Hello need help I am 41 year old and about to lose home and vehicle in need of $940.00 will try and post more details but this site keeps crashing on me and I have to keep starting over on my post I am not just looking for someone to give me money. I am willing to pay back bit it will be 5 mo.till I start getting my disability. I lost my only daughter unexpectedly 16 mo ago between funeral cost and Dr bills and medicine it has really put me in a really bad place.
I am in desperate need of money to fix my car. I was fired from my job because my car broke down. I have 6 year old twins and cannot even get to the grocery store. I live nowhere near public transportation. Please help me. Have a blessed day. I need approximately $1000 for the parts needed.
fReally never thought would come to begging! If anyone can help I would appreciate any donation however small
I need £876 in total to start a clean slate debt free and re start my life
I cannot get a loan after my ex and I got into debt well I thought he was paying the bills he was gambling it away!
I'm currently working for the nhs however had my hours cut in a nutshell I have paid some bills this month and still short and have £4 to live on and hassled for outstanding debts
Anyway thanks for reading and I will remain optimistic
now im 20 years old. I am currently in debt and facing collections, i have $500 to my name, i am a recoding artist, i rely hate the phrase “struggling artist” but that’s exactly how Im feeling. In the past 3 months it feels like I’ve received bill, after bill, after bill. Since my parents split and my dad moved away my mom is just too tight for me to feel COMFORTABLE asking for help, she has helped me enough and she deserves to help HERSELF now. So parents are not an option, right now I’m trying to pay my own way back to school and back into the studio seeing as I haven’t recorded (my version of “therapy”) a song in over 8 months because I’ve been trying to “save”. Then I ot HIT with all these bills. I was involved in a 3 car accident, and 2 car accidents of which I was not at fault. I had visited the hospital for health scares even before the accidents I have insurance but after insurance I still owe so much ($1,115.94) to be exact. I’m basically at the brink of mental exhaustion and I really can’t afford (literally) afford to fall back into depression. Which is a real scare, I’m stronger than the old me now though, so I’m really not TOO worried about that. I’m just worried about the IRS and collections, I don’t know what this stuff means completely and I do not know how to (or if I even CAN) fight it. So here’s the end of it, I’m pretty freaking scared of this, I have two jobs that pay my actual RENT food and I gas meaning no new clothes or studio time or anything for ME. Just surviving and enjoying what life I do have bc even with this struggle I still have a lot to be thankful for in just really scared and don’t know where where else to turn for money, I do not have enough TIME to save from my jobs (server at 1 restaurant and hostess at the other restaurant). Sorry I’m a little frazzled typing this, but anyway! I guess I’m “begging money” in the amount of $2,000.. Sorry everyone if this was unorganized. And thanks or taking time to read, God bless. (Oh and if you can’t donate, then please pray; yes I believe in God, but if you don’t you definitely don’t have to pray but just wish me luck) I appreciate it guys, thanks.
I'm a single mother with two children, both boys ages 10 and 16.
My children and I are in need of immediate relocation. I have a job that will pay the bills but move in costs are a little out of my range, with first months rent, security deposits, deposits for utilities, the cost of a refrigerator and washer/dryer, etc. So we need a little help. I'll gladly accept donations but I'm also willing to enter a loan agreement (with legal contract) for a $5,000 loan. I need a minimum of $2,000 but $5,000 would help me most.
I would appreciate any amount, as every little bit counts and adds up. Our situation is urgent and I'm running out of options.
I am Surendra Singh from India, coming from a reputed family background, I've taken many risks in my life as I always wanted to set up my own business but unluckily was never successful, but I've not stopped taking risks though. I am married man with 2 kids of 7 years old daughter & 5 years old son. I have to take of my grand mother & my retired parents also. Over and above this I have my own personal debt that I've occurred due to my risks that i've taken in life, I've tried my own consultancy agency, retailer shop, hotel business, and now into call center which is my expertise and I am sure I will succeed this time. But success will not come instantly and today I've faced a lifetime problem and for the same I need $3500.00 atleast to a bank in India, Muthoot Finance as I had taken a Gold loan for my hotel business in Aug 2012 and I dont wanna default the bank and also dont wanna loose all my wife and mom's gold jewelry as not only its precious but this jewelry is important as it has moral values and feelings attached to it as my mom will not say anything to me but she will emotionally break down if she looses her jewelry as they are very special to her. And I dont wanna be a reason for her emotional breakdown and I fear what if something happens to her or dad because of the actions that the bank will take to recover their loan as they have always led a respectful life. I love them more than anything in this world. Hope you understand my emotions and helplessness. I am literally crying while I am writing this. Please help me
My paypal link : billing@infinizy-solutions.com
I'm in allot of emotional pain and I have been for especially 1.5 years ago after me and my son relocated to this city Louisville, KY. Neither of us can bare to live here any longer. Got tossed of the bus tonight just for getting a little sniffy with the bus driver over the transfer. Her friend riding the bus muttered vile words at me after we sat down. Another bus driver was even more mean and dictatorial to us only a few days ago. Living here is causing us much suffering. In addition our location is a very unhappy one. We live very nearby drug dealers and we hear gun shots right outside our apartment. We can't mentally deal with this place any longer. Could some kind person(s) out there please help me and my son leave this terrible place. If you can help us please help via our paypal at link https://www.paypal.me/2us The page will say Justin Bryson and has a pic of 2 kittens on it and you put in the amount and click next to donate to us. Thank you friends!
