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Heart Single Mom in Need
Posted by: BieBie - 01-06-2024, 08:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good day

Im a single mother of 2 lovely boys. My current situation is i live with my brother and his fiance but there is verbal abuse going on against my kids and I need to get out. I would really like to get my own place to save my two boys out of this situation. I really hope someone will be able to help even if it is just with a little money 

My paypal account is : bcliftonsmith@gmail.com

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Heart Help with Basic Living due to Medical Illness
Posted by: mrose13 - 01-06-2024, 12:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Thank you for taking the time to listen to why I'm in need.

I'm in need of assistance purchasing a vehicle, paying living expenses, and medical bills.
I got diagnosed with a dysautonomia condition, which affects basic body functions,  in June 2022 that flipped my world upside down.  I went from a successful business owner to someone who needs help with some of the basic day to day activities.  It's been a battle mentally and physically, but I'm getting stronger everyday.  I'm doing everything in my power to manage my condition and finding what works for me to live a more normal life.  I went through my savings and investments, sold most of my assets to get me by this long so I won't go into complete debt.  Now not having a vehicle while living in a rural area has made it that more difficult to get back on my feet; not only getting food from the closest town 27 miles away, but getting my child to and from school and going to doctor appointments.  It has been incredibly isolating.  The added stress of not being able to pay my bills, buy food, afford my medication is definitely not approving my situation.  

Anything helps and is appreciated! My Paypal is linked below.
Thank you!


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  Urgent Rent Help, Please!
Posted by: Hope4 - 01-05-2024, 08:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)


My name is AJ. This situation is unorthodox for me as I have always found a way to get by, whether through borrowing from family during hard times or having access to alternative means of income. However, this year has been relentless with the many financial and job obstacles I have faced. I am now in desperate need of financial assistance. I already have debts that I was on track to pay off until recently. Now, on top of this, I am behind on monthly required living expenses.  

Normally, I work freelance in the entertainment industry (Film/T.V.) as a coordinator for production or travel and more sparingly as a creative writer. However, earlier this year I struggled to find work for months due to the strikes. I also ended up losing my car, which for anyone is crucial. I live in a city where you need a car and my freelance work would require me to have reliable transportation. Due to an accident, that was no fault to me and my parked car, it was deemed totaled. It devastated me more as I was in transition from downsizing from living alone to roommates. 
This happened right as the strikes across many types of entertainment unions were starting. Though I am grateful they happened and hope for a better future for all who work in the industry, at the time it set me back significantly. I worked a freelance gig back in May. The payment from that gig and the insurance money held me up for several months as I searched for other jobs and worked odd ends and any freelance gig that was approved that I could get and unfortunately, that was not much.

The last project I worked on ended at the end of October and the money I had tucked away quickly diminished. I had no other gigs booked as most projects were still either held off or not hiring. Although I have been actively searching for work for the past two months, I have not been successful. Many local businesses have not been hiring, probably because it is the end of the year and the holiday season has already begun and is coming to a close. 
I am behind on my rent and utility bills, totaling $4050 and this money will help me catch up and stay in good standing. I have found remote part-time work and will be starting soon, but as of now, I am at my wit's end. I have applied for financial assistance through local and federally funded programs to no avail. I understand that there are people worse off than me and I am grateful for the friends and family who have helped me as much as they could spare. It is a lot to ask of anyone, especially a stranger. I beg for any assistance you can spare at this time. Your help will never be lost on me. I would like to go into the new year knowing I still have a roof over my head so that I can focus on rebuilding myself. 

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can spare. Happy New Year!  


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  Single Mom of Three Desperately Needs help!
Posted by: SAJDSA - 01-05-2024, 04:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was laid off from my job and an industry I have been in for over 20 years, in April.  I have been unable to find a job, I have had several second interviews but have not landed a job, many of them stating that I am over qualified.  I have applied for hundreds of jobs including jobs outside of my industry with no luck.  

I am now in a situation where I received a notice for eviction.  I have applied for rental assistance, but my county is running 4 months behind but it doesn't stop the eviction process (even with them knowing I applied).  I live in a place where I have nowhere to go, it is the winter and I have an 8 year old. I have exhausted all of my resources and I desperately need your help so that we don't become homeless. 

I am in danger of losing my home, my car and my phone (means of communication and seeking work).  I need $4,309 (Dec & Jan rent), $1,078 (3 months car note), $500 (2 months cell phone) for a total of $5,887 to get caught up and an additional $5,887 to allow 2 more months for me to be able to finish my certification class and obtain a job. 


