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  help me start over again
Posted by: xian - 10-28-2016, 03:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single parent of two.a 4 yrs old and 1 yr old. being left alone,i've been dependent to my parents who doesnt have much so ive been a huge burden on them.I dnt have work as of now, coz my 1 yr old boy clings much to me coz he is breastfed.my parents cudnt afford to suport milk for my 2 kids,bills,food and house rent,all at the same time.we have small store before in the house weve been renting b4, it is called sari sari store in the philippines. but the house was sold already.so were gonna m0ve to another place on nov 1. We dont have much to pay for a 1 m0nth advance and 1 m0nth deposit rent for the new house . and we stil have lots of debts to pay on lending agencies.I am hoping that someone cud help us start again.or help us lessen financial problems. i also wish that we cud have table,chairs,bed even 2nd hand coz we dont have our own.one more thing,hope to have a capital for small business so i cud help or lessen the burden of my family. Hoping.Thanks in Advance. God bless us all

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  Trying to get to my family in europe for christmas
Posted by: EuropeTravelor - 10-28-2016, 01:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I recently was texted by my fiance of two years that he no longer wanted to be with me. I'm heart broken and feel stuck in life and just have no idea what to do. I am studying in america currently, but I really want to go back to my family in europe for christmas; i need to be with people to remind me who I am now. If anyone can please help just a bit I will be forever grateful. I am a full time college student and honetsly do not have time to work much because of all my school work. Thank you so much

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  Family of 7 homeless
Posted by: Eellio82 - 10-27-2016, 01:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 31 yo father of 5 my wife and I just became homeless we both work but our landlord would not renew our lease we have been looking at a few places but are having trouble with the move in cost we are needing atleast  $1,500 the sooner the better as winter is coming and our van is uncomfortable to sleep in anything helps us reach our goal of $1,500 thank you to all who can help us.

 You can send donation to PayPal.me/eric85

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  need Help! don;
Posted by: RONCAM - 10-25-2016, 01:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 46 year old man on Social Security disability benefits of seven hundred a month that is all the money i get I have no home and no car.  I live with my mom in her home and she is dying form C,O,P,D when she goes the house reverts back to her ex husband and i will be homeless and destitute because without a home address i forfeit my SSI benefits if I were able to work I would I rellyse it is almost hopeless but I don't know what else to do I need financial help any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated you can donate at PayPal or email me at roncam1215@gmail.com thank you and god bless .

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  Need Help To Pay Medical Bills
Posted by: bg1966 - 10-24-2016, 02:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have had a stroke, a heart attack and now had to have a pacemaker.  Now a dentist tells me I need a large amount of work.  I have over $200,000 in medical bills and need over $5,000 for dental work.  At this time I am unable to work and have no insurance to cover the bills.  HONESTLY, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TO ASK FOR BUT A GIFT OF $1.00 TO $5.OO IS SOMETHING YOU MIGHT CONSIDER?  Thank you. :heart:

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  Single Mother
Posted by: Judychow - 10-21-2016, 01:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Judy and i am a single Mother who has a 1 year old daughter. I have been a care giver and i only make $1000 a month and i have not have enough money to pay my car payment every month for 3 months now since August. Each month is $260 and i really need help. If i dont pay it by next month they said they will tow the car back to the used car dealer until i pay it. Please if anyone can help i am only asking dor donation of at most $1000 so i can pay for the past 3 'months ans for next month. I really need the car for my daughter transportatin to the doctors and for me to transport my recipients to the doctors so i stil recieve paychecks. May god bless any one out there for any donation will be great.

