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Need money to pay the bank |
Posted by: Sergiu - 02-24-2017, 01:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I need 1000 fast $ to pay the bank rates, or I am in danger to loose the house just bought 2 years ago .I am a few months late with the paymantes, the bank doesn't want to come to an solution with me.I am in a desperate situation, any help is welcome.I have a few days to pay them.I don't know what to do anymore.
If someone is willing to help me, you can donate to my PayPal link here:
Thank you, hope you have a great day!
Need help financially |
Posted by: Desiree84 - 02-23-2017, 10:51 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am in need of financial help. Im disabled and im trying to keep up with everything. It seems that no matter what I do I keep hitting wall after wall. My financial need is to help me catch up on bills, have food in the house and personal items. I have a 12 year old son and I dont want him to have to see the pressure I have on my face even though he knows im doing all I can to keep our heads above water. If you should be kind to help you can PayPal me at paypal.me/desireeshook. Thank you
Help me recover debt |
Posted by: svemylife - 02-20-2017, 11:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Our family has had a tough time since my father was under treatment for 6 years and died. To undergo his treatment we had to sell our jewelries and at last we had to borrow money on monthly interest. The amount is so big and I am the only earner hence I could not repay. Please help me to repay the debt of $10,000/-. God will be always with you. Please write to me at: svemylife@gmail.com
God bless
need urgent help for bare necesities (grocery items) for self and family |
Posted by: hmarie - 02-16-2017, 09:30 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi everyone,
thank you for taking the time to view my request... I typically would not turn to something such as this to request assistance, but I am stuck in a position where I have no choice. I am desperately searching for 20-30 dollars (or ANYTHING really, it all helps...) today so I am able to get a few essential items from the grocery store, for myself and family. I do not no what else to do.
thank you for your time and any consideration,
kind regards,
please help me. |
Posted by: robert777 - 02-15-2017, 03:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am in desperate need of help. I am disabled. And need help. I have no heat in my house. And my roof leaks water every time it rains. If you can please help me. Any amount would help. So I have a safe place to live. And to keep me safe from the elements of the weather. Thank you for reading my post.
I need urgent help to find a home |
Posted by: loopylee - 02-12-2017, 06:02 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi this is a little emmbarsing as i have always been independent and the last few years due to illness i have gave up work and became long term sick liivng in a 1 room cellar bedsit thats paid for by benefits.
My problem right now is i cant find a way to get a decent home to just live normaly as much as i can due to the deposits asked for by private landlords im not being greedy im genuinly in a hole i cant get out of any small donations will be 1 step closer to where i need to be this is my first time i have ever used these sites but im sure it will be no harm in trying and would like to thank you in advance for any donations made and for you taking the time to read this and can assure anyone once i reach the goal i will remove my advert.
Help with medical bills |
Posted by: Kimberly Marcelle - 02-11-2017, 06:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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My story starts in 2004 when my husband had a stroke. He has not been able to work, he does get social security one time a month. He was only 44 years of age. We have made it because I have been able to work. Now that has changed. July 1, 2016 my husband was driving us home and that is all that I remember. I was told that I was in ICU for 9 or 10 days I just don't know what happened. I was told that we was in a wreck and I had to be cut out of the car and life flight to the hospital. My whole right side is damaged and this is one long hard road to be on . I had a brain bleed, a cut on the right side of my face from my hair line on my forehead to my right eye. My right arm was broke and they put a rod in my arm. My right top part of my leg was broke and was sticking out of my skin. The Doctor told my mom that it will take me at least 1 year or more to get better. It has been 7 months and I am still not healed. My Dr told me that with all the damage and my age it was just too much for my body to heal fast. I was 54 years old when this happened. The hospital has put a lean on any money that I can get from the insurance . I lost my car and almost lost my life. I am not able to get disability because they said that my husband gets too much already. I would like to see one of those people to try to live off of 1 social security check a month. I had no health insurance at the time because what they call affordable was not so affordable to me. If you could please help me and my husband just to keep our bills paid that would mean the world to us. GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU THAT IS READING MY STORY