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Posted by: BPVM65 - 01-05-2024, 11:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hola a todos y Feliz Año 2024

Como siempre esperamos que sea mejor que el año pasado, y quizas incluso hemos puesto unas espectativas y promesas poco realisticas. No pasa nada mientras hay Salud y buena Convivencia, asi se ayuda uno al otro hasta lo que se puede.


Llevo desde principios de julio intentando pedir ayuda para ayudar a mi pareja en Colombia. Después de ser socios desde abril de 2020, mi pareja y yo íbamos a casarnos durante el próximo verano. Mi pareja se enfermó rápidamente a finales de junio de este año y, a principios de julio, resultó ser una enfermedad grave del sistema inmunológico, lo que provocó que mi pareja contrajera tuberculosis en etapa 3/4. He pedido ayuda para gastos que no cubre la OMS. Con la ayuda de pacientes y amigos cercanos, me preparé para un viaje a Colombia en septiembre para visitar a mi pareja y su familia y regresé en la segunda semana de octubre.

Con el paso del tiempo, cientos de estafadores y delincuentes similares han intentado estafarme con dinero (lo que no han conseguido), así como un fondo de donaciones que intentaba ayudar donde se recibieron más de 22.000 €, que de alguna manera logró desaparecer y nadie es considerado culpable.

Esto me ha puesto en una situación crítica para mi pareja, lo que también me afecta parcialmente. Ahora estoy buscando a alguien que nos done dinero; Necesito 65.000€ (72.000$), incluido el viaje, que me ha pedido el médico de mi pareja, ya que los resultados estaban mejorando mejor cuando estuve en la visita.

Si no reunimos este dinero, será casi imposible cubrir todas sus necesidades. Es demasiado difícil explicar cuál es el motivo.

El problema es que sólo el robo antes mencionado para responder nos quitó un tiempo valioso. Todavía tengo la esperanza de que haya personas honestas y serviciales que puedan ayudar.

He incluido varias formas de pago en relación con esta llamada para que usted ayude. Puedo autenticarme con los datos necesarios si es necesario.


Cuido a mucha gente de entre 70 y 94 años con pensiones bajas y sin familiares. Los pacientes y clientes que atiendo recaudaron dinero para el viaje a Colombia y algo de dinero para gastos personales.
(para agradecerme por lo que hago por ellos y saber que estoy disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana) Todos saben que no tengo esa cantidad de dinero y ayudo a mis pacientes y clientes porque no pueden pagar. Para cuidado.
Pero mi corazón es más grande que mi cabeza y no puedo simplemente mirar a esas personas sin que otros les ayuden.

La gente me escribe y me pregunta cuánto necesito al final, aunque sea casi imposible decirlo. Les dije que para cubrir los 6 meses del tratamiento se estimaba en 65.000 euros (72.000 dólares).

He agotado los recursos personales y solicito amablemente su apoyo para ayudar a salvar una vida. Por favor considere contribuir a través de mi

Cuenta de PayPal[/url]


https://rebrand.ly/m5c5wj7]Cuenta de Stripe

o bien a cuenta bancaria

Hemos abierto una cuenta particular para mi seguridad, y puede ser más accesible para otras personas, dependiendo de dónde seas y el monto de la donación.

Bo GP, Petersson von Malottky
IBAN: ES82 1563 2626 3832 6885 4232

Como ha sucedido, la gente ha tratado de defraudar a nosotros diciendo que tengo que pagar todo tipo de tasas. Solo quería recordarles que no se pagarán tarifas al donante porque las tarifas que deben pagarse quedan entre nosotros y las plataformas de pago.

Os deso un año en Paz,Amor, Salu y qiuzas un poco de Suerte ?.
Que Dios os Bendiga ?
Gracias por su atención
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)] ??? [/color]

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  Please help me
Posted by: Drathir_Chath - 01-05-2024, 01:46 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've been trying so hard to get caught up on bills. Any amount would help and realistically I need about $2000 to be entirely caught up on bills. I am desperate. I am a single mom of 3 boys with special needs. Every place I have reached out to for help tells me they can't help right now because they are out of funds or I don't qualify even though I make barely anything. My cash app is $BriKulp.

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  Single Mom needing help with rent
Posted by: Honeythorn - 01-04-2024, 07:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm  coming here hoping anyone can help. I'm a single Mom with an autistic son. I am on SSi and only get less that 2k a month, I had to spens some of my rent just to feed my kid. My ex husband has decided not to pay his child support. He's over 17k in arrears to me. I need just 1200 for rent, I have some of it. But I can't really be late again, i'm always under threat of eviction. Even 5 dollars will help.

