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  I dont like to..
Posted by: MommaBear831 - 07-29-2018, 02:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I really hate asking for help but at some point it's time to suck up your pride... Hi I'm a married mother of 2 beautiful children. A son who is turning 5 in September and a daughter who's turning 2 in just a few days... I am a stay at home mom and my husband works Construction. Unfortunately Construction is weather based and with all of the bad weather here lately we are unfortunately falling on massively hard times... rent is over due. Light bill is over due. Everything is over due. Most weeks we barely have enough money to get food or gas for my husband to go back and forth to work. It sucks.... my main reason for doing this is for my 2 kids. They are my world and it kills me not to be able to give them all I possibly can so with my daughters birthday being in a few days and my sons in just a couple months I want to at least try and get enough money together to give them at least a small party and some toys and clothes. I just want them to know that their birthdays are days that should be celebrated not days that are just passed over bc mommy and daddy had to pay bills and buy food. If you decide to help me I just want to say now. Thank you, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for helping me make my babies birthdays special <3 God Bless You <3

Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/MrsTAE831

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Rainbow 29yr old good look, gay homeless guy.
Posted by: Tucsonboii - 07-29-2018, 12:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. Im Markanthony.  Thanks for taking the time to read about the struggles that im facing.  Its a bit over whelming. Due to the experiences thats been leading up to myself asking for help. Im in a position, kind of homeless,  staying with a friend.  That i thought was a awesome sweet sincer genuine guy.  soon to find out,  im getting mis treated an used to the extent that its only one way or else im on the steets.  A friend that i thought was a friend thats a guy that is gay.  Is making me or leading up to fulfilling his expectations of doing sexual acts,  in order for me to have a roof over my head.  Im honestly looking for a way out.  Im getting herass, hes be littleling me in every way possible.  I know its my fault that i dont have a job or a reliable income nor family that can take me in or provide with help.  I was living with my mother before all of this.  But she kicked me out due to a drug habit, letting her drug provider take my room an space an replaced me with that rout or choice that she wants to live by or or with or how ever you want to call it. Im 29yr old.  Clean record, of back ground.  I dont do drugs or hang out with negative people or socialize with anyone that gives off negative energy.  I have a high school diploma an seeking work at the moment.  Im from Tucson Az.  An im trying to leave this town as soon as possible an set off on my own. Theres nothing here holding me back. I wish an pray that god jesus or anyone that can understand an help with anything That they can give or any advise. Im sorry for putting my business out there an sharing something that does not need to be shared or put out there like this. I hope an have faith. An wont give up, that someone or something that can bless me . Thanks for hearing me out.  Have a great night.  paypal.me/markcocio

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  Please help my dog Gidget!
Posted by: scaitlinkelly - 07-28-2018, 11:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Gidget is a 13-year-old miniature poodle that my family adopted as a puppy when I was a senior in high school. After my parent's divorced 8 years ago, Gidget came to live with me and my rescue dog Ziggy.  

Gidget is obsessed with me. She has to be in the same room as me no matter where I am and she sleeps with me every night. Because of her, squeakers have no chance of surviving in our household. She loves to hike, she loves the water, and she loves to hang out in the sunshine. 

Starting in January, Gidget began to pant a lot and drink excessive amounts of water. She also began wetting herself constantly. After about 4 months of testing, Gidget was finally diagnosed with Cushing's disease. She was also found to be incontinent. 

She began three daily medications that she'll have to take for the rest of her life. She also has to do blood testing, a specific stim test due to one of the Cushing's meds, every three months to monitor the medication. Each of the tests is around $300. The medication costs about $150/month. She's on a special low-protein diet now that also costs about $80/month. I spent around $4,000 for all of the tests and I'm having a hard time keeping up with her medication and testing. 

I'm looking for a little human kindness to help me, and my beautiful Gidget.

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  In need?
Posted by: Miss lou82 - 07-28-2018, 05:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi im a single mum of 3 and have done this in my life but i came across this site while scouring for jobs and decided to ask for help! Im a very proud woman but desperation to give my beaut kids a home thats complete and finished has resulted in me being here! My home that im ever so grateful for is a mess unfinished and embarrassing? i just want to make my kids proud and smile and comfortable tht they arnt looking at hand me downs or bits painted here and there? any help is much appreciated i just wish i had the means to be here giving and not asking!! Pm or email for my link to donate x

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  In need?
Posted by: Miss lou82 - 07-28-2018, 05:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi struggling to set up home,i have 3 kids and a home that im so grateful to have but iv never been able to properly furnish it,always hand me downs again so grateful bits painted here n there i just wish i cud have a nice home my kids wud ve proud of makes me so sad?? but i just cnt seem to get above water on my own always struggling...

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  Struggling student in Sweden
Posted by: Josef - 07-28-2018, 04:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am currently a student at the university of Gothenburg. 
During this past year I have struggled with severe depression and anxiety, and because of this I have fallen behind in my studies. 
On top of that, I have not been able to get a job for the summer months despite trying everything I could possibly think of. 
The federal agency that is responsible for lending money to students also requires that you have accumulated a certain amount of points in order to continue receiving funds, which will be extremely hard to do in the remaining month before the semester begins, since I am lacking at least a third of the required points.
Both student loans and bills are piling up, and before long I fear I might be homeless. 
I now turn to the internet for help, since all else has seemed to fail. Any and all donations simply to be able to pay food and bills/rent and stabilize me for at least this last month before the semester begins would make me eternally grateful.

I expect nothing, but sincerely hope that someone has the kindness and charity to help. Thank you!

 A link to my Paypal: paypal.me/studentjosef

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  Need your help to publish my book
Posted by: IsaacAkagu - 07-28-2018, 03:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I just finished writing my new book 'Fundamental Keys of Success'. But getting it printed has proved financially daunting. My goal is to help youths, teens and even older people break out of poverty. This book surely contains all they'll require. Please don't hesitate. Your donation of any amount today will go a long long way.
My PayPal email is aromeakags@gmail.com Please make a donation through it. Thanks.

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Exclamation About to be evicted...
Posted by: scaitlinkelly - 07-28-2018, 08:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm about to be evicted this weekend and I'm looking for any kind of financial assistance anyone is willing to give me so that I can pay the two months of rent that are currently due. Every little bit helps. 

I'm 30 years old, have two small dogs, one of whom is a senior and was recently diagnosed with Cushing's, and I'm struggling to find FT work after I lost my job in April. I'm cleaning houses right now while I look for something more stable. 


I've struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life and I've self-harmed since the age of 8. I was diagnosed with PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder, both stemming from childhood traumas, about 8 years ago and I've been doing my best to be a successful human being. I recently went through about 9 months of severe depression during which I lost my job. I wasn't accepted into grad school and I attempted suicide and was hospitalized for a little over a week. I've been trying to make ends meet ever since then and it's just been really difficult.  

I just need a little human kindness right now.

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  In debt to ASU
Posted by: atran36 - 07-28-2018, 01:59 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Trying to further my education is expensive. I can't work because of my disability. Asking for $10,000.

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  Not a dire situation. just trying to achive my dream
Posted by: magicmaj - 07-27-2018, 12:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hello everyone. ever since i was 16, (now 21) my dream was to entertain. the only way i could have done it before was around my friends but i always knew i had more in me. since YouTube is a very good place for people like me i started making videos and i was loving it. the only problem i never could afford a good pc to edit videos on, i had to use my very old pc. the funds that im raising are for a decent computer for me to be able to finally achieve everything that i want, which is entertain people and doing that means the world to me. ill be forever grateful for every donation that is made towards that goal. thank you for reading and hope you have great day.

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