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  Single mom of three in part time education
Posted by: MisBee - 07-31-2018, 01:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I recently lost my home and I'm struggling financially to pay bill and my tution fees. I desperately need help to pick myself up. I don't have family it's just me and the kids.

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  Help with rent
Posted by: Marzii - 07-31-2018, 05:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everybody..

My name is ashley. I work a full time job and i have been struggling to pay my rent for the past few months. I am stuck in a lease and it costs too much money to break. Every year they have raised the rent (lived here for 3 years) and its getting harder to keep up with. I need help for the last few months i am in this place. With the rent being raised its hard to be able to afford groceries, or pay my other bills. I have tried food stamps but they say i only qualify for $15. Anything would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.   Blush

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Sad Hacked
Posted by: SweetVA - 07-31-2018, 05:19 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a single mother of 2 boys moved to NY last year from VA.  We don't know many people and stay to ourselves.  It's kinda hard to explain but somewhat felt obligated but mainly felt I needed to reach out to few people here and give them guidance.  Treat them as we wish to be treated welllllllll strike 3 for me.  Several of my accounts have been hacked it's like a tornado hit my financial world.  Yes I've cut all contact and trying to clean up this mess but it's the month before school starts and football.  If I pay main bills only I'm still not going to have enough money to get school clothes, shoes, supplies, football cleats, and put food on the table.  I was gonna try take them on a vacation as well but I screwed that up being too trusting.  I know this is all my fault but any help whatsoever as soon as I get back on my feet I'll pay it forward for someone else that gets caught up in a situation like mine.  Thank you for taking the time to read and remember to smile today and count the ones you get back.  (Love that game!) My experience is Thursday's generate more smile backs....day after hump day or payday?  Either way bet you smiled and it's Tuesday. Sorry just trying to spread love and positivity and thanks again.

Pay it forward as I will do the same...


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  Can anyone please help me?
Posted by: JMarr32 - 07-30-2018, 08:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am currently starting a new career that will help me get to a better financial situation. The career requires state licensing however and it is costs money to take the test, along with submitting your results to the government. They require federal finger printing, submission fees, etc. Plus the testing facility is about 2 hours away and i am essentially broke right now. I am asking if anyone could donate any amount, because it would mean the world to me. I've been trying to figure out a way out of this whole but im running out of time. My goal is to raise 400$. That will cover all the state fees and i could use 25$ of it to take the train on a round trip to the testing facility.

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated
my paypal link: paypal.me/itsjayok

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Heart Need some help with money
Posted by: Chav - 07-30-2018, 01:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey everyone

I really need some help getting $ 50 000,00 Dollars.  Me and my fiance are currently living with my father, we both are working very hard to save up for our wedding, and to build our house.  We really would like to get married and have ours own space to live and start our new life together.  

Will everyone reading this please help us with our dream,  If everyone reading this can  only give a small amount we can reach our goal very quickly.  We just need 50000 people each giving $1,00.   Will you please give us a dollar?  We will be grateful to you forever.   Heart

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  Need urgent help
Posted by: dredd1996 - 07-30-2018, 02:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I don't really even know how this really works well here I go I have at least £4000 debt which was brought up on me by an ex flat mate and partially me too but that part is £400 in overdraft fees with Nat west which I completely regret I currently I live with a horrible step-dad and half siblings who hate me my hole family does right now I'm in need of getting rid of this debt and in need of some new clothes atm I'm only getting £251a month from benifits and my step-dad takes £200 from me leaving me with only £51 to my name I really need to get away from this family and start over again and I can't do that til my debt has cleared and got myself a drivers licence and a vehicle with insurance and road tax after that I'll be able to get a job driving and possibly live in my car until I've earnt enough money to move else where in the UK I'm 21 years old male in desperate need of help I will be very greatful to anyone who can help me and one day I'll be able to afford to help someone else out thanks. My paypal paypal.me/dredd1996

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  Need money to help pay for college
Posted by: Belleharb3070 - 07-30-2018, 12:48 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey my name is Isabelle and I made this post hoping to get some money to help pay for college not only tuition but for books and supplies and food because my family has little money and I already have a part time job but it doesn’t pay it anythingSad if you read this please help me I’m just me im just a girl trying to get a better education 

PayPal:  PayPal.Me/IsabelleHarbison

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  Broke Single Mom Needing Rent Money
Posted by: giatm0812 - 07-29-2018, 10:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone, 

Thank you for taking the time to look at this. I am down on my luck right now, and nothing seems to be getting better. I am behind on all my bills by at least two payments. Struggling to put my child in daycare so that I can work a part-time job, while also trying to go to school to get a degree so I can find something better and actually be able to provide for my child. This month, had some unexpected payments, and now I do not know how I will be able to pay for my rent, and I am terrified that we will end up getting kicked out. Anything helps, and I am so sorry I even have to ask, even advice, anything. I am so desperate right now. 

Here is my link if you would like to help me out in this way: paypal.me/tmg1208

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  I dont like to..
Posted by: MommaBear831 - 07-29-2018, 02:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I really hate asking for help but at some point it's time to suck up your pride... Hi I'm a married mother of 2 beautiful children. A son who is turning 5 in September and a daughter who's turning 2 in just a few days... I am a stay at home mom and my husband works Construction. Unfortunately Construction is weather based and with all of the bad weather here lately we are unfortunately falling on massively hard times... rent is over due. Light bill is over due. Everything is over due. Most weeks we barely have enough money to get food or gas for my husband to go back and forth to work. It sucks.... my main reason for doing this is for my 2 kids. They are my world and it kills me not to be able to give them all I possibly can so with my daughters birthday being in a few days and my sons in just a couple months I want to at least try and get enough money together to give them at least a small party and some toys and clothes. I just want them to know that their birthdays are days that should be celebrated not days that are just passed over bc mommy and daddy had to pay bills and buy food. If you decide to help me I just want to say now. Thank you, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for helping me make my babies birthdays special <3 God Bless You <3

Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/MrsTAE831

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Rainbow 29yr old good look, gay homeless guy.
Posted by: Tucsonboii - 07-29-2018, 12:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. Im Markanthony.  Thanks for taking the time to read about the struggles that im facing.  Its a bit over whelming. Due to the experiences thats been leading up to myself asking for help. Im in a position, kind of homeless,  staying with a friend.  That i thought was a awesome sweet sincer genuine guy.  soon to find out,  im getting mis treated an used to the extent that its only one way or else im on the steets.  A friend that i thought was a friend thats a guy that is gay.  Is making me or leading up to fulfilling his expectations of doing sexual acts,  in order for me to have a roof over my head.  Im honestly looking for a way out.  Im getting herass, hes be littleling me in every way possible.  I know its my fault that i dont have a job or a reliable income nor family that can take me in or provide with help.  I was living with my mother before all of this.  But she kicked me out due to a drug habit, letting her drug provider take my room an space an replaced me with that rout or choice that she wants to live by or or with or how ever you want to call it. Im 29yr old.  Clean record, of back ground.  I dont do drugs or hang out with negative people or socialize with anyone that gives off negative energy.  I have a high school diploma an seeking work at the moment.  Im from Tucson Az.  An im trying to leave this town as soon as possible an set off on my own. Theres nothing here holding me back. I wish an pray that god jesus or anyone that can understand an help with anything That they can give or any advise. Im sorry for putting my business out there an sharing something that does not need to be shared or put out there like this. I hope an have faith. An wont give up, that someone or something that can bless me . Thanks for hearing me out.  Have a great night.  paypal.me/markcocio

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