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Sad Trying to not drown!
Posted by: Tmerlo - 06-16-2017, 09:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've never thought of doing this before but I've become slightly desperate in the fact that I knew I would have to swallow my pride. I got out of an 8 year bad relationship and have pulled myself up in just 6 months of not having anything like a place to live, a vehicle and a part time job in a little town. But my job isn't working out the way I expect and am scared to loose my place to live before it's all started. I have no family or friends to turn to so I am asking for any assistance I can find. Plus to add insult to injury my refrigerator in my 5th wheel I purchased 2 months ago went out last week. I am doing other things such as survey's and things like that but it will not help me in time. I don't want to be supported, I'm just asking for help. I will return the favor as soon as possible. I will forever be in your debt. 
So here it goes, and thank you if you do find it in your heart.

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  Single Mom and Teacher Fighting Cancer
Posted by: mleetyto@aol.com - 06-16-2017, 03:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Everyone that knows Marla already knows what a wonderful person she is and her recent diagnosis of Stage III B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma has taken a toll on all of us. Our mom is a fantastic woman, but as a public school teacher for 23 years and part time tutor for 20 years. This diagnosis is causing financial stress in our home. Marla has committed 23 years of her life to education, teaching, and raising her kids as a single mom, but as a result of this diagnosis lost wages and treatment costs such as co-pays, premiums, and medications pose a substantial obstacle financially. Any and all help is appreciated and all funds will go towards treatment costs, medications, bills, groceries and other necessities. Our mom is a dedicated mother and teacher. She has worked 12 hours a day and usually 2 part time jobs on top of full time teaching to make ends meet. She has taught hundreds of children to read, helped hundreds of young adults pass their graduation exams ans taught children to swim in the summer. She has given us everything possible, including the best education and strong character.  My brother and I  are going to college full time and work multiple  to help pay all the bills, but it is never enough under even regular circumstances, BUT some how my mom always makes it work and still finds resources for her neediest students. Our mom never gives up on us or any of her students! Her R-CHOP therapy began on June 7th and will continue through late September if she responds well to the treatment. We will have an update on her response to the therapy after a PET scan following the third treatment around July 19th. Thank you for reading and for supporting our mom, one of the real super heroes!

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Wink Car for Job :)
Posted by: Brunii - 06-12-2017, 08:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello i just moved together with my girlfriend.  i quit my job where i used to live and now im having trouble finding a job.

i recently got a job offer but i would have to have a car in order to get to the job site.
i just paid my rent and still got some saved up (160$) i need 540$ more in order to get the car and get the job so i can provide a home for me and my girl.

im not asking for 540 dollars but if anyone out there would be able to help even with 1-5 dollar it would be very helpful towards my goal! im really worried if i dont get a job soon i will be evicted and have no place to live. and would have to move away from my girlfriend.

thanks for reading i hope you have a great day and i wish you the best! regardless if you can help or not.

One World One Love - United We Stand -

best regards Male 23 Norway Heart Heart Heart


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Posted by: dkj1972 - 06-08-2017, 04:52 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

i have a brain tumor , a lipoma(tumor) and also i wear hearing aids.i walk with a  limp and have motor loss on my left side and desperately need $ 3000 to pay irs and  ?900 for medical bills.

