Eviction notice/ Court in Two days Need a Big Blessing - Printable Version

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Eviction notice/ Court in Two days Need a Big Blessing - MrsTaylor - 08-28-2024

Hi, my name is Jacqueline Taylor. I am a mother of five with my two smallest still in the home the ages of 5 and 6. The past year has been very challenging for me and the stress from life events has taken my health in a downward pull. Up until this point I was able to maintain and pay all of my bills and still provide for four children during this time. After my dianosis of depression and generalized anxiety I have  not been able to keep up and then to added to that I shorty started to go through a divorce from my husband that could not be faithful to me. Which made me even more sick. I withdrew from the world and only came out the house as needed.I even found a job working from home so I wouldn't have to go out. But because the home became a one income home a fell behind in my rent of about three months at this time. My family notice what I was going through and became my support system and I started to get my bill and other things back on track. Soon my support let and I gave up again and my health got even worse. I had to deal with a cancer threat, then my heart and blood pressure went and my diabetes was bad. I made very poor decision because of my off and on menatal state but was able to do a little because I would always think about my two small children and how they needed me to me well so I can care for them. Which brings me to why I am writing this I haven't  made but three payments n my rent in the past year and the owner of the lot because I own the home is taking me to small claims court in two days and I need help getting up the money the amount is 4,320 and I have to have it soon. I don't know if my state of mind will be able to handle this is me and my kids are put out on the streets and I fear I would loose them if I am evicted. So if anyone can help my Cash app is $MrsTaylor045. Thank you in advancen with love.