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  Someone's help would be greatly appreciated...
Posted by: Dhyde93 - 07-21-2023, 02:55 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone,

  My name is Danny and myself and my girlfriend have been struggling a bit lately. We've never needed assistance until now so we've just recently signed up for our states SNAP benefits program for food assistance. We'd both be extremely grateful if someone were to help us get some groceries into our home this week. If someone is interested in lending us a hand and would like to know anything else or at least want to know a little more about who you're donating to (which is absolutely understandable) please don't hesitate to send me a message and ask whatever you wish. Thank you to anyone who was generous enough to take the time to read my post! Have a great day!!!


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  0 nicotine disposable vape
Posted by: cuvieplusvape - 07-21-2023, 01:09 PM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

Welcome to the world of 0 nicotine disposable vapes, where you can indulge in the rich flavors and satisfying sensation of vaping without any nicotine content. For those vapers who want to quit nicotine altogether or simply enjoy vaping for the flavors, these devices offer a convenient and hassle-free experience. To this extent, we will explore the features, benefits, and reasons why zero-nicotine disposable vapes have become increasingly popular among vaping enthusiasts. So, sit back, relax, and discover a nicotine-free vaping experience like never before!

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Video Need immediate help
Posted by: sanu1129 - 07-21-2023, 07:34 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm alone, working in farming field.Corona lose my health.
Now suffering more make good living. I started an online marketing store. Unfortunately I lose this site. I wish start a new one. There is no way for alive well. Please help me to start an online store. Please donate me.
Google pay Id sanal1129@okhdfcbank

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  Dads cremation and vehicle help
Posted by: Helping Hands - 07-21-2023, 04:38 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

First I would like to thank all of you that take the time to read this and help if you are able.  I’m a single mom of two daughters whom are now adults. I have two grandsons and my daughter is expecting another child the beginning of the year. I work long days as a private housekeeper and part time for an rv service but it’s just not enough. I struggle with some health issues and some days find myself struggling to keep pushing forward. Both of my daughters are single parents and I do my best to help them financially.  I also financially help my mom since my stepdad passed away as she struggles with so much. This past year my dad passed away and I was the only family member to be left to pick up the pieces and pay for my dad’s cremation.  I’m struggling to pay for it and thankfully they have let me make payments but the past two months I have been unable to and desperately would like to get it taken care of and be able to put him with the woman he loved in his final resting place. My heart breaks that I have not been able to do so. I am currently struggling also to be able to come up with enough money to progress my housekeeping services and purchase a vehicle that fits supplies/equipment and also is reliable. In order to hold my family together and have a brighter more stable future I need to desperately figure out a way to take care of things so I’m not struggling forever.   I have spent so many years helping everyone and when my dad passed there was nobody there.  I found myself struggling alone. If you are able to to lend a helping hand so that I can move forward in my journey I would appreciate it more than I could ever express.  Sometimes all we need is that one person who changes someone’s entire world. I believe in miracles and I find the good in every day. Thank you again for taking time to read a little about my struggles.

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  $1 for Ming
Posted by: Azillia1234 - 07-21-2023, 01:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everone, I am asking for a little donation for our cat Ming.

Your $1 will go a long way.

Send here:
Paypal - monaliza.armodia87@gmail.com

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  Urgent Assistant Please Help
Posted by: Francois19791028 - 07-21-2023, 01:01 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Subject: Requesting Financial Assistance for Urgent Expenses

Dear Wealthy or Kind person

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt appeal for financial assistance to cover my immediate expenses, including my car payment, phone bill, and insurance. I am facing a challenging situation that has left me without employment for the past two months.

To provide some context, I have diligently been seeking employment since my previous job ended. However, despite my best efforts, I have found it difficult to secure a new position due to the affirmative action policies in place in South Africa. These policies, while well-intentioned, often make it harder for individuals like me to find suitable jobs solely based on merit. As a result, my prospects have been limited, prolonging my unemployment.