 My Cash app is $Honeythorn68  Thank you

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  house fire need help
Posted by: jaimeeleigh - 01-04-2024, 11:44 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

im a single woman who lost everything to a house fire in august, i did not have renters insurance and due to negligence on my landlords part the fire department wasn't able to get to my apartment in time to put it out or prevent it from spreading to my place. I worked from home doing payroll for small businesses . I was umable to work outside of the home due to ptsd i suffer from and severe depression . I didnt even have a pair of shoes the next morning, i lost everything, everything, every article of clothing, every household item, every picture , every family heirloom, but thankfully i was able to get my dog ginger out of there in time and nothing happened to her. Since the fire i have been staying in my vehicle and friends couches, i lost my computer in the fire and am asking for assistance to purchase another one so i can start working from home again and become self sufficient. If i can get a laptop then i will be able to get into a place within a couple of months. I am also asking for financial assistance to get my dog into the vet for her yearly exam and booster shots. If anyone has any size 4 clothing and size 8 shoes that they no longer need i could really use them as well. Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to offer. I promise to pay it forward as soon as i can[Image: C:\Users\jaime\OneDrive\Documents\claim\...3298_1.jpg]

cash app $jaimeecarabello
pay pal @leigh101080

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  house fire need help
Posted by: jaimeeleigh - 01-04-2024, 11:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[Image: s!AiXIekY_SElWlGhGhaxbTzTqopou?e=G61CR4][Image: s!AiXIekY_SElWlG5pvUnRkn98bH68?e=1x2iOD][Image: s!AiXIekY_SElWlGhGhaxbTzTqopou?e=s6oQPN]  photos

Hi i am a single woman who two years ago left a long term, abusive relationship and after a couple of years of therapy and group counseling for PTSD i suffered from the abuse i was finally starting to overcome the depression i suffered from among other things, I rented my own place, i started my own business doing payroll from home for small businesses and taking classes to get certified in Salesforce. Then August 16 2023 there was a fire where i lived, the landlord didn't have smoke alarms, and the one fire exit i had was screwed shut by the landlord so i was unable to get to a fire exstinguisher or get anything out of the house except me and my dog, Ginger. My landlord also had so much "stuff" around the property that the fire department was unable to put the fire out completely or even get to most of my place to prevent the fire from spreading to my my apartment. Because of these things i lost every single thing i own. I didn't have a pair of shoes by the morning, no wallet, no id, no purse, no pictures, no clothes, no car keys even. I literally had myself and my Ginger and i am so thankful for that. I unfortunately did not have renters insurance, so i was homeless, no computer to work and make money doing what i had been, no family in the area and my depression came back with a vengence at this point. The last 5 months has been about survival, and trying to get a roof over my head at night, some nights i have been in my car, and trying to get the bare necessities in order to survive. I lost my clients that i had due to not having a computer to do their payroll and accounting and so things have been very very difficult. I am currently staying in my vehicle, i park in different parking lots at nigth, i go to friends homes to shower or truck stops and i use friends computers to work for two clients that are now willing to work with me so i can get a steady source of income coming in. I recenlty was diagnosed with prolonged qt syndrome so now im doing alot of tests for that, including wearing a heart monitor 24/7 for the next month. I hate asking people to help me, im usuallly the one who helps everyone else, but i dont know what else to do. I desperately need help to get my own laptop so i can start to get more clients again so that i am able to provide for myself and get into another place. Due to my health issues trying to get hired somewhere doesn't make much sense and i can make more money working for myself doing what i am trained and experienced in doing. If i can get another laptop it should only take me another three months and i should be able to start looking at places. I also am asking for help with my dogs vet bill she is past due for her yearly physical and booster shots.
i am not asking for any assistance other than that and possibly if anyone has any clothes they no longer wear i am a size 4 and would appreciate any clothing or size 8 shoes . I appreciate any assistance in advance and promise to pay it forward as soon as i am able. Thank you for reading this post, you can see the attached pics of my place aftr the fire.


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  help for widow and children
Posted by: kenjulele - 01-04-2024, 03:42 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

my husband suddenly passed away and we have nothing to bury him or memorialize him please help us anything helps he was always one to always help others my children and i are about to be homeless also PLEASE HELP US


cashapp: $mecalderon59

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