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  Trying to keep a roof over my familys head
Posted by: HeatherL1983 - 04-13-2018, 08:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Tge house we currently rent defaulted to creditors and we have until the end of April to move. We found a new place to live, but need the money for rent and deposit. I work, but my savings was wiped out fue to medical bills and vehicle repairs. Hoping someone will be generous and help.

The total amount is $1300. Every little bit helps.

Thank you for your time

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  Please help my baby
Posted by: Kellylou22 - 04-13-2018, 08:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone this is not something I'd normally do but I'm a single mother of 3 who is struggling like mad I can' work due to my son being in hospital , he has been there since he was 6 months old he is now 15 months,  He is failing to thrive ( put weight on and grow properly) he needs specialist treatment and I simply can't afford it I'm in massive debt due to the whole situation I feel like a rubbish mother but I'm trying my best please if you can help I'd really appreciate it and will certainly pay it back once I'm back on my feet thankyou for taking the time to read this

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  Please help my son
Posted by: Kellylou22 - 04-13-2018, 07:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone I don' know where else to turn I don' speak to my family and have very few friends , my little boy Lewie has been in hospital since he was 7 months old he is now 14 months , he is failing to gain weight and grow as he should be and the hospital are none the wiser as to why this is happening , I basically love at the hospital with him but I have 2 other children and as I can' work as I'm at hospital 24/7 I have got into aload of debt on top of that my son needs specialist tests doing which I have to go private to have this done and I simply can't afford it , times are so hard and I'm hoping someone out there can help I can' begin to tell you how ashamed I am of writing this here but I literally have no one to help thankyou thankyou for reading x

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  Asking for financial help
Posted by: PerfectlyImperfect - 04-13-2018, 04:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Heart Heart  Hello Reader  Angel
I've fallen on hard times for the first time ever. I am seeking help to catch myself up after being let go from a 10 year employment
our company sold and the position was terminated. Finding new, comparable employment has been difficult. I'm low on groceries and my few bills are falling behind. I am smoke/alcohol/drug free.
Any help will be forever appreciated and I always pay it forward.
Thank you  Heart Heart Heart

I have pay pal storm_gronos@hotmail.com

Thank you again,

Rebecca T.

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  Help me raise funds to start my project
Posted by: Michael Ahimbisibwe - 04-13-2018, 02:36 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am raising money to start a nutritional healing center. The project will improve health by supplyin dietary foods and herbs to patients of common complex health issues. Funds are neede to set up the accommodation, purchesing a tablet press machine and equipments and tools. Help make my vision come true. Thank you for taking your time reading my request.

I will applitiate your genorosity by getting an email messege from you at michaelahim77@gmail.com to disscuss the convenient way to send your donation to me as paypal has failed to link with my visa card here in my country. Thanks again; Stay blessed.

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Posted by: CallieRae - 04-12-2018, 08:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Recently I was evicted from my apartment and I have been homeless, phone-less, and job-less ever since. I went through a recent hardship with a miscarriage and the ultimate downfall of my relationship. The loss left me devastated and I ultimately lost my job which led to my current situation. I have 9 credits left in order to finish my Bachelor's degree, but that will be impossible without financial support. I need money to pay off debt, rent an apartment, and finish my degree. Help me get my life back on track. Even just a little bit of money can help me to get a phone which will make getting a job much easier, which will aid in me returning to financial independence. 

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  Volunteering to Ghana
Posted by: JJW86 - 04-12-2018, 01:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I have been accepted onto a brilliant programme this summer which sends qualified teachers like myself from developed countries to developing countries like Ghana to help train their teachers. However, it is a volunteering programme which requires me to pay a programme fee £1000 and my own flights from London. Obviously I would be having an experience of  lifetime but this is also for charity so any donations would be gratefully received.   You can donate here. 


Many thanks

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Heart Family Crisis/funeral asking for help please <3
Posted by: cassiopeia88 - 04-10-2018, 11:59 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

If you are reading this, thank you. So lets dive straight into it. This is by far the hardest letter i had to write. 
My grandmother lives in the Ukraine - and got very sick last year. I flew out to help my grandmmother - and found her in a dire state, she had been neglected for months, and the people who were taking care of her, simply stole money and stopped feeding her. I had to immediately hospitalize her, since she needed many blood transfusions. I stayed behind here and quit my job. Unfortunately I have no relatives to ask for help, and none of my friends are able to help me immediately. Much to my regret my grandmother just passed. Her body simply wasn't able to recover due to her old age and her mind wasn't the same anymore. To my regret, I have run out of money. I am in dire need of money for her funeral ,and money to find a new home for her dogs, food and buy a new flight ticket back home. I have a new job waiting for me in June and feel like I am running out of time. I simply have no way to come up with any money on my own at the moment. I have a paypal account and I am willing to pay the money back by July/August.  All I am asking for is some help, in an impossible tragic situation. Anything will be appreciated thank you so much for your time. Ela


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Exclamation Please anyone help
Posted by: orla_p - 04-09-2018, 11:19 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I'm 24. I'm living at home with my parents. And I am bloody miserable. I have a job that pays under minimum wage and there is no hope of me going anywhere soon. Please someone help me. It is driving me insane. I have never been so unhappy. I need to move, need to go. Please.

Exclamation Exclamation

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  Request for Help Please
Posted by: mrsrknkrat - 04-09-2018, 07:43 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I’m 21 years old. Now I feel that my curiosity and thirst for life is fading. I’m so depressed that I came here. I had big dreams of becoming a successful fitness professional and helping others, but I cannot help myself. I cannot focus on studying because I’m thinking about how to make money to live. My father went bankrupt and lost his mind and then my mom took me and left him because he used to hit her until she became black. I only had her since 8. I just want to give her a house because she is old now and she only has me. If she is alright maybe I can think of my dreams. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Also I love someone who is on the other side of earth which makes me even more depressed. Sometimes I think I’m nothing and I think of death. I think about him every day for the past 3 years. If I don’t manage to go there and he makes a family then I would really like to die. And all this because I’m poor. If you can help me make a first step Please I will become someone who will help others too (^-^) Thank you![/color]

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