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Brick If life is a rollercoaster, mine would be the Dungeon Drop
Posted by: BubztheWubz - 12-23-2023, 06:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


First and Foremost, I just want to start by saying thank you to anyone kind enough to give a shit about the people and the the cause on this site. I find it endearing to have a place like this where people can put their pride and ego aside and just say FUCK IT, I need help and can you provide it to me. My whole life, I have not been the girl to ask for help when I need it and looking back I wish i could have just let go of the embarrassment and shame and said yes, help me though i feel like i failed. I just guess Ive always tried to prove to myself that I dont need anyone else because Ive always had to just rely on me. Now, im fortunate enough to say that i  have family, and never starved and was able to have an okay education but I have always been the black sheep. I spent a lot of time alone as a kid. My dad just didnt want to be a dad and dipped when I was four years old just to remain as somewhat of a help when i needed money here and there and the other somewhat dark side was due to my mother and her disease, unbeknownst to her. She suffers from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and Im just the by-product of that. I didnt even realize i was the only child of my 3 other siblings that was the target of this really fucked up disease that my mom still suffers with. It was never physical fortunately but merely psychological. I didnt even find out that this even occurred until i turned 31. But now I know why Ive suffered from social anxiety, severe manic depression, loneliness, drug and alcohol addiction and trouble with finding my place in this world. I have searched my whole life to find the self love i deserve and to just simply BE OKAY. If thats all i have then i think im doing pretty well for myself. Besides the unfortunate cards i was dealt in my past, I have always been quiet about those details because I could have it worse but i dont and who am i to complain about it. Im grateful for what I had even if it wasnt healthy or ideal. I would literally die for the ones i love ( which are few and far between) and I live every day to my standards and I cherish every single breath im given while I still have it. My loneliness and the void of comfort and love from my family made me the woman I am writing this to yall right now. I love who I am and I am proud to be whatever i turned out to be but to cut it short I do need financial help. I am in between a big ass rock and a harder place. My current status is caused by a narcissistic and abusive "man" named Kyle that I met two years ago at a concert at red rocks,colorado, ugh how I hate that name. Fell madly in love with him, and i mean fell hard. Did everything he said. As if he had a spell cast upon me. Well this man that said he loved me ultimately decided to, after months of mental abuse, to put his hands on me. By that i mean punch me in my eye 5 times until i was laying in the grass coughing blood. Brutal i know and apologies if that doesnt sit right with anyone but the truth hurts. Well, there was a trial of course, and after him and his lawyer successfully made me look unstable in court, most of the charges were dropped and he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon being his car(he attempted to plow me down with it) and he was only given two years of anger management. That was finalized in july of last year and I didnt take it well. I let it destroy me mentally. I felt so sorry for myself and used it as an excuse to let drugs, sex and alcohol make me feel amazing and to forget the mere existence of him. Didnt work for long though because not even a few weeks after the trial, and days before my birthday I had a few drinks and decided to selfishly get into the car i was buying from my brother in law and drive. I got pulled over for speeding and this is where it all when to shit. Got a DWI and spent two days in the county jail. and If you have never had a DWI 1.thank you for not being a selfish idiot, and 2. the purpose of a DWI is to be so expensive and detrimental to your bank account and life that you will never think about doing it again. Since then I have lost my license, my job, my car, my apartment, every single cent of money i had. I lost it all. I cant find an employer that will hire me without a license and with the charge on my record. Its like the system is designed to ensure that your fail and suffer for my mistake. I really just dont know what to do or where to go. Im not mad at anyone but myself because i caused this. I made the choices leading to this and I have to change it. But i dont come from a family of money and because of my past addictions and depression I have lost all connections to my family and I have no friends. I mean none. Lonely does not begin to describe myself. I have been homeless on the streets in the cold. Ive gone hungry and Ive been to point of throwing in the towel, BUT I REFUSE. I am actively reaching out to the resources in my city for assistance but with no success. I have goals and I just need financial help to get my back to Bri. To get me to a point where I can just say that IM OKAY. I need to get my license first off. I have to pay a reinstatement fee to begin the process. That is gonna cost $105.75 to the state. Second I need to get Non owners SR22 insurance so I have an insurance policy. thats roughly $200.00 with progressive insurance to get the policy in place so I can get a clearance letter. Then i Can go to the DMV and get my License which is roughly $96.00 after all the fees. I also would be grateful for financial assistance with food and other things just to help me feel human again. Just something to have in my cashapp account so its not in the negative anymore. Its been in the negative for $85.00 and rising for a few months now. I just want to be back at zero so I dont lose my account and my mind. Respectively im actively looking for work at somewhere willing to hire me without my license and the charge i have. Im a good person that made a bad mistake and I will not complain about it anyone more that I am right now because we all have it rough and I assure you someone has it much worse than I do. After the novella i just wrote to yall , the one thing i can say is my heart is full of so much love , gratitude, and deep understanding of why I am here. I will continue to walk my path with a truthful heart and I will continue to be 100% authentically me. I cant change my past but i will improve my future. Im just asking for someone to have faith in me and to help me help myself to get to a stable place. Remember that what goes around comes back around and practicing selflessness is one of the most beautiful things a human can do. I hope you find this message well and If you are also going through depression and loneliness you can message me if you just need a friend to talk to . I had no one in my darkest times and lost some good people to depression. Its not too late and someone cares. I care. Oh and i will put my paypal and cashapp link below if you wanna make a donation. If you dont, thats okay too. Even some good advice will suit me. Thanks again to anyone that read this. I hope you find everything you need in life.                       
much love, Bri   [url=https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/munchausen-by-proxy][/url]