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  Please help. All i need is $30 for food
Posted by: jeanclaud11 - 10-21-2016, 01:31 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, i was able to get hired but my job doesn't start until next week. i need just $30 to get food while i work for my paycheck. please help. paypal.me/jeanclaud

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  No electricity
Posted by: DUCKY398 - 10-17-2016, 02:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have never done this befor so its all new to me.my husband and my self just moved to a new state to help out a friend that is down with medical problems.we were not told that he had no electricity in his home when we got here,i guess to proud to say anything to us.bless his heart.i am asking for help so i can pay his electric bill for him.im on a fixed income my self,im disabled and only get a little over 700$ a month.i would give all my money my self to pay the bill my self but that is no possible at this point.im not making excuses not to pay my self i just have a car payment and i pay him rent to make his mortgagepayment.have got to have car for doctor appointments.his bill is really high due to being out of work because being in hospital.please help its getting cold and he and are selves can not take cold showers much longer it hard on him.thank you for you time to read this and god bless you all

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Shocked working and college and treatment...oh my!
Posted by: aspenleaf9 - 10-14-2016, 05:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello there,

I am 23 and struggle with borderline personality disorder and co-morbid bulimia. I went into intensive treatment from 2012-2014. I used up all my college savings to pay the medical bills (nearly $10,000), but still had to turn to my parents for help. Thankfully, I am in recovery now and doing well, despite the occasional minor relapse. However, I struggle with having financial independence. When I first went to the hospital, my mom was outwardly reluctant about the costs (her exact words were: "we shouldn't have to spend the family's money on a problem she caused for herself.") As a result, I feel immense shame whenever I ask them for help with money.

After treatment, I continued college but was unable to get financial aid because the government considers me a dependent until I'm 24 and assumes the parents will pay my tuition (which is definitely not the case). As a result, I'm waiting another year before continuing my degree, meanwhile trying to work and be independent by renting my own place. Living with my parents is like living in a pressure cooker...stressful, shameful, restricted, and every move is scrutinized.

My seasonal job ended a month ago and all the job options I had lined up fell through. For the past several weeks, I've been applying and even landing a few interviews, but I'm either not "experienced" enough or they don't like the idea that I'm planning to go back to school, limiting my availability. I'm also being picky about what kind of jobs I apply for. I've found I'm much more successful in recovery if I enjoy my work and also have the opportunity to be challenged, solve problems, and contribute my talents. That pretty much knocks out jobs like fast food or general labor. Recently, I've been second-guessing my preferences and thinking I should lower my expectations.

Between bills and rent, I've depleted all but $400 of my savings from my summer job and have no idea how I'm going to pay rent next month if I don't have a job in the next week at least. I'm ashamed of myself for doing it, but I stole some groceries the other day because I feel like I can't pay for food. I hate that I might be reduced to going to my parents again and my mom's scolding attitude about how I'm a financial burden and should be able to solve my own problems. I keep promising I'll pay them back, but haven't been able to.

I'm scared and discouraged. I want so badly to be successful and can't understand why nobody wants to hire me because every employer I've ever had has loved having me work for them because I'm dedicated and creative and learn quickly. I even tried re-opening my piano studio and freelancing my musical talents, but haven't had much luck with that either. 

Please: if you feel so inclined, I would appreciate any amount you are able to donate. I am determined to live and to recover. I aim to make a difference in the world and help people who have struggled with mental health as I have. Your generosity will help me through this rough patch and help me achieve that goal. 

Please send donations to: paypal.me/aspenleaf9

Thank you for reading; for listening to my story
Thank you for caring
Thank you for your help.

~Esther J.

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Posted by: Mblythe88 - 10-10-2016, 03:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


My name is Michael and I have currently found myself in a terrible situation, I have been laid off from my job...and my car was recently totaled....i have no where to live and am moving between different friends houses but will soon run out of hospitality...If you have ever been down and out i am begging you to please find it in your heart to do something and help me out. I do not know how i will be able to get by much longer without assistance. I beg you please help me....Im asking for $5000.00 to help me secure housing and a vehicle so i can try to get another job somehwere but any amount would be amazing. PLEASE HELP ME.  cash.me/$MichaelBlythe

Thank you for your kindness

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