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  need urgent help, please
Posted by: egezmail87 - 12-16-2022, 11:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello im eg, last time i post if i could have donation $10k, and im still finding if anyone could help it, im still in raising my fund up to 10k till now, and still cant complete it, this time hopefully if there somebody can donate me for just $500, im having very hard time right now, i've try everything i could, to to settle my own problem but still cant do, im still raking my debt, there is no helping it, i cant do much, even right now, im having hard time to find money to eat for a day. Please hopefully is there anyone can make donation to me, i just need $500 to settle a bit of my debt. Anyone can amake donation to my account via my paypal account https://www.paypal.me/egezmail87. im really need it before end of christmas, to settle my debt. Please help me. Thank you

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Sad Young migrant in deficient conditions
Posted by: Lorena - 12-15-2022, 01:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

welcome request for help.

I'm Lorena. I'm 28 years old.I traveled to Belgium as a migrant to find a better future. Until now, unfortunately, my expenses have increased a lot more, and I've come across an economic crisis here in this country, because due to the war, gas is very expensive and the electricity and food as well. The cold is difficult to adapt to, which is why I am quite concerned with my current situation and my financial situation. I am here totally alone, with very few resources and obtaining sporadic income, it is impossible for me to return to my country with the debts I have now and with the economic and labor crisis in my country. If you feel you can help me with something I would greatly appreciate it. 

My paypal account if you want to help me: PayPal.Me/RRLorena1611 

A hug.

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  Serious Dental Infection & Reattachment Needed From Being Assaulted
Posted by: Ksmomasmom - 12-15-2022, 07:42 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[attachment=941]At this point I’m desperate to reach out to every resource possible in hopes of finding someone who can help me. I live in Idaho and my abusive ex-husband was arrested for Felony Domestic Battery with Traumatic Injury in April 2020, then again in February 2021 after he cut his ankle monitor off and the entire community was searching for him. He was sentenced to 2 years determinate and 5 years indeterminate. The next parole hearing is March 2023. A 10 year no contact order was put in place for my kids and myself. My abusive ex is the father to my 3 year old daughter. I also Have a 14-year-old boy with special needs. 2018-2020 I was with my abusive ex. 2019 he severely misaligned my jaw after putting me in a choke hold. I went to the doctor and I have medical documentation from that day and after of my struggle to get my jaw repaired. Because of my insurance being Medicaid and not having the funds to pay out-of-pocket I have ended up with extensive amounts of more damage that’s now causing Serious ENT issues. I had my ENT and primary doctor both try to refer me to numerous places in hopes of someone being able to help, but I still had no luck. At This point I had to get a tube in my right ear from the misalignment and chronic ear infections. I have a long list of medical issues in general. I have Sleep apnea and my jaw slips and blocks part of my airway when I lay Down. I was able to get into a dentist recently and was hit hard When they told me the damage from my jaw was Extensive and now was close to being life threatening. I now have a serious mouth and gum infection where the teeth shifted and space was left under them. The infection can spread to my heart or lungs and so time is not on my side right now. In order to have my jaw realigned I have a long treatment plan I have to find a way to pay for which is at least $4,124.40. The plan involves a temporary mouth splint, clearing the infection, filling cavities from the infection, a more permanent splint, Laser reattachment surgery on teeth that were crunched together from the injury and then final realignment of my jaw. I have not had a cavity since I was 6. I have always taken care of my teeth and my teeth were fine before my jaw was misaligned. I’ve taken major steps to get my life back and I have worked too hard to have my past continue to block me from moving forward but I’m still trying to recover from losing everything in the first place. So financially it’s a struggle but I keep trying and hoping someone somewhere can help me, so I can have a chance to keep going and one day be the one helping another woman in a similar situation. I’m working with an advocate at The Family Justice Center in my area, and have filled out the crime victims comp, I’ve called numerous dentist offices, oral surgeons, and other domestic violence resource lines but still struggling to come up with all the funds needed.


Aka @courtneyhastings1694



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Lightbulb Restore my faith in humanity please!
Posted by: zackmakes3 - 12-15-2022, 05:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Really need help getting off the streets. Living in the mountains and it's cold. Vehicle has no heat right now and I just need someone to actually have a heart and help. Waiting on call back on jobs.. got screwed by tax service trying to get help.. the cold and current rain is starting to really take its toll on me.. just need some compassion and help from a generous donor. If wasn't for churches in my area would be starving on top of cold and hopeless! Please help especially during this season! Could seriously use a massive blessing soon please!! Zackmakes3 cashapp if anyone wants help asap... its getting colder and I dont wanna freeze to death in vehicle overnight.