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  I need help for a new start
Posted by: Moritzma - 06-08-2017, 03:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]This is my story[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]I am 38 hears old German. Have been. Living in the Dominican Republic for 15 years. I'm still married but because of my job and her job since a year everything was breaking a part. I was working as a manager in a night club so my work is a lot of houses from 12 pm tul 7 am so we have not have a lot of time together you could say we where a married single couple. Also work was not going very well. [/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]In November I got to now a new girl and in February I decided to leave my wife and to be with the other one. Cause of everything falling apart in Dominican Republic we decided to go back to Germany and live there. On April 6th I booked two flights to Germany and I took the liquidation that corresponds me from my years working in the disco. I left without giving notice to my employer and my still wife with the new girl cause I knew if I would give a notice both sides would do everything to me for not be able to leave. Getting to Germany we got welcome with the surprise that they stoped us at immigration and they didn't let her in the country and they took all the money from us we where carrieing (everything what we both have had) right now a layer is working on this.[/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]So when they send her back we decided to go meanwhile to her Origen country until everything gets cleared with is venezuela. Once  we arrived there I got some cash with some friends helping me out. But now here comes the problem until everything is gone be fixed in Germany with the money they took from us I'm practically without anything here in venezuela. To go to Germany with my girlfriend is not posible until I marry her but my divorce is gone take about 6 month to go thru and to be able to do any kind of business here it's imposible without having Anny money to start with and working abnormal job it's imposible to stay alive with the min salero witch is about 10 us per month. [/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]So I'm not the person that likes to ask for money from people but right now I don't see any other chance if any buddy is willing to help me I would be more than grateful. I can give you more informations about my story just ask thanks a lot. Every kind of help is welcome even if you can offer me a job somewhere in the carebian or any where els in Latin America .[/font][/font]

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  My roof is collapsing
Posted by: cindyjeanclark - 06-07-2017, 06:33 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was on fire! April 2016, my home caught fire & I was severely burned trying to rescue my flock of little birdies then jumping out a window. My road to recovery has health obstacles hindering progress. After coma, treatments, inability to control body temperature, maniacal itching & moodiness - I just really want to go into "Finnish Mode"; hole up & heal. Hospital staff said those with my injuries always die. Used to be a 6'2" ball of twirling energy who annoyed everyone with song bites. Arthritis chopped me to 5'10" & limits mobility. Have liver damage from 2 bouts of CDiff & I now spend half my life in the bathroom. I'm one of those who refuses to give up. You want humiliation?  Try hemorrhoid surgery. So - house repairs were done horribly & I am fighting with Contractors, etc.  Ins. company refuses to pay for my roof.  When the Contractor was putting up the ceilings, water - they said - flooded through - they stopped the work. All of the "theys" say the damage was not due to fire but I did not have this issue before the incident. Am now considered uninsurable. I need a roof for my home so I can continue to live independently. I could also use help with the overgrown yard that I haven't been able to touch for 2 years. I am so overwhelmed by this madness & feel like I am against a paper judge ("this document shows why you aren't covered..."). It turned someone who was already a private, cynic, New Englander into some weirdo who smells smoke all the time & thinks there are prowlers with matches on my property. I feel mishandled; forced to make decisions while in drugs. Unholy crap. I am only 59. Cannot stand being disabled. That goddamned look in peoples' eyes. I am petrified of my future. SSI disability barely covers living expenses. I have nightmares of car repairs (my car is a 2002 Hyundai), me falling & injuring myself further (I lose my balance a lot), the big tree out front crashing down because I cannot afford a service, high electric bills, never being able to fly home for funerals, my immature 7-year mortgage, no wheelchair ramp, vermin infestations...argh! No vacations evermore; dream of Finland is just that. Cannot drink & quit 53-year smoke habit after fire. TV is my vice. I used to be a stunning social butterfly but I am now a coiled pill bug under a rock. Roof estimates are $7500 to $15000; the yard could cost up to $2000 - more if I just cover it all with concrete like the good half-Portuguese girl I am. Have already exhausted family & friends so here I am, serving my pride on a paper plate, begging you for help for something I cannot control. I so wanted to be the crazy old bitch in the neighborhood with the big garden who kept all the balls & frisbees that ended up in her yard but secretly fed all the creatures her last crust. If you are really feeling me...I need new glasses, too. ($1000; that's with me supplying the frames). I figured I was heading toward eventual blindness & there are assistance programs for that. Balls! I am a loudmouth crone on disability with a broken body. I may get "Trumped"! I come from drunks (my grandfather was town sot & grandmother was town whore), drug addicts (sister took acid her whole senior year & now Jesus is her drug; uncles sold & used; all but one sibling's alcoholic), & fornicators (my father's second wife was my 17 year-old babysitter; I am the product of a drunken liaison behind the Lisbon Club). 8 kids are all average height blonde & blue-eyed; I am a brown eyed, auburn-haired giant of a female. I chose not to breed so I could end this unproductive line. I was the first girl in the family to go to college & buy a home on her own even though - in the words of my mother & every male member - "Why does a girl need to go to college?" Like everyone else, I've had ups & downs, Unfortunately, my lows happened in succession at this stage of my journey & they usurped my funds. I believe in the power of prayer. Last night I asked for some guidance for my roof dilemma. I found this site today. Manifest destiny? Duping myself? The power of the mind? Delusional faith? Maybe you are the hole in the ground for my head & I am going beyond normal nutzo into dementia...you don't get if you don't ask. Thank you & "Good for you," in doing these monetary kindnesses. One of my fantastic dreams is winning the big lottery & then anonymously solving immediate problems in a Johnny Appleseed way. My mother used to take old people into our home to live until their death; dignity intact. Basically, their relatives paid my mother to be family; absolving them of guilt.  She loved the old men - we got very used to ball sack gravity reports ("Jesus - they were knocking the back of his kneecaps!"). Mrs. Fahey was with us the longest; fully dressed in her wig, stockings, and gems, until her son passed away.  She would tell me daily what a fine hotel this was but my children were a little too rambunctious (I was in college & they were my siblings). Her daughter plugged her into a home where she was forever in a johnny, bald & embarrassed, crying for her family through the end of her life. No light in her eyes. No life there; just confusion & sadness.  I so don't want to end up like Mrs. Fahey. I've got photos of my issues...

