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  Need help Urgently
Posted by: tyma - 04-22-2017, 04:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, this  site is my last hope
I  am backpacker now in Bali, I have been robbed and lost everything. luckily I found friend who could give me accommodation for few days as I dont have  money for paying. and  I have to leave the country where I am the end of this month I have one week, otherwise  I will be overstaying. and I need 800 $ for ticket back home.if anyone one could help. I can  reimburse  your donation just need time.
Thank you for your help.


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Exclamation Desperately need help
Posted by: mledbeter2 - 04-22-2017, 08:03 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello I'm a new mother and I've been trying to get a job for months but there's been no job openings close enough to me. Father of my child was abusive so I had to pick up and move without him finding out, I'm homeless and I haven't eaten in days and I need formula to feed my child.

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Exclamation Baby fund!
Posted by: mledbeter2 - 04-22-2017, 07:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Need money to support my child until I get a job, been looking everywhere but no one seems to be hiring :/

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  Need help Urgently
Posted by: tyma - 04-22-2017, 03:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I just ended up on this site as last hope.
few days ago I have been robbed as I am on vacation in Bali, luckily I got some friends to help me for accommodation. I need urgently  some money for ticket as I have to leave the country at the end of this month, otherwise I will overstay. I need 800$  for my ticket, if anyone is willing to help me. I will try to reimburse any donation.
Thank you

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  Please Help Save Homeless Family
Posted by: rjohnson2 kids - 04-20-2017, 04:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Robin Johnson and I am a single mother of 2 children's.

I am here today because I am seeking financial assistance to help me through my difficulties. I have lived a stressful life. Going day to day wondering if my family and I  were going to make it to the next day.  Through my struggles, I lost everything and my family and I were homeless. I cried and cried because I felt like the worst parent ever for not being able to keep my kids safe by providing them a place to stay. I prayed to God every day to send someone or something to us to bless us in our time of need.

I received a good job in 2015 and was working and able to provide for my family once again. But now recently I was laid off from my job and now I find myself struggling once again trying to find another one as quickly as possible. I used my money to pay all my bills off but your monthly bills are always there. I recently received a 5 day pay or quit notice and I am worried about my family becoming homeless again and I sit back and wonder will I ever be debt free?

I try to hide my sadness from my kids because they shouldn't have to worry about things like rent. But my 3- year- old asked me mommy why are you crying and I really do not want to take her home from her once again....

Please help bless me. I need to raise 3,100 dollars as soon as possible in order to keep a home for my children and I. I must pay my rent plus pay for late fees and now attorney fees as well. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I pray God will send someone to me that feels my pain and will help me..... thank you so much

I am also on GOFUNDME.COM and donations can be made at:  https://www.gofundme.com/4mykids2  or donate to: paypal.me/Robin892

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  In need of some help hard times
Posted by: Eric1976 - 04-20-2017, 06:46 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello this is hard to ask for help I'm a volunteer firefighter for 5 years now I'm not working at this time work is hard to find I have a car in the shop that is in repair $800 and I'm in need for some kind of merical times are hard all I want is to have a dependable car to make my fire Em's calls at least I can help someone in need anything would help me      my pay pal is ericj281

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  Despite times sent me here.
Posted by: Cliffbush83 - 04-17-2017, 04:37 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone first and foremost I'm new to this web site. I'm not the best for asking for money but when I really really need it, there is no other way. My first name is Clif, short for Clifton, I'm on this sight today looking for a way to be not thinking about what to feed my son. I work part time 15-20 hours a week, here lately my hours have dropped to 10-13 hours a week. I pay rent @ 200 phone bill 50, car insurance is 200, gas for car and food easy 150 to 200 a month. My son eats everything. So with all that being said that's about 1000 a month, whilst making 10-13 hours a week on a 14 hour pay. I've looked for another job but no one wants to start you that high any longer. I've been told I was getting more hours, have yet to see that. I'm in a bunch and need a way out at least untill I get some more hours. This week alone I have 5 bucks to my name to feed me and my son and for fuel to get to work. I hate begging but the only reason I believe I'm here is god sent me here in search of help. I hope he was right. Thanks for reading and God bless. paypal.me/cliftonbush

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Sad Your Kind Help is Requested
Posted by: StxLatino - 04-17-2017, 02:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am asking for help because I can not afford a Lawyer for my case. I am a single father who has been paying child support to his ex-wife. However, my children live with me. I have tried countless times to get my ex to give me back the money for my kids and she refuses. I do not understand how a mother can take it knowing that i am the one caring for the kids. I started a case with the attorney General's office but they take so long to process anything. I have had to start a second job just to be able to pay what i can. I am asking for donations to help hire a lawyer to resolve this issue sooner than later. I hope a kind hearted person reads this. I can only reach out and try to ask for help. I believe if it's meant to be God will provide one way or another. I thank you for your time and may God Bless you!