In my current situation, I am in need of financial assistance amounting to $366 (ZAR6574)  to cover the following expenses:

1. Car Payment: As a means of transportation, my car is crucial for attending job interviews and potential employment opportunities. The monthly payment is $247 (ZAR4400), and it is of utmost importance to ensure that I can maintain access to reliable transportation during this challenging time.

2. Phone Bill: A functioning phone is essential for staying connected with potential employers and ensuring I remain reachable for any employment opportunities. The monthly bill amounts to $60 (ZAR1075), and I wish to avoid any disruptions in communication that could hinder my job search progress.

3. Insurance: Having insurance coverage is not only a legal requirement but also provides security and peace of mind. The monthly insurance premium amounts to $59.67 (ZAR1099), and I kindly request assistance in meeting this obligation to ensure I can drive legally and safely.

I sincerely acknowledge that you are highly respected and successful, with the means to support those in need. I fully understand that there may be numerous requests for assistance, but I am genuinely hopeful that you could consider my situation and lend a helping hand during this challenging period.

Should you choose to assist me with the requested amount, I pledge to use it responsibly and solely towards my urgent expenses. I will provide you with an update once I secure suitable employment and am in a better financial position.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I sincerely hope that you can assist me during this difficult phase. Your generosity would make an enormous difference, helping me regain stability and continue my job search with renewed hope.

Please feel free to contact me at +27835649085 if you require any additional information or clarification regarding my situation.

With sincerest gratitude,

Francois Mulder

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  I request you to need help me to start online store
Posted by: sanu1129 - 07-20-2023, 10:37 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a home less working in farming field. Corona down my health and I cannot work daily. So I start an online marketing store. Not successful in first year. I can't renew site and my domain loose. No income generation I can. My system totally damaged. No way to maintain that. Please help me to start an online store. Kindness riches please help me for my business.If money not transferred please mail me samsamsam94@gmail.com.
Google pay I d.

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  Refusing To Be A Victim
Posted by: Anna-Vita - 07-20-2023, 07:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm being financially abused by my local food stamp office.


My name is Anne.

After a lifetime of attracting all the wrong things, I'm getting my life together. My recovery from complex PTSD and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is going well and I'm making excellent progress with starting an online business.

I was in school, and living off student loans. It wasn't much, but I made it work. It was just a safety net, to keep me going, while I got my business going. I thought it was going to be good for at least a couple more years. But it ended suddenly. And then my truck died.

I've been living off grid for nearly 20 years. It's pretty hard, especially by myself. Impossible without a vehicle, out here in the middle of nowhere. A death sentence, really, without helpers.

In hindsight, I know it was my faulty upbringing that led me to having nothing. I internalized the lies that I "wasn't allowed" to have any of the basic necessities that everybody else enjoyed. And this has been reflected by the situations in my life. A non-stop downward spiral. I even lived in a tent for over a year, through two winters.

But I've been working on it hard, for a long time, and I've been slowly spiraling back up.

I just turned 60 in June of '22. I lost my student loan money, in October of '22. Shortly after that, I found out I qualified for Old Age Pension (by turning 60). Applying for it, though, was like pulling teeth.

The local food stamp office would not do anything to help me apply. They were incredibly condescending, but eventually did tell me the name of the website where I could apply online. Grudgingly.

I got my application done on Dec. 5, 2022. The website said it could take up to 45 days and that somebody would get in touch with me. Nobody ever did. After the 45 days, I started calling them. It took over TWO MONTHS to finally get a return phone call. I had left endless messages.

Long story short, I had to get free legal help to get them to do their job. I got the Old Age Pension, but it was only from April. I got April, May and June's benefits.

My lawyer agreed that I was entitled to back pay from my 12/5/22 application date. About $3,500.

I filed an appeal and the judge agreed with me and found in my favor!


But then the county, who didn't even bother to show up for the hearing, filed an Exception.

The judge did not accept the Exception, said it was not valid, did not provide any new information (because there isn't any), plus they never showed up for the hearing...so she found for me again!


They were ordered to give me my back pay within 3 days...and didn't.

