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  No cash, no credit, nobody to borrow from and nothing to eat
Posted by: br3dja - 10-01-2016, 10:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Throughout 2015 I ran up £20,000 of debt through extreme high interest (aka payday) loans. I only realised I had a problem once everything was sold, everything spent, and no lender (not even the unscrupulous payday lenders) would lend to me.

Depression was the underlying cause of my problem, and once I had a handle on it, I asked HSBC (my bank for 7 years) for a debt consolidation loan: I was spending my entire wage on repaying overdue loans and running up further debt with yet more payday loans to enable me to simply survive from one payday to the next. Their loan would have paid off all 24 creditors and left me with £200 WEEKLY spending money after all bills, food, transport and their loan repayment. As the debt was worth over £15,000, they could instantly declare me bankrupt were I to miss a payment. I even offered a legal letter refusing me lending for the lifetime of the loan, to be sent to HSBC and all past and present lenders.

An elegant, simple solution of little risk to me, little risk to the bank and little risk to their precious shareholders.

It still seems insane, but they said no.

What's even crazier, is I've just had the existing £10,000 I owe HSBC WRITTEN OFF after I complained to Stuart Gulliver, their Group CEO. To be honest, I'd have rather kept the debt and added to it with a debt consolidation loan, as this has done NOTHING to help me. I needed money to pay off other debt including to friends and family.

HSBC promised their investigation would take 5 days. It took SIX AND A HALF WEEKS, during which time I ran up even more debt and have now run out of family and friends from whom I can borrow.

Over 6 months on, I'm now struggling to even put food on my table. I've (3 times) had to choose between sleeping on a park bench or walk 10 miles home, when it's not been possible to fare-dodge my way back after work.

Today, I'll have to fare-dodge my way into work and blag my way through the ticket barrier at the other end; on the way back I'll have to walk 5 miles to the nearest station without barriers; I'll hopefully get home without being caught.

To make matters worse, last month I was paid £700 less because I took more time off due to my depression, which has left me in a complete mess this month, unable to pay for broadband, home phone, mobile phone or electricity.

I'm hoping you'll find it within your heart to help me BEFORE I'm cut off from the outside world, as I'd really like to say thank you when you do.

I've tried to put things right but the banks have stopped me at every turn.


Please, even if it's just a tiny amount, it all helps, and once back on my feet, I am DETERMINED to make known the often downright evil practices of our banks, particularly to the more vulnerable in our society, to the public. Just this morning, I received a telephone call from a company worth billions. They asked me if a friend or relative could pay my bill because I couldn't. I asked them "seriously, you're worth billions, yet want someone barely worth thousands to bail you out?".

Yes, we're BAILING OUT those worth BILLIONS all the time. The fact we're giving them everything whilst they (rarely) give us anything, is why they're still rich, and the rest of us not, and decreasingly so.

Please help me. You've no idea how little will make a difference.

Dan x

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  Need Help Immediantly.
Posted by: Mblythe88 - 10-01-2016, 02:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, My name is Michael Blythe and I am in dire need of donations. I never ever thought i would have to come to one of these sites to ask for help, but it has come to that as i have been laid off, and recently kicked out of where i was living because my girlfriend was cheating on me and her new boyfriend is moving in. I am couch surfing from place to place at the moment and have no permanant address at this point and it is not long before i will be completely homeless, I am actively searching for work but it is getting harder. In addition to add insult to injury my car was hit and totaled by a driver without insurance and now i have no means of transportation. I honestly have no idea what to do i just keep praying that things will look up. Im asking for anything that would help and looking for 5,000 dollars in order to secure living and a new means of transportation in order to get a new job and get on my feet again. If you have ever been in a bad place and know what im going through i beg of you please help me any way you can.  My cash me link is http://cash.me/$MichaelBlythe I will forever be greatful for anything you could possibly donate...I just need some help to get back on my feet. Thank you and God Bless.

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  Need Help Immediantly.
Posted by: Mblythe88 - 10-01-2016, 02:10 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, My name is Michael Blythe and I am in dire need of donations. I never ever thought i would have to come to one of these sites to ask for help, but it has come to that as i have been laid off, and recently kicked out of where i was living because my girlfriend was cheating on me and her new boyfriend is moving in. I am couch surfing from place to place at the moment and have no permanant address at this point and it is not long before i will be completely homeless, I am actively searching for work but it is getting harder. In addition to add insult to injury my car was hit and totaled by a driver without insurance and now i have no means of transportation. I honestly have no idea what to do i just keep praying that things will look up. Im asking for anything that would help and looking for 5,000 dollars in order to secure living and a new means of transportation in order to get a new job and get on my feet again. If you have ever been in a bad place and know what im going through i beg of you please help me any way you can.  My cash me link is http://cash.me/$MichaelBlythe I will forever be greatful for anything you could possibly donate...I just need some help to get back on my feet. Thank you and God Bless.

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  Please Help me completing My engineering
Posted by: repulsive - 09-30-2016, 12:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello every one  !!

my name is vinay  i am a university student  and currently in final semester of  my electrical and electronics engineering. In my university we have to pay college fees  twice a year semester wise. Six months  ago  my father had a major heart attack  we admit him in hospital  and it took more the 15 lakhs  (INR)  ( about 25 $) for his surgery unfortunately  he passed away.  My mother is a house wife  and  is not able to get a job or  earn anything although i got a job on a small call center in which i am getting about 9000(INR) ( 150 $)  per month  being an engineering student  i also do freelance work  on fiverr as a programmer  but sometimes i make some amount  and sometimes not. Recently my university officials  told me  that i have to pay my pending fees  which is about 500 $  (30000 INR) my younger brother is also an engineering student  i also have to pay his fees  which is about  1000 $  i did tried to get a loan but  because of my current earning  none of the banks are providing me  any loan as my salary is too low.