Hii, I am Wonkar, I want to start a new business, sector Real Estate, but I have no money, so I requesting pleaze help me and donate Indian money, I want to build apartment for Indian poor & middle-class people, I will try to help they are finally and parmanenetly stay their own house, so I need money ($ to Indian rupees), I need Rs. 5,00,00,000.00(five corore Indian rupees), / $ 7,70,000(seven lac seventy thousand us $)
I have not pay any interest, but if anybody help me, then I can repay principle amount, and if he agree to take profit then I will agree,
Receive only white money
If interested then contract through mail...
My mail I'd is wkc1975@gmail.com
I don't really know where to start so i am going to start at the beginning. I was diagnosed with crohns i 2004. I have had many flare ups over the years and been on lots of medication but in 2014 I got very sick from crohns which left me unable to work and in and out of hospital. While I was so sick we have ended up in a lot of debt trying to make ends meet hoping I would get better to go back to work full time.
I was put on the last medication they could try and I have know been told it has failed and I need an operation to take the infected bowel away and be left with a bag possibly for life. It means 6 months or more off work I am already being chased for money and I am not coping my husband works all hours to try and help but we can't even afford the day to day bills. I have 3 kids I have let everyone down and I am ashamed of myself for not being able to provide for my children.
I don't know if there is anyone that could help me because the longer I leave surgery the more risk I have of something goes wrong. Please if you could help me I would be mr than grateful I would owe you everything. http://www.paypal.me/kfowler1980
As the title says, I come before you with nowhere to turn. My pride is bruising while I type this and I deserve no pity, but I'm utterly and entirely without any other option besides this feeble petition.
I have been unemployed for two months now. I have gotten by just barely, but now I am utterly destitute. I did not have means to pay rent for the month of January, and now it is halfway through February and I still don't have a dime to give. I have been formally evicted and I went to the hearing last Wednesday. Although I pleaded my case the best and most earnest way I could to the judge, he ruled in favor of the apartments. I filed an appeal with an Affidavit of Inability to Pay, but because my eviction was because of Non-payment, I am required to deposit one month of rent to the Justice of Peace office by tomorrow or my case is automatically dismissed and I will be forcibly removed.
I do not have any family here and I have not spoken to them in 15 years, nor do I have many friends. Very few in fact. The ones that I do have are barely making ends meet themselves and cannot help. In December I foolishly took out three payday loans to cover that month's rent, because I was already in financial distress at that point, and I had no one to turn to in my time of need. This has destroyed what little credit I'd managed to achieve in my meager life. I have tried to obtain a Surety Bond for my appeal to satisfy my court ordered obligation, but said poor credit and lack of any assets as collateral, I have been denied over and over again. I've pawned everything of value that I possessed to feed myself and my pets, and that well has run dry as well.
have also been struggling with almost debilitating depression and anxiety for two years now. I have not been able to visit my psychiatrist or fill my medications, and my mental state has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate by the hour it seems.
When I am removed from my home, I will have nowhere to store my belongings. I do not have a cent to my name to rent a storage facility. I do not have anyone who can look after my pets, the only two living beings I feel that still have love and compassion for me and who have been the only things that keeps me from giving up entirely. I do not have anywhere to place my head at night, besides the outdoors. Even homeless shelters charge you $10 a day to stay, and I pathetically do not even have that to spare. I don't know what to do or how I will survive on the street. I have no transportation to live in temporarily either.
I have applied for any and all government funding and charity that is available to the indigent, but they prioritize families and those already homeless above little old me, and I received nothing. Even Section 8 housing has a waiting list that has been full and closed since 2011. I'm utterly helpless. It is why I humbly come to you all, despite the horrifying embarrassment that I am experiencing right now typing these shameful things to you. I need help in this, the lowest point in my 32 years on this planet.
I am respectfully and modestly appealing to you all for anything you may be willing to donate. I am fully aware of the risk you will take in doing so, and it will not hurt my feelings if you decline. Below I will itemize the things I shall use said funds:
List of Financial Urgency**
Rent for the months of February and March - $2300.00
Water/Electricity/Trash Service for both months - $340.00
Cell Phone Bill (this month plus past due) - $475.00
Internet Service (two months) - $200.00
Groceries and Pet supplies (two months) - $200.00
Transportation (discounted Dart pass 1 month) - $40.00
New Hard Drive for my Laptop (for job searching) - $80.00
Bank Account Overdrawn amount - $450.00
Bankruptcy Lawyer and Filing Fees - $600.00 [estimated]
Total Amount - $4,685.00
**You will be provided any receipts, invoices, or bills to validate these amounts
I realized this is a great deal of money to ask of anyone, and I apologize. I simply have nowhere else to turn, besides the mean streets or under a bridge.
(Filing for bankruptcy is my only option to stay my impending eviction and give me more time to find another residence, with hope that I can deposit what is required of me tomorrow.)
I have been applying to and interviewing for many jobs. I have had several second and even third interviews, but when the final decision is to be offered to me I do believe that my credit history is discouraging employers. I have a second interview on Monday, which I am desperate to get to, and to receive an offer, but my spirits are low and my outlook is dismal. I also must take the bus to the office, which I have no funds for right now. I have been riding the train illegally, without being caught, but I fear that my luck has worn very thin now.
My cell phone is also shut off, which has already cost me many inquiries for companies at which I have applied. I do still have my internet service, but it is not long off that that too will be disconnected barring me from finding anything at all... Right now I only have my cell phone and WiFi with which to edit my resume, respond to potential employers, take skill level testing, etc and it is painstaking to say the least. Hence the need for a new hard drive to install in my laptop. The current HD crashed, much to my dismay and tear-shed.
With that I will end this sob-fest. This pathetic plea for compassion. I leave you with only my word and my womanly honor to do everything it takes to return to you anything you might generously find in your heart to donate. I hope everything in your lives are well and wonderful. Thank you for listening to me, and I hope to hear from you...any of you...please?