injured and now I am only able to work under 20 hrs a week. My fiancé has been working also up until today, and now we have lost her source of income. Our rent is due soon and due to recent medical expenses ( due to the flu) we are out of money.  On top of that, we also house and take care of her two younger brothers of 5 and 6. It is impossible for me to pick up more hours, Andy the fiancé is already finding a new job, but we need more help. As a veteran I was  taught to have more respect than to ask for a hand out, but’s I feel like I have no other choice. I will pay forward the help I receive and give a big thanks to those who  help!

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  Did right thing & now need 1 month's rent
Posted by: Sandyrightthing - 02-17-2018, 01:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I lost my job when I turned my boss into the state insurance commissioner's office for fraud. I've been struggling for a couple of months & finally have a new job starting March 12th. I have went though wat little savings I have and this is the first month I have not been able to pay my rent. I am in desperate need of the rent money so I don't get evicted before my new job starts. My landlord is going to charge me $10 a day late fee starting 2-18-2018. My rent is $950 & I have $250 of it.  I did the right think & now I may lose my apartment. Any help is  appreciated. Thank you.    Paypal/sievers881

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  Reborn Dolls & Rent
Posted by: KittenButt - 02-16-2018, 08:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. My name is Jordan. I am currently unemployed and no one so far wants to hire me as a babysitter or nanny. I think I'd do well, considering how much I love kids. I've tried all sorts of personal donation sites, yet no one seems to want to help. I've also tried selling possessions. 

What I need is simple: I need $3,000 to pay for these special dolls that simulate children (and will supposedly help with my depression by taking care of them) and for rent so I can finally move out of my 


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Rainbow Full time Mom and Employee needs help
Posted by: jaidasma - 02-16-2018, 03:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In all humbleness and honesty, I need financial help please.  I'm a single mom with two teenage children that I raise on my own.  I work full time in a good career.  I have no other income other than my own.  Times got hard last year and bills mounted up.  I applied for credit cards and a small loan from a bank to help get us through the months with rent, car payment, bills, food, electric.  I barely live paycheck to paycheck, sometimes even having to ask local church pantries for a handout so I can feed us.  We live modestly.  I don't want to make our situation worse by taking out a large loan to cover all the smaller ones.  I don't get a huge tax return, because I work more than 40 hrs per week. I thought I'd take a chance to beg for help from someone who is searching for a true person in need.  That's me.  I'm a hard worker, I'm respected by my coworkers, friends and family.  I'm drug and alcohol free. I just need financial help.  I'm emotionally burnt out trying to make ends meet week after week.  I have a HUGE heart and know that one day, when I'm able to afford it, I will have zero hesitations to pay it forward and help someone out in need as I am now.  I pray you take my request seriously, it was written from the heart and with all the humility in the world.  Thank you.

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  i need to clear my debts
Posted by: Thouba99 - 02-16-2018, 07:58 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hello friends,
i run a small retail shop to run my family of 5 but the amount i earn is not enough for my family. The amount i need to run day to day life is triple the amount i earn. So i took this step to borrow some money and expand my little shop but unfortunately before i could do anything my mother got sick and the money i borrowed was used in medical expenses.
Now I'm require to pay interest monthly for the loan. Due to this my family condition is even worse than before. I need to clear this debt so that I can bring back my family back to life again.

ps. if someone out there is willing to help me, i would even love to return the invested money after i succeed in my small business.
Thank You.

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Sad It can't get any worse
Posted by: MissJonna - 02-14-2018, 11:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to this site. I just happened to stumble across it while looking for help. I live in a crappy town that's probably going to end up being the new Detroit. I'm scared for my girlfriend & I's lives. You just don't understand. Gangs, murders, drugs, drive by's. It bears down on your soul. I desperately need to move to a safer place with decent housing & jobs. We're falling behind due to lay offs and businesses up and selling. Our car needs a tune up and our bills are falling behind. We're picking electric over food. I've been to every church and organization and they only want to help you if you're an addict or an alcoholic! It's frustrating. Please I'm begging you all from the bottom of my heart, help us. Even if it's a little bit it can go a long way or even information is greatly appreciated also!!! Thank you so much ❤ This is my friends PayPal that has agreed to accept in our honor.... PayPal.me/JonnaShelton

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  I’m really hungry. Haven’t ate in days
Posted by: imjusthungry - 02-14-2018, 09:39 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I thought i would give this thing out for a try since everyone i ask is either broke or they just don’t want to give anything. The title explains it, i am HUNGRY. lol. Haven’t ate in a couple days. Anything will help. 50¢, $1 anything. Thank you in advance. I will be trying my best to help everyone needs once i am able to.  https://www.paypal.me/f0h

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  Help me keep my independance.
Posted by: jodi011 - 02-14-2018, 05:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. Just going to keep this short but to the point. I work but only a few hours per week and need a car so i can get around easier. It just seems like I'm working to pay to get to work. If my job location changes its going to not be worth going to my job. I'm not exactly begging just asking for a little help, I will post my PayPal link and that's all the info needed I have been scammed before. You don't know me and I don't know you some helpers like it that way. Any help I can get would be great. Thanks


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  Newly single mum in need of help
Posted by: Mangobananas - 02-14-2018, 04:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi people,
After swallowing my pride I come in need of some help as I have no family to turn to and my friends are not in a situation to help.
My partner of 9 years has left me and my 1 year old son unexpectedly without him I am unable to pay our rent, i am currently applying for better paying jobs as I only worked 2 days a week as he wanted to be the one working.... I managed to get an interview with an IT company but they can't interview me for another few weeks never mind the training. Not only that I have just found out my father has recently been diagnosed with testicular cancer and I haven't got the money to travel and see him as he lives in Ireland. I feel as though my life is crashing down and sadly it it's all because of money, I don't k ow if these sites actually work and I feel embarrassed asking strangers for their hard earned money but I feel as though this is my last option. If anybody even if it's a penny to give I will be eternally grateful. 
Many thanks

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