Could Use Some Help - Printable Version

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Could Use Some Help - FeralEl - 07-13-2024

Hello, as awkward as this feels, I found this site and hopefully I will be able to find some financial help. This year has particularly been a difficult one so far and i am in debt. ALOT.
 For some reason, i've had a dark cloud literally over my head. I talked to a psychic once and they actually told me i was vexed since before birth. I was adopted (not legally) at 3 days old, relatively grew up normal (i thought), was a straight A student, but quit school at grade 11 because my mother encouraged me that working in a factory was better so i could pay half the rent and utilities. I got pregnant and at 20 yrs. old became the proudest mommy in the world to my daughter who i love very much and she even calls me her best friend Smile In August 2017 when after living over 20 years in the 'burbs in a very nice end of town, I became very Homeless. Yes it was a shock  and I will definitely tell you  that "This could happen to You".
The one positive thing I learned from my experience though (and would never have experienced otherwise) was meeting people from both spectrums--people with money living their lives and contributing to society,, and people without money, struggling on a daily basis just to survive another day.
I am still here and in dec 2020 I got into an apartment and was able to call it "Home" for 2 1/2 years but because of that cloud over my head, I was "reno-victed" and placed in "Hell". It was a motel/shelter infested with Everything and to be condemned in one year. 
I was found an apartment in May 2023 and is where I currently reside. Unfortunately because of the program I was placed in by the city, I wasn't allowed to live with my daughter and hope this will change now that I've been placed with a different group that helps with housing. I try to visit my daughter , who is 31 yrs. old every day because she literally lives with ignorant racist bullies and kudos to her though! She's made me the proudest mom ever by staying strong and not stooping to their level of stupidity. 
The place I live in now is more than double I was paying before I was reno-victed. It's way on the east side of the city;transportation is difficult, buying food is difficult, visiting my daughter is difficult doing laundry is difficult.
And I'm on the brink of losing Everything again because of trying to pay my rent, and utilities and also 2 storages (not by choice but because we needed the 2nd one when I got reno-victed). I'm in over my head juggling several loans and I'm on ODSP (Disability for PTSD).
I know there's no simple solution I  sight for me, but I Do wish I could get a little financial help to pay off some debts I have. The government wants me to give them $18 000 which I plan on opposing and I have other debts adding up to in the thousands. I'm pre-diabetic which basically means I'm gonna be Diabetic which sucks because I'm supposed to have enough money to be on a special diet hahaha this is laughable. And anytime I am able to, I try to get to my daughter to say hi but she lives across town from me and so transportation by bus gets expensive. If she needs anything I try my best to make it happen. She is my only daughter and I'm afraid every time I see her might be my last because she's an addict. 
By the way, although I became homeless for several years there, I am still proud to say I am 51 years old and do not have a criminal record Smile
Thank you for your time, and if you can help me out,  my PayPal is or for etransfers   Take care, stay safe.