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Posted by: Irene567 - 04-26-2018, 04:19 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I ask for this kind of help for the first time of my life, and I feel really uncomfortable. But I'm desperate and I don't have another choice. I'm a single mother of three children. A few years ago, I took a loan to buy a small house for my family. I realized very soon that it was hard to pay installments on time even I was working two and sometimes three jobs at the same time. I started to be late with a payment, often because of medical bills for children. Debt grew and the Bank threatened to take our home. Bankers left us very short time limit for payment of the entire debt. I haven’t close relatives or friends to ask them for a loan. Our only hope is help from good people who understand the attempt of widow, whose husband died in the war, to save her and children's home.

If you can help us, we will be forever grateful to you. God bless you and your loved ones.

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Posted by: Irene567 - 04-26-2018, 04:16 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

. I ask for this kind of help for the first time of my life, and I feel really uncomfortable. But I'm desperate and I don't have another choice. I'm a single mother of three children. A few years ago, I took a loan to buy a small house for my family. I realized very soon that it was hard to pay installments on time even I was working two and sometimes three jobs at the same time. I started to be late with a payment, often because of medical bills for children. Debt grew and the Bank threatened to take our home. Bankers left us very short time limit for payment of the entire debt. I haven’t close relatives or friends to ask them for a loan. Our only hope is help from good people who understand the attempt of widow, whose husband died in the war, to save her and children's home.

If you can help us, we will be forever grateful to you. God bless you and your loved ones.

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Posted by: Irene567 - 04-26-2018, 04:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

. I ask for this kind of help for the first time of my life, and I feel really uncomfortable. But I'm desperate and I don't have another choice. I'm a single mother of three children. A few years ago, I took a loan to buy a small house for my family. I realized very soon that it was hard to pay installments on time even I was working two and sometimes three jobs at the same time. I started to be late with a payment, often because of medical bills for children. Debt grew and the Bank threatened to take our home. Bankers left us very short time limit for payment of the entire debt. I haven’t close relatives or friends to ask them for a loan. Our only hope is help from good people who understand the attempt of widow, whose husband died in the war, to save her and children's home.

If you can help us, we will be forever grateful to you. God bless you and your loved ones.

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  Please help single mother with three children
Posted by: Irene567 - 04-25-2018, 04:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I ask for this kind of help for the first time of my life, and I feel really uncomfortable. But I'm desperate and I don't have another choice. I'm a single mother of three children. A few years ago, I took a loan to buy a small house for my family. I realized very soon that it was hard to pay installments on time even I was working two and sometimes three jobs at the same time. I started to be late with a payment, often because of medical bills for children. Debt grew and the Bank threatened to take our home. Bankers left us very short time limit for payment of the entire debt. I haven’t close relatives or friends to ask them for a loan. Our only hope is help from good people who understand the attempt of widow, whose husband died in the war, to save her and children's home.

If you can help us, we will be forever grateful to you. God bless you and your loved ones.

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  Just trying to get above water
Posted by: Bertramkl - 04-25-2018, 11:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is kacey and im a mother of one trying to give my family a better life. My husband and I work full time but still live pay check to a couple days before pay check. Our ends never meet very well. We are in desperate need of a new washer a a better car then what we have. It is very unreliable and has left us stranded on several occasions. Any help we can get will be appreciated more then you will ever know. I have never tried something like this before but I'm out of options. We are in such debt just from trying to get by and I feel like I'm suffocating.

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  Urgent help needed with bills!!
Posted by: useless2you - 04-25-2018, 10:23 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I am in desperate need of help with my financial bills, I have not paid rent or bill money in over 4 months and owe around £1200 to my landlord. I havent worked since october due to a health condition in both shoulders called Bursitis, meaning I am constantly in excruciating pain. Due to this my landlord has been quite leniant as he understood my suffering but now has put his foot down and is fed up of not receiving money.. I don't want to end up homeless and in debt just because the doctors won't give me treatment for my condition any time soon Sad[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Any donations would be amazing!![/color]


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  Help with rent and my car
Posted by: My2boys - 04-25-2018, 06:28 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My boys (13, 9) lost their dad 2 years ago brain aneurysm age 41.  I worked full i time and my mom helped me with the boys until she got into financial troubles. My boys do get social security so when the started getting that my mom tried to get custody of my boys for money. Of course she didn’t win bc she couldn’t prove me unfit and I didn’t even get an attorney. I’m not perfect but I do take care of my boys. 2 weeks after court our water was shit off and we were evicted from my grandparents home at which we had lived in for 7 years by my parents. So we moved over 600 miles away. It’s been a constant battle with my narcissistic parents. My boys have been so happy here! Took my boys for 1 visit with my parents and my 9 yr old hasn’t been doing so well. He’s got separation anxiety from me afraid to leave my side so unfortunately I haven’t been able to seek employment to care for my boys. I’m behind a car payment rent is due and I need tires and universal joint put on my Subaru. Idk how I’m gonna to do and put food on the table but my boys need me at home right now. They’re in counseling I’m trying my best but I still feel helpless. I’ll do data entry or bookkeeping jobs at home anything to keep my home stable for my boys.  I love my boys they’re all I’ve got and I’m all they’ve got. Thank you and god bless!

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Posted by: Vampreal - 04-24-2018, 08:05 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I find myself asking for help. I live on a budget and my utility bill was way to high this month. I have been able to pay nothing but rent and utilities. I use my car and phone for work and they are about to get shut off. Any help will be very appreciated.

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  School trip
Posted by: Mommyneedshelp - 04-24-2018, 05:43 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So me n my partner have split after 14 yrs 2 lovely beauts but while I’m waiting for money to get sorted school have offers my 6 year old a place on a overnight trip all his friends are going and I don’t want him leg left hind it’s 68 so any help towards i would really app appreciate struggling with bills An food so can’t put put much towards it xxx

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  Help me and my family after loosing our son to cancer
Posted by: Liam2707 - 04-24-2018, 07:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good Day Everyone,

Me and my wife lost our eldest son Liam who was 5 years old to a very rare cancer called Willms Tumor late last year after a 7 month long battle.

During all of this we had to give up our home and my wife lost her job to move him closer to better hospitals and treatment.

Unfortunate there was not much doctors could do for him and treatments did not work.

We have had to start over with our lives we have loads of medical bills which we try and pay and it just feels like we cant get back on our feet.

You can follow our journey by visiting my wife's Facebook page about our son:


I dont have a specific amount to request, but anything can help us.

My paypal account details are:



Dean van Heerden

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