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Photo Help!!Finally received new Job but not making enough to catch up on past due bills.
Posted by: pinkykong17 - 06-06-2017, 11:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help
Hello I’m Shawn williams and we are a family of 5 who has hit bottom financially and we’re having a difficult time recovering. We’re seeking help with a past due mortgage which is about to go into foreclosure.  Due to unexpected hospital and burial expenses which we were left to pay with our savings. (One of those situations where family promised to help with burial but left us paying  the bill)We are having a difficult time recovering with our current income. As of May 2017 we were 195 days delinquent an about to face foreclosure as stated on the bill if we could come up with the past due amount or close to it (past due amount is $3201.81) we will be able to get back on track with our monthly payments. All of our financial resources are exhausted at this time loosing our home would be devastating because we have fought so hard to stay above our financial sink hole. We were initially in a one income household with my spouse being the only person bringing in income for a family of 5.  I was blessed with full time employment in March of 2017 however my income plus my husbands income is not enough to bring the mortgage up to date plus maintain our house hold bills. We have 2 kids ages 10 and 14 plus my husbands elderly father (93).  Some of our expenses have to cover an in home nurses aide for pops while my husband and I are at work.  Any donation would help. If we could just get over this Mortgage hump we can see some sort of relief. It’s just extremely difficult in our current financial state.  http://cash.me/$pinkykong

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Sad Funeral!!!
Posted by: baileynicolexo - 06-05-2017, 12:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My fathers girlfriend just passed away and we need the money to save up for a funeral and headstone, also her medical bills from right before she passed. Anything helps really. I amonly comfortable with giving out my PayPal for this. Thank you in advance. Heart

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Sad Help my family please
Posted by: Jtruster69 - 06-03-2017, 06:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I recently lost my job due to health issues. So my husband is the only one with income. We used his paycheck towards bills and now we are broke. We have 5 kids in our home...boys 17..16..15..13 and daughter18. We don't qualify for any assistance but don't make enough to keep groceries stocked. The kids are out for summer so more food is needed. We really need help Today..Urgently. Please and thank you. God Bless

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  Need $2,000 to tag and title new car-I have 2 jobs.
Posted by: Blferguson1992 - 06-02-2017, 01:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Brandi and I just leased a new car to make a better life! Unfortunately after my down payment and barely scraping by for a loan,  I'm having a hard time paying the sales tax and such to legalise it. I work two jobs and hope to begin college courses this fall.  I just need a little help and sadly my family nor friend are financially capable of helping me and I can't get approved for a loan.  Anything helps.  

Thank you!!  paypal.me/brandi1992

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