Paypal: paypal.me/BubzdaWubz
Cashapp: $SheeshMcGackington

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  Asking for financial help
Posted by: @jose1680 - 12-21-2023, 09:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

PTPA: maam/sir
Hi everyone..merry christmas in advance to all of us!!
Im jose from the  Quezon city philippines,asking for someone to help me
With my financial problem.right now....Im  really stressed because of  my debts..i m struglling to pay my apartment and electricity for 2months now due for some unfortunate things that happen.the owner said if i cant pay till a few days from now we will be force to vacate our apartment..i dont have
Any options.thats why im trying to ask for  some help to you guys,i try to ask for some friends but only a few could response.. dont want to see my wife and son to live outside.. i dont want to see them celebrating christmas without a shelter..i couldnt help it but cry.this is the hardest days of our life.begenning to notice right now that its really hard to ask for someones help now a days.even some of your own relatives will despise you.so im Asking  for some help coming from you guyss..
You can reach me by my email:
This is my Paypal account as well.

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Sad Help urgent!!
Posted by: olgutabksl - 12-21-2023, 04:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Olga, I'm a mom of 2,8 year old girl and pregnant. I urgently need money to pay bills. I'll take you who can and how much they can. My husband hasn't received his salary yet and we don't have any money in the house. Thank you in advance for your help, I really appreciate it.

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  Please, help me leave my country
Posted by: eacedo - 12-21-2023, 05:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (13)

Hello kind people,

My name is Elena, I live in Venezuela. I've been working since I graduated high school and have lived a good life from my childhood through my mid-twenties. These last decades have brought me and my family a sharp decline in our quality of life, from losing "good" jobs (due to economic decline in our country) to my current unemployed status.

Since I cannot get a formal, regular job, I've been working as a freelancer for a platform that does IT consulting (mostly in QA Testing). However, my "work" depends on where I am located, the devices I possess, and my time availability. This means that often I do not qualify for certain projects because there is not much interest in Venezuelan users/markets, my time availability is severely impacted by power cuts, and/or my devices are becoming outdated (and I don't make enough money to acquire newer models).

My partner moved to Chile about 5 years ago and he's been trying to help me leave Venezuela and reunite with him in Santiago. However, with several changes made to the immigration laws, we have been unable to get the Chilean government to approve my Visa. The last attempt we made was rejected citing a lack of personal funds to support myself in their country, even having presented proof that he is and can finance my stay until I can get a job over there.