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  I hope this is not the end
Posted by: OrenRey - 12-14-2022, 04:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Sorry in advance as I don't know how this works.
My name is Oren and I live outside of the US and sadly not even in Europe.
I'm married and have 3 kids
I started a business 2 months ago and sadly I have been through a lot in the past month.
I have a minor case of epilepsy and had a car crash a month ago on the 11.11(gladly no one else was hurt).
Sadly my license was revoked because it is a medical case, and later on I discovered that cancer might have came back around my lower back.
I couldn't work for a 3 weeks and now clients are not coming in my workshop and because of it I'm trying to sell what I have and even if I manage to do so I need to find a job that is easy if I do start chemo treatments.
I already signed up for wolt in my country but I hear it may take over a year to start there.
And before I close my shop I cannot apply to any jobs that are 9 to 5 .
I'm literally going under and if I tell my wife I messed up it won't make things easier.
I cannot pay the bills, checks are starting to come back and can't cover the loans.
I'm seriously hopeless right now and I don't want to see my kids suffer.
I don't have social skills, not much of an artist of any kind. I work with my hands and mind
If you have advice for me on how to make money online that is not a scam, I will appreciate it very much!
I don't like to ask but I feel like this is the end
If you could donate it will also be helpful
Thank you very much in advance 
And againg, very sorry for bothering


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  Help for Christmas
Posted by: Jay - 12-14-2022, 02:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi this my last chance of giving my kids a nice Christmas after a really hard year . I am totally relying on the goodness of strangers which is hard to swallow but I have no other choice despite this being my second post this year which only attracted scammers I truly believe and hope there is good and honest people out there who can genuinely help. Anything would help honestly as I have nothing thank you https://paypal.me/janegarrick?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB

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  Need a phone to help support my dad
Posted by: xioma - 12-13-2022, 10:46 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a senior in high school. My dad has been out of work for the past two years due to a work-related injury at the railroad. Recently, we've been struggling to make ends meet and out of desperation i sold some of my things to pay a bill. This included my phone. I just need a little money, like $50-$100 to get another phone so i can do more freelance work to help him out more. He says that i don't need to work, but it just feels wrong being a freeloader like this. If you could help me out, I would be really thankful.


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  I need help to not be homeless
Posted by: pedalfena - 12-13-2022, 02:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello Wonderful People. Thank you for taking the time to read about me. 

I am a 59 year old veteran who is damage but still functional. My best friend is a 9 year old Miniature Poodle. He and I take care of each other. I have a full-time job and even find time to volunteer and help others.

 During the last couple years my poodle has had a problem with his thyroid and he contracted a fungus in his lungs. He is on medication for the fungus and should recover. He will need to take thyroid medication from now on. I made a commitment to care for him and I will. I have been able to pay for the care he needs.
 I chose to be car-free years ago  (although now I couldn’t afford a car) and have attempted to live a simple life and help others to simply live. I ride my bicycle everywhere, it is my only transportation. When I take my poodle with me I ride my bicycle towing a trailer with my dog inside it. 

Part of what caused me to be in the financial situation I am in is I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle on three separate occasions which gave me concussions. The three times I was hit were within a 14 month span. I am fortunate to be alive. Two of the vehicles which hit me did not stop, the one that did stop only had $15K of insurance and that was quickly consumed by the enormous debt from the hospital and doctors.

These three concussions from being hit by automobiles caused memory loss and a few other problems. I used to have a great paying job; however, I was unable to continues doing this job. I went through a couple different employers before I started working in a grocery store. The work makes sense to me, strangely enough I remember working at grocery stores when I was in school. My memory has stabilized; however, I do not remember a great many things and some of the things I remember are not complete. I do enjoy the life I have and am very happy to be alive.

I make enough money to get by.  I have a place to live now but the two of us need to move to a new place.  My problem is I do not have the money to secure a new place to live. Even with the available help I still need money for first and last month rent (the rent is discounted due to my financial status and being a vet) and because I have not had utilities in my name for some time they want deposits too. I am asking for anything anyone could give me to help. I need $2750 to move to a place which would be ours. Any money anyone was willing to help us with would be fantastic and would change our lives for the better.

Thanking you in advance. 


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Heart Need Winter Fuel, Food and Supplies
Posted by: sandcat - 12-13-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

It's brutal during winter in the High Desert of Nevada: -11c at night. I'm staying in an off-grid ghost-town mining shack. I need fuel, food, and supplies to survive. Business reopened June 2021, but tourists aren't booking appointments because the economy isn't recovering yet.

I have nothing to offer except friendship and gratitude.

Thank-you !!

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Heart Truly struggling after birth of first child
Posted by: DonJuanson - 12-12-2022, 03:29 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My partner and I recently had our first child together, and unfortunately a forceps was needed to assist with the delivery of our daughter. This caused some pretty bad internal tearing for my partner. I currently have been out on unpaid work leave so I can help with anything needed with baby, dogs, running errands, cleaning and everything else that goes along with raising a newborn while my partner recovers. 

Unfortunately this has caused us financial hardship since she's been out of work since late October, and I haven't been able to work for 3 weeks now, going on a 4th. My goal is to return to work late next week as her recovery is swinging in the right direction. However it will still be two weeks until I receive my first paycheck so I was hoping for some assistance to keep us afloat. 

I already applied for a state food share program, but we're still waiting on that to process and we're both getting behind on bills. I'm REALLY hoping anyone can assist us through this tough time, and we will make sure we pay that forward as soon as we are back on our feet. Any little bit will definitely help us. Happy holidays to all of you, and thank you in advance.


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