This was July 11, 2023.

They also turned off my OAP money. I never got July's money. I've filed another appeal for that, but it takes a while.

Having familiarized myself with the system, and asking a lot of questions, I realized what the county will do next.

They have 35 days to file with Judicial Court...regular, non Human Services court. After they do that, it'll be another month before there's even a hearing. Two more months of no money for me. And god only knows how many continuances they will ask for...each would be another month apart. They do not have a case. Not at all. But they can exploit the system, drag it out as long as they can, just to cause me as much grief as possible.

I wish I knew what I did to be hated so much.

I do know, actually.

This county is really backwards. They've been inbreeding since Cortez and hate outsiders.  I am (thankfully) not one of them. It's not just me. It's Standard Operating Procedure for them to lie, deny, delay and obstruct in any way they possibly can.

Before I got my OAP, I had $281/mo in food stamps. After I got my OAP, my food stamps went down to $101/mo. Which is totally fine. But now my food stamps are at the lower amount and I don't have my OAP.

This situation is DIRE!

I cannot afford to go to Denver for court, even once, let alone repeatedly.

I am, understandably, quite angry.

But being angry does not help my recovery program.  I want to get them all fired, but that probably won't happen. After a few days of feeling really horrible, angry, depressed, horrified, an image come into my mind of men with guns coming to finally take care of me.

Yes, it was just my imagination, but I took it seriously. Those kinds of negative feelings never lead to anything good.

A couple of synchronicities later, I found myself here!

I AM going to follow through with the second appeal and the second complaint...and even file more of each, if I need to. But I am NOT going to put any of my precious emotional energy into it. I need to keep my energy pure. No more anger and hate, just taking care of business. Getting my paper work together, nothing else.

I need the money and I deserve to win.  I also need the validation of standing up for myself. It's a necessary part of my recovery. I will not be shut down by some nasty old bully boys. That's been my life story up till now. The old me would've just taken it. But the new me says. “No! This is when it ends!”

All my emotional energy will go into my business and eBegging. I want to be surrounded by GOOD people, people who know right from wrong...and love the right!

Thank you so much for reading all this!



any amount will help


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  Great idea
Posted by: Sidetrackat - 07-20-2023, 07:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello.....I need help with basic needs also right now HOWEVER, instead of focusing on that I would rather ask for some assistance to start this business that I have been wanting to start for a year or more now.  I am not going to say what it is and allow someone to take it from me.  It will for sure do well and get me back on my feet.  After a little time it would also allow me to help others in need.  I need a minimum of $9,000 to start it $15,000 would make it easier but I can live without easier and put in the extra work.  So......I am ready to talk to the right person.

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  Help me begin life afresh from a nasty separation|Regaining my life from domestic vio
Posted by: Caroleroberts - 07-20-2023, 07:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


Thank you very much for taking your precious time to read my story.I can't thank you enough for your support.God bless you immensely??

I got married in April 2021 to a guy whom we had met in June 2020 while working at my cyber cafe.He was a divorcee two times and I was to be the third wife.Mind you we had an age gap of 26 years?.I was this time doing part time classes doing my masters in finance which I paid for myself.

The previous wife had washed him everything in the house and as he claimed she was superstitious?so we started life afresh in a new house and new everything.
The guy was a retired navy officer so he had power.So moving in things were still good and we got new workers and guards at the gate-a day and night guard.

In this house we were living just 3 of us,me,him and his last born son who was 23 years then.

Barely 3 months upon moving in together things started changing.He complained about my cyber job and so I had to close it.Apparently I was talking to men?slowly by slowly I quit school too because he complained he didn't marry a student but a wife.

I was in love and I didn't realize he was slowly by slowly gaining control over me.Going to salon also became a problem and I could call my salonist to come do my hair from our house.He denied me going to church too.Before I realized it,I was like a captive and the guards couldn't allow me go anywhere without their "boss's" consent.

Time flew and in 6 month time things got more challenging. He started name calling,turning  workers against me by telling them I shouldn't tell them anything coz he was the one who was paying them?,he began coming home late and eventually not coming at all.