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Heart Save our dream
Posted by: neilkane - 04-16-2017, 10:18 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

At the beginning of my study, everything was good and I was happy to start my journey for PhD degree at the University. Suddenly everything has changed, my daughter fall seriously ill at back home and I had to spend all my savings for her treatment to save her. This means that I fall shortage of my university fees. I tried to get help from my friends and families but could not managed the full amount and now I find myself in demanding situation where I have asked to pay the remaining fee or leave the university. I am at the end of my study and there is no return. If I fail to pay the fee, all my efforts will go in vain. I have tried to find out all option but nothing worked for me and this is somewhat my last hope to raise the money I need to finish my course and save my family.
I am a firm believer of where there is a will there is a way so any help will be very welcome.
Though this is a most tough time of life, I have faith that with your help I will be able to finish my degree.
Thank you very much and God bless you.

Donate Here: paypal.me/neilkane

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  Help a pregnant woman reunite with her husband again
Posted by: jenkhateeb - 04-16-2017, 02:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Jennifer and I am 38 weeks pregnant. My husband lives in Jerusalem (he is palestinian). I moved to Jerusalem in 2014 fell in love with him, married and lived 2 years there with him in his parents house. 

We submitted the paperwork for him to come to the US with me, but before we had an answer on the process, my visa was expiring and I was forced to move back to the US. At that time I was 27 weeks pregnant and I had to move back alone without my husband and no family or friends around to count with or have some support. 

We were hoping the Embassy was going to give him a visa before I gave birth so he could come and take care of me and the baby. They refused his application and now we have to submit a waiver with a lawyer that will cost $5000 and the process will take 1 year. 

I was devastated, the man I love so much will not be with me when I give birth to our baby and I will be all alone with no friends or family around me. That and the added stress of money problems has me on a depressive state. For me to move back to the US my husband had to get a loan and his salary over there is really low. That meant that when I moved I had to look for a job and work as much as I can before I give birth to afford living costs. 

I found a job as a receptionist in an accounting office, I was told the job was long term and that I would have a job waiting even after maternity leave. Just two days ago on Wednesday April 12th, I was "laid off" due to overstaffing and they said a receptionist was no longer needed in that office. They fired me 2 weeks before I could qualify for short term leave and they lied to me about keeping my job after I gave birth. Short term leave was going to pay me at least 60% of my salary while I was on leave. They also knew all of my hardship and that I needed a secure job to save money and a job to come back to. 

The problem now is that without having a job to come back to I won't be able to go visit my husband after I give birth, because I have to use that time to look for another job. My husband will not see me or his baby girl for 1 year even more. The money I was going to get for short term leave and the extra time I could've worked was the money to pay the lawyer to start the process and to afford a ticket to go visit my husband. Now I am too far along in my pregnancy to find anyone that would hire me. Not only I won't have the money to pay the lawyer or visit my husband, I won't have money to afford living costs after I give birth if I don't get another job right after that. 

I'm in need of so many things, I wish I had some support, someone to at least talk to. I don't have any ways to qualify for a loan, I don't have friends or family to ask money from. I feel helpless and embarrased to even be here writing on a website about personal problems, but I am desperate. I just want my husband to be able to see his baby girl and for us to pay the lawyer at least to start the waiver process. The best thing to do is move back there and try to leave the process started. We need to give the lawyer at least $2000 to start the waiver application and I need at least $1000 to buy a one way ticket to move back to Jerusalem. That is why we need at least $3000 to help with our harsdhip.

If you find it in your heart to at least make a small donation for our case, please do so. I know we all have struggles, some more than others. But we would be so grateful just to receive some help from kind hearted people. We don't have much but we would also consider a personal loan from someone who is willing to get payed little by little. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my story. 

Donations: https://www.paypal.me/jenkhateeb

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