We are not giving up, and our next step is saving up so the authorities can see enough funds to permit me to enter their country. Unfortunately, saving enough money while still buying groceries, paying utilities, home repairs/maintenance, and more will take a long time, and with every day that passes, I get less and less work over here to contribute.

Please, help me save up to appease the Chilean government so they approve my entry visa. I just want to live in a place where I can work and live decently, a place where power outages don't last for hours and occur daily, a place where I can have running water every day and not once a month to fill recipients so one can have water for the rest of it.

I want to live not just survive, please, any bit helps.


P.S.: I used to have an online store (hence the strange name in my PayPal account), but I lost it because our government restricted currency exchange and the startup was not self-sufficient yet.  Sad

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  Thankful for any help.
Posted by: southernmomma - 12-21-2023, 01:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help me make Christmas possible for my kiddos. I have never had to do anything like this before.  My pride doesn't want me to at all. But as a mom, I must do so for my kids. I have two girls one boy. 13,9,5.  I work full time but with no help of any kind from anyone or government assistance. I don't make enough working full-time to pay my bills in full. I have applied for all help locally with no luck. I ask you please consider helping make Christmas possible for my babies. When I get back on my feet I will pay it forward to someone else in need. I am grateful for any help. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!!!

PayPal me link:  https://paypal.me/baked4206momma?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US

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Heart Help a child have Christmas
Posted by: southernmomma - 12-20-2023, 09:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I beg any one who can to please help me make Christmas possible for a five year old girl. I work full time but don't make enough to pay my bills in full. I am single and have no help what so ever. I know getting a loan will only make things harder for me. I just want her to have a decent Christmas.  anything helps more than you think. Thank everyone in advance. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.

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Heart Need Help to Pay Huge Medical and Credit Card Bills
Posted by: Sharry - 12-19-2023, 07:39 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’ve been debating whether to do this for the past month. However, I’m not sure If I can do this any longer. I’ve been laid out of work since January because of the health problems I had. I took two months to rest since I didn’t have a proper vacation from work for almost 5 years due to COVID. I was able to survive using my emergency fund, but it’s been months of job searching and I still haven’t been able to secure a new job. Both of my parents have underlying health condition that I feel are more important than mine, so I’ve been prioritizing sending money to those first. My parents are both old and retired and since they are dependent on me, I cannot ask them for any financial aid. I don’t feel myself getting better, but I don’t have any more savings and remaining credit in my card for consolation and eventual surgery.
I’m currently living off from my credit card but not sure until when I can last. My debt is piling up and recruitment goes down during Christmas season. I’m really hoping to get outside help in paying my medical/credit card bills of 13,000 USD. Any small amount you want to give will help.

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Sad Please Help My Family And I. We Need A Better Life URGENTLY
Posted by: BryanBeggin73 - 12-14-2023, 09:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello to everyone. My name is Bryan. I really hope my message gets seen out there. A few months ago, my mom, grandma, our three cats, and I moved urgently to a friend's house because we lost it all. Our friend has a preschool business inside her house. The six of us live inside a room. We are all grateful for what our friend done for us but we can't keep living here anymore because there are serious problems. To begin with, my mom suffers from intense migraine, anxiety, depression, and faints for so many years (everytime getting worse) and ever since we came here, it's been an endless nightmare for her. The loud noises anyone makes (including the kids, teachers, volunteers, and parents) is such hell for my mom's intense migraine situation. She consumes so much medicine each day and nothing works for her. It's impossible to have good quality of sleep in this house. Now, less than ever, because our friend turns off the AC constantly to save money. We live in a very hot and tropical state and having no air does affect our health. My grandma also suffers but it's a different medical condition called Alzheimer's. I've applied and I keep applying to so many jobs (I have the desire to work and I want and need to help my family) but it's been very difficult for me. My first job was in September and I only lasted 3 days and then my second job was also in September and I only lasted 4 hours. Something that doesn't help me is that I have an auditory processing disorder which is something I struggle with daily. I love my family abundantly and my dream is to give them everything they need and to see them in a true calming environment (which would be our own place). We are dealing with very rough economic problems plus our only car from 2005 is giving us a lot of problems. My mom and I do doordash and what we earn isn't enough to save up money to finally end this difficult chapter in our lives. We don't have the money to be able to move out immediately and we are in pure risk of being homeless because our friend doesn't want us anymore in her house. That is why I am here humbly asking for any amount of money you can give us to rent a place to live with my family. Thank you so much for letting me put my post. I truly hope everyone gets the help they need. Many blessings and thank you again ?

My PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/BryanLovesHisFamily

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  Please help me move house
Posted by: jazznyul - 12-12-2023, 04:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Reka and I live in Greece. I am originally from Hungary. I have been living in Athens in the past year in a horrible basement flat, which has mould and cockroaches all over. A few years ago I had a serious back injury which forced me to start working from home. Since then, I have been struggling to pay rent. Now my landlord told me that he is selling this place in January and I have 2 weeks to move out. I don't have the funds to pay for the deposit and moving. I don't drive and I don't know anyone with a car as I am not from here. I'd need around 2000 Euros to be able to find a place and to move there. I hate to ask but please help me, I am going to end up homeless.

My paypalme link is: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Eviebunny02

Anything helps!

Thank you.

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Heart Young Mother of Two Babies NEEDS Emergency Financial Help (URGENT)
Posted by: DesaRose - 12-11-2023, 09:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello Everybody! 
My name is Des and I am a 26 year old Mother of 2 beautiful children(one is 3yrs old & my oldest is 6yrs old)  and I am in need of some serious- emergency help financially as my current life situation has been extremely challenging recently with everything that has occurred lately. I want to thank anyone out there who has paused and clicked on this and has took the time to read my written passage up to this point. I wanted to express how much I truly appreciate anything you have read here, said out loud, or thought in your own silence regarding my story on here. It really means everything to me. I am reaching out on here as a LAST resort of effort to attempt to raise any kind of financial income to keep my kids and myself afloat during this extremely challenging period in our lives. Recently, a number of heartbreaking and tragic things have happened in our lives and I have been hit with trying to manage and navigate everything all at once and I just really need some help to get me and my babies afloat again so we can attempt to get out of this financial crisis we have been in for the last 6 months. Everything started back in July of 2023 when I had lost the support and care of my children’s father when he was arrested in his home on a warrant and placed in a correctional facility to sit his time in. He has been detained since July of 2023 and I do not see him getting out any time soon. He was my main support out here with our children and he was able to watch them and care for them while I was out working as many hours as I could to provide for my children and household. Since my kid’s father had been detained I had to immediately cut back on my hours for work, and the bills kept piling up. I had to ask for an extension to pay my already Overdue electric bill of $684.76. I have recently applied for Social Security Income Benefits for my Hearing Disability but I was told that the wait period for the Approval or Disapproval could take up to 6 months. Yesterday when I was walking inside from bringing my empty trash cans inside I had a BIG & BRIGHT Pink letter taped to my door, here it was a 48-Hour Shut Off Notice for the Unpaid Water Bill that I have not been able to pay. I owe $475.00 Past due for my water bill that I have let those bills pile up too. I also recently had just got back into town with both of my kids because my 29 year old Brother had unexpectedly passed away in the beginning of November, and my entire family resides in the State of Wisconsin, so I had to abruptly pack all of our things and fly to Wisconsin with the last little bit of money I had in my savings account and plan my brothers funeral for my entire family to attend to. I had just left everything here unpaid for and when I arrived back here in Pennsylvania after two weeks of staying in Wisconsin, the bills and everything have spun so out of control and everything has become completely unmanageable at this point. I really would love & appreciate anyone out there who is reading this if they could please help me and my little family stay afloat and help us get back on our feet so we can live a comfortable life. I appreciate ANY donations from anyone on here, ANYTHING will go such a long ways for us. I will be using ANY money sent to my family to pay off ALL of my bills for our home and to find a reliable and trustworthy daycare or babysitter to watch my kids so I can get back into the work force and get my household back up and running. ANYTHING AT ALL will be EXTREMELY Appreciated by the kids and I! 
Thank you so much for reading this & for anything you have said, thought or contributed to help us get through this challenging time! 

My PayPal link is: paypal.me/DesIczkowski

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