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  Please Help a Homeless family
Posted by: Ronnie55 - 12-22-2017, 04:54 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi.. I'm not sure where to start I lost my home last month and I've been struggling to get back on track. Unfortunately my new apartment want be available until after Christmas and I won't be able to pay the first months rent. I've been job searching all month even though I have a seasonal job I can get fired for having another job so I can't apply for a job in my experienced field so it's been hard. If anyone is willing to help me get my family off the streets..  I'm hoping to raise $300 .. http://www.paypal.me/VeronicaLevor

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  I am in desperate need of help paying for textbooks.
Posted by: baguoru - 12-22-2017, 04:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My parents abandoned me, and left me to fend for myself. I have a job, but it isn't enough to pay for the multitude of textbooks i must have to complete my courses. PLEASE HELP!!!

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  A Little Boys Needs
Posted by: LilAdkGrl - 12-21-2017, 08:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mother to 3 children, one of whom is my nephew. He has been with me since he was a baby and he is now almost 7. He has been very high maintenance and special needs due to a rough start in life. Today he got to start a new hormone therapy treatment that should be able to reverse some of the damages that he suffered. The trip to the specialist takes at least 2 1/2 one way, including a ferry ride. My vehicle is on it's last leg and I don't have the finances to get a new one without a down payment. I work all sorts of crazy hours to provide my children with the best life that I possibly can. Unfortunately we are never ahead to the point where I can save up and bit of money. Any help would be beyond appreciated so that we can continue with this therapy and give him the chances that he deserves in life.

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Sad Need Help Financially, Haven't Been Paid Salary in 3 Months
Posted by: zlshrf - 12-21-2017, 03:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone, I'm using this forum as a last resort seeing if anybody can help me with what I’m going through.

I’m 25 years old this year, started working around 2 years ago. I was working and doing things I love but financially it has not been stable. I was only making around USD650+ per month here in Malaysia. The company I am at are facing some grave financial issues therefore we’ve all soldiered on as a team finishing up projects and reaching deadlines in order to complete our duties. I’m currently in limbo between having a job and not having one. My salary hasn’t been paid for three months now. I had to stop going to work and I’ve been looking everywhere for a new job that can sustain me and my plans for the future. While looking for jobs I still have to pay the bills and that’s eating up into my savings. If you don't know, here in Malaysia it's quite tough as the standard of living is quite high but minimum wage is very low. I just hope to be given a chance and if anyone is reading this, I’d appreciate every single cent you could contribute. Help me get back on track financially and pray for the best I get a new job soon.

If you would like to donate, here’s the link: https://www.paypal.me/zulashraf

p/s: Leave a note/comment with your email address on the paypal.me link (I hope that's possible) and I'll write back personally to you thanking you for the contribution :-)

Thank you so much!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=120] 
Sincerely, ZAR

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  Christmas gifts for my children
Posted by: Lovesdat - 12-20-2017, 07:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am looking to buy Christmas gifts for my children. I recently moved to Binghamton, NY from NYC thinking that I would be giving my children a better life. I haven't been able to find a job. I've applied everywhere that says hiring and even places that are not hiring. I haven't had any luck and Christmas is almost here. My children have been very good this year and believe that Santa Claus is coming. I don't know how to tell them that he's not. I don't know if I should tell them that there isn't a Santa Claus. I feel like I really messed up. I need help. I've been selling my clothes on letgo and offer up to buy food and pampers. The only semi-peace I have is knowing that my rent is paid until March. Anything helps, please help me.

You can send donations to me at paypal.me/DianaDowning

Thank you in advance 

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Star Dental cleaning help, to keep up not being able to go to dentist for 5+ years
Posted by: Cupie - 12-18-2017, 09:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Currently looking for ways to afford my dental bill. 

My PayPal is srobinson0155

I made a gofundme I also have a venmo 

I have not gone to dentist in 5-6 years was homeless previously and discriminated at job by gender and race. Had been without dental and Medical, very difficult.