I need just one time support from any one who reads it  cause by now i am not able to get any job  on my engineering basis  as it is not completed yet  i had to pay my last semester  fees to get engineering degree from my university  

These last 6 months  have been so hard  on my family.

If you are able to help in any way please let me know. Although I have never done anything like this before I am hoping that this will in some way help us out.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may you be blessed.

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  Help me with my dream
Posted by: Julychim - 09-30-2016, 06:39 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Sharon and I'm trying to get money for a trip.
I was dreaming of going to Japan for as long as I can remember. I actually wanted to see the whole world, to travel all around the world, but for now Japan is my goal. 
Unfortunately, my family is not really rich and not really lucky. We have enough money for living, but when it comes to something like traveling abroad (or buying something not really important) there is always 'we don't have money for that'. 
I don't believe that lack of money is a reason to give in your dream. That's why I tried so hard to earn my own money for my trip to Japan. I was worked so hard for almost a year, saved enough money, but then one of my family member needed an emergency surgery. And of course the welfare of my family is more important than my traveling so I gave all my money for this operation. I don't regret it, I would give all of my money to my family.
I tried to save some money again after that, but every time something happened (to me, to my family, to my friend) and I needed to share my savings with others.
Now I'm trying to save some money again, but I'm kind of afraid I still won't be able to go to Japan. I'm afraid I need to keep money in case something would happen.
This trip is really important for me, because it's my only dream for now. It's my goal and I can't live a day not thinking about it.
Sure it's not an emergency, and there are so many other people who need money more than I do, but still I decided to ask other people to help me. 
I will be very thankful for everyone who wants to help me. 
Thank you!

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  Desperate to make it through
Posted by: tulips32 - 09-27-2016, 04:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am not unemployed, however there are circumstances that prevent me from providing basic necessities for myself and my teenage son.  I am in urgent need of financial assistance to make it through to the end of the year - I cannot purchase food every week at the grocery store, I am borrowing a car to get to work, I have an ex-husband I am trying to make a clean break from and I have already borrowed heavily from friends and family.  I have no other resources to get out of the spiraling situation I am currently in.  I have passed to point of desperation, but am too old and out of shape to take the path of least resistance to make money.  I am in urgent need of approximately $10,000 to get all of my bills caught up, pay rent until the end of my lease and get out from under three payday loans that are making my situation worse and not better.  Please help if you possibly can - it would be forever appreciated and help a hardworking mom make a fresh start before we are out on the street.

My PayPal ID is tulips32@live.com

Thank you in advance for all of your support and good deeds.

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Posted by: dbslss - 09-27-2016, 01:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi we are a family of 5 that has hit some very hard times and need some help to get back on our feet. Around 5 years ago my wife became very ill and I had to give up work to look after her.  We have had to go on to government assistants as all our savings have been used up and have no spare funds left, to cover the family medical bills, as well as the living cost for a family of five. We have 3 children where one needs dental work that cost around $1500. Our car also needs work done unsure at this point what it would cost. Also I need some sort of work to do at home as I cannot go out to work as my wife need care 24/7. So I am looking for funds as well to start some sort of work at home. Any donation would be very must appreciated. Thank You for all your support for my family in our time of need. 


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Exclamation Help me get through until the end of year
Posted by: tulips32 - 09-27-2016, 12:08 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need urgent help to get through until the end of the year.  I only need $5,000 in order to make sure I can pay rent for myself and my son.  I have the State of Arizona garnishing my check for a ridiculous amount of money and they have put me in a situation where I have no way to support myself.  Please help, my son is 12 and I cannot get a loan due to credit issues from my soon to be ex-husband.

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  I need help, can someone please help me
Posted by: TroyP - 09-26-2016, 12:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need any help that I can get. I'm literally in tears. I feel like the world is crumpling down on me. The worse feeling in the world is losing a loved one and becoming homeless. I lost my mom in 2010, now lost my job, The roommate I was staying with just emailed telling me, telling me to move out of the house I have a month to find another place. I had a job with full health benefits, my teeth are really in bad shape was making an appointment to get my teeth done at a dentist, then lost my job. I bought a car last December while I was working. have monthly payments.

I'm beyond scared, I have to worry about where to live, how to finish the payments on my car so I don't lose my car, I'm petrified of being homeless. I've a cat. I've $5000 left on my car. Any help would mean the world to me. I'm dealing with so much stress  scared of being homeless. I couldn't even sleep last night, I was awake all night.

I'll be forever grateful for the rest of my life. I've tears streaming down my face as I write this


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  Help me please to pay the education bill.
Posted by: Valerii - 09-25-2016, 10:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello dear visitor! I am a seaman and I never asked money but 2 months ago I got burned down the house. Fire had burned all my things. I spent all my money to rebuilt my house. And now i need to regenerate the certificates proving my competence. For this I need 600$ to pay the bill in maritime traning center.
Thanks a lot for understanding and help!


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