Still so naive and not knowing more about living with a man all what I did was crying...not even sharing with anyone not even family.

I managed to check his phone and to my shock he was declaring himself single online flirting and getting cossy with women of all kinds.On this particular time he had arrived from a different town,his phone started ringing while he was taking a shower and I picked it...it was a lady's voice calling him dear.I asked the lady why she was calling those ungodly hours only to be insulted...when my husband came back from the shower,I questioned him and that was a day I live to regret.He held me by my braids,slapped my face,poured water which was in a glass on my head and tried hitting my head against the wall,still in disbelief coz it was his first time to go physical, he reached to a mop stick trying to hit my head but I saved myself with my hand.

The same glass fell during that commotion and broke? a piece making it's way into my feet.I didn't realize I was hurt until I felt wetness on my dress?my dress's lower part was soaked in blood.He wiped the blood and went out.

I couldn't go out of our bedroom fearing what workers could say...I had to stay there...my leg started swelling and by the time he came back around 11pm since morning I couldn't walk.That's when he took me to the hospital.

On a different occassion I found his chats with the sister to the first wife...they were intimate....and calling each other sweet names,he texted her "you were my permanent wives,the rest are passersby whom I chase when they are nolonger sweet to me???" that hit me so hard.

I innocently asked him to make it clear if we had anything between us or I could just leave.... anytime I caught him cheating he could punish me so hard???he told me that was his inlaw and I couldn't do anything about it.He went ahead and became violent telling me he didn't marry me a virgin I had no reason to question his infidelity??he went ahead and broke my phone.This time he went and reported to the nearest police station that I was wild and was breaking things in the house...The police came for me and dragged me out of our bedroom harassing me while him,the son and workers were onlooking.

That very evening he held a party and called the same police and was forced to serve them drinks and food.

Fast forward we travelled to a different city,me him and the son?..on that fateful day we woke up just like normal and I had told him I wanted to go make my hair.

He took me to the salon and went on with his meetings.He told me to call him when done so that he could pay the bill. I did so and went to meet him at a certain pub..then we took a cab to the apartment we were living.

It was around 8pm and I was preparing to cook.Unfortunately we had no groceries so we were to go buy outside the gate.?Coming from the bedroom I found him on a call and I could hear a lady's voice...I signaled him to drop the call so that we could go outside together to get groceries but he ignored me...I went out to the reception to send the receptionist which he agreed.

He brought spaghetti which I cooked with stew?..while he was still on phone..I served the food and that's when he dropped the call asking me whom I was talking to ??"who is that man you were talking to at the door?" By the time I answered he slapped my face.Grabbed my dress and tore it from head to tore...as I was running to the bedroom he grabbed me and started struggling me...I almost lost my breath...he pulled my newly made braids which were so painful...I still managed to reach to the bedroom to get my phone...I dialled my sister's number and told her "he is killing me" before he seized my phone.

He called his son and have him my phone.

Very early in the morning the following day I woke up to someone who was fully dressed ready to leave and what I could hear is him telling the hotel management that he was leaving and that there was someone still sleeping there so "she should pay if she wants to stay????"

There was a lady called Mary who came to where I was to check on who was left only to find me in my torn dress and swollen face...I told her what had happened..she begged him to atleast give me fare if they were leaving me behind but he refused...

Him together with his son drove off...45 mins later they came with police...he had reported that I stole money from him a sum of 600k which we had left home in our safe..I explained to the police and refused to go anywhere without the presence of my parents.

They left...all this time I had not checked my handbag ?I had about ,4k which I realized he had taken and it dawned to me I was coinless in people's hotel,no phone no nothing.

Fast forward I managed to escape last year November with nothing not even even clothes,I am squatting at my sister's place since then.

I am looking forward to get funds to get my own place, finish my school, set up a business and begin my counseling therapy.I am traumatized.

Thanks in advance for your support.God bless you?

PayPal: rcarole680@gmail.com

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