I need teeth cleaning for early stages of periodontal disease it' about 560$ they have to numb my mouth to get plague build up off teeth. Two appointments for both sides of mouth.

Overall I'm getting my life together I have dental but it doesn't cover the cost of this. I've been working 6 months but can only pay my normal bills, not enough for special cases like teeth cleanings. 

Other then that I need 125$ to get a bruxism guard because of anxiety and ptsd, from previous job conditions I grind my teeth so I'm working on fixing or making pain and annoyance go away because of anxiety.

Besides that I need money for my first new doctor visit. Working on changing my medication a third time because the second one has not helped with my anxiety over the past two years. Co pay must be like 50-100$ with out of network doctor. (Told he's the best) After two doctors meds not working I'm trying the third doctor this Wednesday. I need help with my prescription cost it's about 20$ maybe 30$ max. 

As for anything else that's not mandatory as up above is my dream goals right now. 

The Other stuff is help paying my college loans off from taking classes in higher education. Help paying off my car. And the Other thing is money for higher education so I can continue my path in education.

I was working on computer science but as a female it's so hard in the workplace at times, now I'm a caregiver and I'm thinking about doing something like counseling and helping people in my community. I think my ideal job might be to work for a church and I saw a great program for biblical studies or something close to a job like that. 

If you can help me with dental that' my first priority is not losing my beautiful teeth and preserving through that! 

Thanks for reading. I also live in portland oregon and my name is Star.

My PayPal is srobinson0155     @gmail.com

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  I need help
Posted by: saurabhgupta - 12-17-2017, 11:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Let me start by inroducing myself. I am Saurabh Gupta. I am a B.E. graduate.

I am suffering from a CVD and need financial assistance for my treatment. Not only this. I have a keen interest to pursue my study further, but my family wont support the same. I do not have enough funds to pursue my study.

Even though I am a freelancer, but the funds accumukated wont be suffice for treatment (which is needed urgently) and neither for study.

I need in total $5,000 for both.

Any help, no matter a small amount, will help me accomplish my goals.


Thank You! Appreciate your help!

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  2017 has been absolutely shitty for ne
Posted by: SnowInTheCity - 12-17-2017, 06:10 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Seriously! I ended up losing my apartment and moving in with my sister in January, we have a falling out in March. I had to sleep in my car for 2 weeks into April. My best friend offered me a place to lay my head with his family and they turned out to be junkies( I got out of there, pronto!). Drove from the northeast to the southeast coast to live with my grandparents the whole month of May, only for my aunt to say I can’t be there because she doesn’t want anyone interfering with her stealing their money for herself. Move back in with my sister. Can’t find a job for MONTHS, so now I’m in severe debt and here I am. Where did my life go?
If any one can help, my name on$cash is $monaalis. Please and thank you

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  Christmas for my children
Posted by: Lovesdat - 12-15-2017, 09:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am looking to buy Christmas gifts for my children. I recently moved to Binghamton, NY from NYC thinking that I would be giving my children a better life. I haven't been able to find a job. I've applied everywhere that says hiring and even places that are not hiring. I haven't had any luck and Christmas is almost here. My children have been very good this year and believe that Santa Claus is coming. I don't know how to tell them that he's not. I don't know if I should tell them that there isn't a Santa Claus. I feel like I really messed up. I need help. I've been selling my clothes on letgo and offer up to buy food and pampers. The only semi-peace I have is knowing that my rent is paid until March. Anything helps, please help me.

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Sad Help me get to the dentist :(
Posted by: ajamoschell - 12-15-2017, 10:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Hello . I desperately need to go to the dentist for this one bad tooth but I can’t afford it or insurance. It’s killing me. I can’t eat, can’t sleep. Please help if you can. I would take a picture but it’s in the back of my mouth. I can try if that would help. It wasn’t as bad before but now the whole side of my face hurts, it hurts to brush them (and I am very big on hygiene), also my ear an eye hurt... not to mention the non stop migraine. I’m not into asking for help but I have nowhere else to turn. Would you please help me?[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Paypal.me/Aja85  Confused [/color]

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